Will you leave your Partner......

@cecelgay (563)
September 14, 2008 5:51am CST
Will you leave your partner if you found out that his not capable of having a child? One of the most important part in marriage life is having a child it serve as a binder in any relationship, but what if you found out that your partner is incapable of having that little one will you leave him/her or stay and live together even the absence of children? Or will you do something that will hurt him/her?
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81 responses
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
15 Sep 08
I love my partner. This issue was never a problem for us. We never demanded to have kids at all costs. I think marriage is much more than "breeding" as another user in this forum has labbelled it. Marriage is there for unity, to unify the husband and wife together. Procreation is another aim in marriage but not at the detriment of the other. They have to go hand in hand. If kids do not arrive in marriage for some reason or another, the marriage is still valid and both partners deserve respect.
• United States
14 Sep 08
I wouldn't leave my partner if I found out that he couldn't have a child. When you marry someone it's because you love them, not because you want to have a child. There are alternatives if you both would like a child. You can adopt a baby if you want to. There are plenty of children out there who need good homes. As someone has said before, having a baby doesn't necessarily guarantee a happy marriage. There are plenty of children that are born into families that end up suffering because of bad relationships between parents. There are also plenty of bad marriages that stay together because of the child and everyone ends up getting hurt in the long run. I would definitely not do something to hurt him just because he couldn't have a child. That's something that cannot be controlled and it wouldn't be something he chose. It would be cruel to do something hurtful and spiteful to him because of something he couldn't control and didn't choose. If there is nothing wrong with the relationship and the only problem is that he cannot have a child then there's no reason to leave in my opinion or to react in spiteful way.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Cecelgay, I think that is a cultural thing that mandates that children are a vital part of a marraige. This bothers me and I'll explain. I married my husband because I love him. I married him because there is a part of me that would be incomplete without him. He and I are our marraige. We had 2 children together. That was icing on the cake for me, but not the reason for our marraige and not the reason that our love has held on. It sickens me to think that 2 people who cannot become three people would be an issue. A marraige is two hearts and souls joined as one. Why does the ability or lack of ability to conceive create a rift? I just don't get it.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
15 Sep 08
If he feels that way, then he doesn't love her. She would be better off finding someone who can appreciate her as a person and a life's partner. He needs to grow up. I know that sounds harsh, but I find his position a very sad and pathetic thing.
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@cecelgay (563)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Opss... I think all of you here get me wrong.. Maybe it is because of the word "IMPORTANT". OK... actually i do agree with you child is not a bearing in any marriage, just like you i don't understand why there are some individuals to think that when they don't have in child in their marriage is incomplete, you're partner is lucky enough coz she/he have you coz you think that way... I have known somebody who thinks that having his own child is important in his life and he told me that he cannot promise to his partner that he will be faithful when he found out that his partner is incapable of having one.. A sad thought but there are individuals who think this way...
@cecelgay (563)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
I think your not harsh, you're just bring real.. Well, i've told him before that when you get married it is not because you want to have your younger generation but it is a you have found a lifetime partner who will be there for you until your very last day.. time will come your child will leave you and have his/her own family but your wife will still stay.. but i think he's mind is already close. How Poor his girlfriend is, I know that he's GF is incapable of having one because of some radiation done to her goiter, if she only knows how his BF think.. As a woman i feel bad also but i can't help her with that, it's their decision if they still stay or not..
@samila18 (67)
• Canada
15 Sep 08
Hello, not to sound rude but I find this thread very offending. I myself am Infertile and cannot have children, if my partner left me because of that he would be a ignorant, immature idiot. Marriage isn't about children at all its about two people who come together and love each other. I don't understand why people think just because we are infertile means we cant have children. Haven't you heard of surrogate? Oh and to the people that think adoption isn't good enough. Being pregnant and delivering your baby doesn't make you a mother. Truly loving and caring for a child weather it be your own blood or not makes you a mother. I believe that if I choose to adopt or not that child WILL be mine and I will be their mother and I will love them as much or more than if they had come from my own womb. There are a lot of children in need of homes I would be adopting even if I wasn't infertile.
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@cecelgay (563)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Sorry if you found my discussion very offending I didn't mean to offend anybody here, I just raise this discussion coz same to you i wonder why there are individuals who have this kind of point of view, though i already have two sons i still cant get why there are individuals who has very shallow understanding about marriage.. Same as all who answered no here in this discussion if ever my husband is not capable of giving me my own child it wouldn't be the reason for me to cheat or leave him....
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
First of all, marriage is not about a child, it is entering into a relationship to another. There are plenty of couple who has a child eventually left another, it is not a "passport" for a happy marriage. I wouldnt leave my partner if the one I love is incapable of bearing a child. Should I hurt the person I truly love, just because that person is incapable of giving me one ? Why should I? I don't see any reason of doing that.
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• United States
16 Sep 08
That's just what I was thinking torchablazed, you don't have to children when you get married, I know alot of couples who choose not to have kids, and they're as happy as can be. My husband and I aren't going to have any children and its alright with us, we're satisfied with it being just the two of us. I can't have children anyway because of health issues, but we talked about that before we got married and decided that it was okay. My husband hasn't left me because I can't bear him any kids, I know he loves me no matter what, and I don't think I would leave him if it was the other way around and we wanted children.
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
It is a healthy way of doing that, an honest straight conversation of the other half before marrying that person, I think this is the best way for partners who decided to stay for a lifetime.
• United States
14 Sep 08
hello , i would never leave my partner just because they couldn't have children ..no way ... what matter is whats in your heart for one another .. there are so many children in this world who need mommy & daddy in foster homes & the system .... adopt one , two , three... no way
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
14 Sep 08
One of the most important part in marriage life is having a child Actually to me having a child is NOT the most important part of a marriage..not by a long shot...IN fact there are several couples in the world who don't want kids adn their relationships are wonderful, solid and long lasting..
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@cecelgay (563)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Hello ladyj, I agree with you that there are several couples who wouldn't want kids, what they want is to focus on each other, but also we cannot deny the fact that there are individuals who want to have their new generation, and the moment they got married or have partner they expect to have it, not minding that his partner isn't able to have it, then when they found out there's a sudden changes in their relationship, i have known somebody who think that way and also i have known some couples who separated because of this factor...
• Canada
15 Sep 08
I would never have left my husband if he had been unable to have children because I love him , it's that simple !! Had he not been able to have children I would have adopted a child . When one is unable to have a child , it is not there fault in anyway and if you really love the person you are with then you would be willing to look into different alternatives . Having a child together is important but it doesn't matter if the child came from both of you or is a child from another means such as adoption , invitro or even a suragote ( not sure how to spell that ) . If you try to hurt the one you love by doing something to get even for something like this then you never loved the one you were with to begin with . You can't blame someone when they get the flu , you can't blame someone when they come down with a disease , you can't blame someone when they become depressed , all of which are medical problems , the same as you can't blame someone who is unable to produce a child , as this would be a medical problem . There are things that can be done if one or both are unable to produce a child by going to a fertility specialist and seeing if the problem can be fixed . My husband and I did this after I kept having miscrriages . We had already had two childen but we wanted more . We found out we both have problems and they were able to work with us . Today we have five children . Four of our own and another child we took in .
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• United States
15 Sep 08
I would stay with him. Maybe we would consider adopting a child to make up for his problem physically. You see, my husband and I aren't going to have any child biologically because of my physical problems I got from a car accident I had in 1999. It would risk my health to have one, but that doesn't stop us from thinking we can still have a child some day. We are considering adoption when we think the time is right. There is always a child in need of a loving home, so even though some people can't have a child biologically, they can always consider having a child through adoption. I believe if you truly love someone you will see past their faults and work together to live the best life together that they can.
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• United States
18 Sep 08
NEVER, if that were the case we would just adopt there are many children out there who need good parents there are other ways of getting pregnant sometimes they need someone else to carry the baby so I would look into other options if you truly love the person you wouldnt let something like that get into the way.
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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
15 Sep 08
i stay with him/her.if only that reason to leave its not worth it.
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@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I don't know if I think that having a child is the "binder" to a relationship. I am married to my husband and he had a vasectomy before we even knew each other. I was fully aware of this when we married. After 5 years of marriage he has decided to have the procedure to try and reverse it. If it works that will awesome if not that is fine too. I love him...not his sperm!!
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• Pakistan
15 Sep 08
never ever...eeeeeeeveeeerrr... i love ma hubby.. n love does not need such things.. if we can not have a kid... i will keep a cat... and we will love it... i can not leave my partner for such dumb reason
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• United States
14 Sep 08
First off I am sorry that you decided to marry someone just because they are a baby machine, or you thought that they would be a baby machine. It sounds more like you have other problems in the marriage to look at first, remember babies don't solve problems in a marriage, they cause more. Second, there are thousands of babies/children that are in need of adoption, so it seems that if you actually care about who you are married to (which I hope you do) then you, orphans, and the world would actually benifit more by your partner not being able to have children. Because there are plenty of children that need to be adopted so that they can have someone who cares about them that can't have children of their own. I hope that you make the right decision, and make sure that you think before you just leave your partner for something that they can't change in their life.
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@cecelgay (563)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Thank you for that very good and realistic comment, but i just want to clarify that I am not the one who' in that situation, i have two young boys and i am happy to have them. I raised this discussion coz there is a friend of mine who has this thought, he is into a relationship but his girlfriend is incapable of having a child, he told me that even he love this woman he will not promise to her that he will not cheat her just to have his own child, He told me that having his own child is very important to him coz this is his young generation and this is where he can pass on or give those things that he have in hi hardwork, for him there is no use in having a wife with out a kids and on his mind when they grow old there's no one who will take care of them (that is a Filipino culture)...
• United States
15 Sep 08
why would you think that having a child would be a "binder' in the marriage or relationship? Often times it is the thing that disrupts the relationship and frankly it changes the relationship the moment the child is born. It may or may not change it for the worse but it changes it. Priorities change. To make someone feel bad about not being able to father a child, would be horrible. Don't you think that person already feels bad enough? I don't know if this is about you or not but please pass on this advice if it is regarding a friend. Good luck.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I would not leave him. I married my husband because I loved him. That love would not stop because he could not have children. It is not like that would be something he would choose or that would be his fault. Why would I hurt him? I am sure that not being able to have children is hard enough on a person. I have already had three children with my husband, so this is all hypothetical, but I would never have left him if could not have had children. I imagine we would have adopted had that been the case.
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
15 Sep 08
If I had loved him enough to maary him, I would never leave him if he couldn't have a child.. My husband and I were married for 13 years before we had a child and neither of us thought of leaving the other for that reason, maybe other reasons but not that one.. , men can be a pain.. But 40 years later we are still married with only one child.. There is also adoption for someone who is honestly wanting a child this badly.. There are many children out in this world that have no one at all and a loving family would make a huge difference in their lives.. So, no, I wouldn't leave him if he couldn't have children, I would either try and adopt or be a foster parent, that would make a difference in a child's world..
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• United States
15 Sep 08
Most definitely not. Why would you have married him in the first place. I do not believe that a marriage is built around having children. It is not the binder, as you would call it. What bind you have should be in each other, your love for each other, your commitment to one another. You must decide if you are looking to have careers or have a family. Though I think that Financial ability is a must before ever considering having a family. In my opinion I believe that you should at least give your marriage a couple years if not more before you decide to have children. Bringing children into this world without a both parents being there together to watch the children grow to raise those children together, seems to make it hard on a child, let alone the parent. I seem to have gotten way off subject here, forgive me. But take my advice if you will. As for leaving your spouse, absolutely not. There are other ways to share children be it biologically or not. Think of the many children who do not have Parents and would love to be a part of a family.
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@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
15 Sep 08
I would choose to stay with my partner although he/she cannot give me a child as long as we can manage to be together it is the important matters and then we could also adopt a child if we really want to have a child to call our own.... in this is the time you could proved to the person that even to the missing part that you love the person.....
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• Philippines
15 Sep 08
An actress here in the Philippines once said in an interview "when i woke up after my operation (she was talking about ceasarian which her baby had to be taken out because it was an ectopic pregnancy, i received a letter from my husband saying 'we got married because we love each other very much... that is the reason and not because we had to have a child.. having a baby is just a bonus.. if we are not blessed with one, it's ok as long as we have each other'", or to that effect. what i am trying to say is, having a baby is just a bonus to a couple. if you have each other, you love and care for each other, and you choose to be happy, you will be. with or without a baby.
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