An Object to Remind You

@AmbiePam (86357)
United States
September 15, 2008 1:00pm CST
Has there ever been a time where you wanted to remember someone or something, and in doing so you kept something close to you that would remind you of it? Now I know there are people who don't believe in God, that is fine, you don't have to believe in God to help me out. I was just thinking, what could I put in my living room to remind myself that I'm never alone, God is always with me? I'm not Catholic so I don't want a crucifix. I don't want a cross or an angel hanging on my wall either. And yes, everyone who is legalistic, I know God is with me so I don't really need an object to remind me of Him. And my Bible doesn't count in this instance. I just want something to put in my living room, so that when I see it, I think, hey, I'm not alone, I'm not abandoned. And I'm not creating an idol here, I want just a reminder. I feel like I have to explain all this so no one will blast me for all the things I'm trying to explain I'm not doing. Can you think of anything? Have you tried to do this for some other reason? Maybe a loved one who died and you wanted a subtle reminder they are still in your heart?
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14 responses
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
15 Sep 08
This a tough one....Every morning when I get up I say..this is the day the Lord has made....let us rejoice and be glad in my daughter got me a bookmark...that has the saying on it. Also my other daughter bought me "Footprints" and everytime I read it as it hangs on the wall it reminds me that He is always with me..even when I think I am alone.
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19 Sep 08
If I sort my drawers out then I will alway find a keepsake of some kind,a little something that will remind me of some day in my life,I tuck them in between the pages of books and in the corners of drawers,and they are things that I wont ever part with,each little keepsake means a lot to me.I have some odd pressed flowers in books and some odd postcards that I have been sent from holidays had by family and friends.I also have some wedding cakes favours,the little flowrs and bells that they put on the decorated cakes,from the girls weddings,just to remind me of their special days.
@AmbiePam (86357)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Those are wonderful momentos. Maybe I should hide little things like that in my kitchen drawers and inside some of my books. That way I'll forget about it, but sometime when I open them up, I'll have a nice memory staring back at me.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
16 Sep 08
To be honest I think that anything that will make you feel good and in touch with yourself can be that object. Something that gives you a feeling of happiness and calm, something that you feel some sort of connection. It can be anything really because it's not the object, it's the meaning. It can be a small sculpture, a picture,some image that brings some special feeling to you, anything, really. It's the feeling that the object brings to you and the meaning you will give it that will make it "the object".
@AmbiePam (86357)
• United States
16 Sep 08
Very good points. Thank you.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I see what you mean Ambie and I hope that what I to say will help you..I use to have this awesome prophetic picture hanging up in my living room of worshippers worshiping in front of the ark and it showed the heavenly realms, but it got ruined..But I do have a "alter" where I have some of my "worship" things like my annointing oil, prayer shawls, ect..I also have pictures of loved ones to remind me to pray for them. And the best of all is putting on music that exalts G-d himself can really remind me that He is not only here, but almighty and powerful and that I am His...
@AmbiePam (86357)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Music is a great idea.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Sep 08
hi ambiepam well God made all things beautiful so for me to remember my own mom and my God, I have a vase with some pine branchs and star Jasmine, and other sweet smelling garden flowers that sits in the center of my dining table. these remind me that God made my favorite tree, the pine, and my favorite flowers, Jamine and gardenias and Magnolias. anything that smells sweet and reminds me of my mom and her bouquets. God made someone special in my mom.
@AmbiePam (86357)
• United States
15 Sep 08
And in you too.
@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I think the suggestion of putting a Bible verse, especially a favorite Bible verse, on the wall is an excellent one. Maybe you can make a cross stitch out of one. That way you can meditate on it while you are making it. Then hang it on the wall in a conspicuous place. I hope this help! Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@AmbiePam (86357)
• United States
17 Sep 08
Thank you, it does.
• United States
16 Sep 08
hi I think the best reminder you can keep in your room is the photography of nature to rmind you or any one else,because nature is the only oppurtunity you can see any thing in what ever you want you can think or remind of it by having a look at nature. I said this because i'm a nature lover as well i use to keep many photos regarding that.....
@ellie333 (21016)
15 Sep 08
Hi AmbiePam, I have a picture painted on a small tile of Jesus in my lounge and my Bible open on my bedside table. I know you don't want angels but in my kitchen either side of the door I have a small cherub, so the main areas I spend time in there is always somehing there to remind me. Ellie :D
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
27 Sep 08
I think it depends upon what would work for you. I have an awesome painting that someone did of Jesus working as a carpenter that I dearly love. But I'm also one who likes to remember that "the joy of the Lord is my strength." Joy to me is in splashes of sunshine and the color yellow, so I have pictures of daisies and sunflowers in some rooms. I also can look at an early morning sky - a sunrise - and know that God is near. What a wonderful Artist, to make the canvas sky different each and every day. A huge sunrise picture reminds me of this.
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15 Sep 08
What about a flower/flowers - perhaps your favourite bloom? That would serve 2 purposes, it could remind you that you aren't alone but are accompanied through life by someone who created such beauty, AND, it would make your living room smell lovely and look bright and warmly inviting. Besides, flowers always put a smile on my face, so hopefully they will do the same for you and your friends and family. Violetdreams
@AmbiePam (86357)
• United States
15 Sep 08
That is a good idea. It is a good reminder that our Creator has not left us and will never leave us.
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• India
16 Sep 08
If you have a real sense of humanity and respect to others and human values some thing is with you which reminds you of the god and you are not all alone and he is with you all the time, you work, you perform, you pray, you eat, you sleep and what ever you do. It is not necessary that a person keeping an cross or a sword is a pure human having human values. Though he is a religious but from the heart he is some thing else. At work is different with others, at the religion he pose to be a saint but in acts he is devil. The person who has human values is with the god and god is with him all the time and will remain for the all the times to come.In the past, in present and in future too. How you see it please comment andhave a nice day.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
16 Sep 08
Hey ambiepam, I'm not really sure what you would want to put in your living room, but it is whatever would make you happy and remind you that you are not alone. It should be something that is special to you and that only you would recognize! Did YOU get the idea? I hope YOU did!
@NrgDfenZ (1810)
• Belgium
27 Sep 08
I have had things like that.. I always carry a little stone my first girlfriend gave me.. She is soooo special to me, and I always need to smile when I see her or the stone :) Have a nice day..
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• China
16 Sep 08
i don't think there have God in the world ,if have ,i'm God ,and is the only one .