The more responses you get, the more you get paid!

@ronaldinu (12422)
September 15, 2008 7:07am CST
The more responses you get, the more you get paid! Is this true? I have tried to read the guidelines. Is there clear guidelines how earnings are disributed? I have not found any so far. Everybody suggests to write quality and lenghty postings but there does not seem to be a clear line policy how earnings are distributed. What do you think?
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32 responses
@babykeka80 (2084)
• United States
15 Sep 08
It says in the guidelines that they have never disclosed how they figure out earnings. The only thing I have noticed that made me a substantial difference in my earnings was posting pictures. Besides that I am not sure. I doubt it though because yesterday I started a discussion that had like 13 responses and I only made like .15cents for the day which is in general lower than I make. I haven't got a clue though maybe it went onto the next days earnings or something. It is hard to tell.
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@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
16 Sep 08
Thanks and interesting! So pictures make a difference. What exactly does that mean? Is it any picture or pictures we take ourselves?
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
16 Sep 08
thanks for your contribution
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
15 Sep 08
I think no-one knows. Everyone guesses about earnings as MyLot ask us not to discuss it or try to work out how they pay us. They pay us for our activities so I just try to be active and not bother about how, where or when Most earnings discussions go too Have fun and happy posting!
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Sep 08
Thank you ! and glad I was able to help
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@andak2007 (3229)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
well all of our heads will hurt by thinkig too much how our activities here are being for my 2cents im just happy if i could just contribute a little and then earn a little.
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• India
16 Sep 08
Now I have stopped thinking over it because much has been discussed and said her in this respect. The only way out is left her is that on One fine day You just post t quality discussions only and watch the results and see for the earning you are given. Then on the next day You just post 5 responses to some good discussions and then see what you are credited and the things would be clear more than said and siscussed.
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@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
16 Sep 08
I cannot assure you of this also for a lot MyLotter who always tell that make a quality post of response every now and then but not so sure if they really are paying us if we do so I think I will just be the same way i would respond to those discussion from my friend in order or what kind of response I would make......
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@joy4you (641)
• India
16 Sep 08
Whatever formula these guys have used, I think it is on the right track because it keeps people from abusing the earning system to earn money.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
17 Sep 08
It is certainly not outlined in black and white ronaldinu but it makes perfect sense to me that a discussion with 50 responses has a far better chance of higher earnings than a discussion with less than 10! Without going into specifics I have definitely earned more on the days after I have had a really successful number of responses to a new topic I have posted compared to the days after I bomb out and receive very few..... I think a similar assumption can be made here as it applies to posting. The more you post the more you earn right?
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
17 Sep 08
So it seems that you agree with my assumption. Yes what you said makes a lot of sense. The more you post the more you earn
• United States
16 Sep 08
thats the way i have always thought of it working..
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
16 Sep 08
Today while while my daily earnings was being updated, a reply entered at that moment. I reply to various posts by using firefox tabs. On one page my earnings totalled to 7.72 and in the next page it showed 7.73. My sneak suspicion is that the amount of responses we get do have a weight on our earnings.
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• United States
17 Sep 08
yeah i dont think we make crap unless we respond to a crap load of discussions because one day i was behind and ALL i did was respond to others post since i had been posting a lot that week and gotten behind.. didnt make crap but i wasnt for sure that that was the reason or not so i figure i try to do both a day so i earn a good amount a day.. sometimes it works and some times it doesnt..
• India
17 Sep 08
i don't know about that when i start new discussion just only 5 or 4 members give replay to my posts i don't know about that if many response will come to my post i will get more money i don't know about it.
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@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I think that it is different each time. I can't really be sure how things are exactly figured out here but I do know that I earn a little better with the more discussions I answer and the quality responses that I give. Just making sure there is a lot of participation and activity will help you earn more. I am not sure how earnings are distributed. I know there is an algorithm in place but still not sure how it works.
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• Bangladesh
17 Sep 08
yes that is so true. If your disussion gets the highest response. Then you are paid more then usual. I have found prove of that. and i think you have found the prove right now. i mean your this discussion has already rated highest and got maximux response. So congrats buddy! well done!
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@sumiirajj (1983)
• India
17 Sep 08
Hi friend,Every one has a very vague opinion about earnings.We can never judge mylot earning ratings.When we expect we are paid less but when we dont expect we are paid more.So I participate in all activities whole heartedly and I am paid enough for my activities.I am keep posting and dont bother about the earnings.It gets accumulated fast.thanks for sharing.happy mylotting.
@corngrass (727)
• Malaysia
15 Sep 08
I'm not sure about this. But i really hope someone can figure out how the pay goes. It mention that we get 25% from our referral but i know people who get more than 25% from their referral's earning, so, how was it?
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@Saiyan25 (86)
• Canada
16 Sep 08
It's probably some complex formula they use to pay people. Most people just say to write long posts and try to have quality in them. Also, someone told me that they have to be at least 3 lines long although I don't know if this is true. I'm sure if you're active in the discussions and stuff, you'll make yourself some good pocket money. :D They probably won't disclose the way they distribute money because if they did, everyone would probably do exactly what the distribution guidelines say and it would be no fun that way :D.
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• United States
16 Sep 08
I don't worry about that since I rarely post in here, about 2-3 times a day. :) I really need to post more.
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@jfilips (261)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I have tried some experiments myself, but I find it hard to get straight and solid conclusions xD. I just gave up and respond when I feel like it, obviously respond smartly and make them lengthy but not huge and unnecessary. And I just post discussions when a good one comes to mind. But since almost no good ones come to mind I just don't care at all and just respond to alot of discussions xD.
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@ibiswas (422)
• India
16 Sep 08
I really don't know. Still it is a mystery for me and i am very inqusitive to know their pay and reward structure. However while posting i don't bother much about how much will earn rather keep on posting responses to interesting discussions. I have not uploaded any pictures till now and basically i am not very clear about the concept of uploading photos and how does that work. I mean how do we decide which photo to upload? If someone can tell me about this?
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@animeniak (425)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I have no idea... actually I never thought of the idea that if you get more responses, than you get paid more... at least it tells you that the more responses you get on your discussions, than more people are interested!! LOL I'm afraid I do not know, as no other mylotters knows, only mylot itself knows.. hehe Everytime I get an email from MyLot Digest thing, it tells me the earnings from the previous day, which I really have no clue how they distributed the earnings, and it actually doesn't tell me how much money I earned for whatever I did!! well anyway, at least it pays me, I'm happy with it :D happy mylotting!!
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@rekcart83 (149)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
I'm new here and I've been thinking the same thing. I'm thinking if I'll get paid the more responses I get from the discussion I made. So far I've made only 2 discussions and it doesn't look like it. So I'm guessing maybe you only get paid a little more if you start a discussion and people responds to it than just responding to discussions yourself.
@warrior_777 (1392)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
Maybe that's true... Maybe not.. I don't know.. I didn't notice any changes of my earnings everytime I received a response.. But I do feel happy when mylotters do responsed of my discussions.. Happy mylotting...