What is the one that scares you??? Is that ghost or darkness????

September 17, 2008 11:39am CST
Hi everyone. Some do believe that there is ghost and some don't. The people who say that there is no ghost also are afraid of something. They have a fear when going in dark. I have seen a lot of persons like that. Even I am one among them. I strongly believe that there is no such thing called ghost. But I do have fear when going in dark. I will just have a feel like "What if someone is standing behind me?". This is my thought and it scares me. So I will just go as fast as I can. How about you??? Ghost or Darkness???
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32 responses
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
Imaginations work more than reality, we creat our own fears. I experience walking in the middle of total darkness and I was thinking the same way as you are, that someone might be there and hurt me, but nothing happened, I even thought of encountering draculat that moment I was walking in the dark. If you dont believe in ghost, that's okay, we all have our own perspectives. I havent seen one but I believe, but I have a higher belief or faith in GOd. I havent seen a ghost but I had seen a fairy, it was as small as tinkerbell, I saw it when I was 12. If i am to choose between a ghost and darkness, I would choose darkness, as long as there is no human in there, because humans are more harmful.
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• India
21 Sep 08
Ya you are right. Humans are more harmful than ghosts I guess. Even in film they will show that ghosts killing people only with some reasons. Lol. So they will be better than humans. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
@animeniak (425)
• United States
18 Sep 08
I am not scared of neither ghost nor darkness, and actually I actually like darkness because i kind of feel relaxed in it. Ghost??? I don't really believe in ghosts, so therefore I fail to see why I should be afraid of it :D I do think it's really our minds playing little tricks on ourselves so we can react by being scared... happy mylotting :)
• India
21 Sep 08
So you think that you can go alone in dark???
• United States
21 Sep 08
Yeah, it doesn't really bother me to walk in the darkness, and I actually tried walking in the middle of the night in the middle of the woods!! :D happy mylotting :)
@xcellen (204)
• Indonesia
18 Sep 08
Mi vidhyavini, well my answer would be none of the above I never seen a ghost beside on TV and I dont see anything in the dark that can scare me.. :D although I have fear for other things but not ghost or darkness :) happy mylotting vidhyavini :)
• India
19 Sep 08
Thats great. Do you go out alone in darkness???
@dandan07 (1906)
• China
18 Sep 08
I do not like being alone, especially in the darkness. The lone feeling makes me uncomfortable. with on one to chat with, I have to do something to keep the feeling away. if i really have things to do. that is great. but if with nothing to do, it will come to be terible. For, I always kill time by thinking things, and most of time, i will remember unhappy things happened in my early time. And once have a time, i cry out. I have never seen ghost before. So I have no feel of it.
• India
19 Sep 08
Oops. Thats too bad. I think you have to change a lot. Just try to think of some positive happenings every time. That will change you. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
@chinniR (661)
• India
18 Sep 08
hi vidhya, i am really afraid of ghosts. i have a feeling that there are ghosts and that thought always becomes stronger whenever i see a scary movie. i have never seen one and don't want to also. i am not that afraid of the dark. i have even stayed alone in my home for two days. darkness is not a problem, but ghosts are!!!
• India
21 Sep 08
Staying alone at home is not feeling darkness. Everyone could do it even if they have the fear. Lol. Could you go out alone when its dark???? Thats where one can know themselves. Only then we will know whether we are scared of darkness or not. And speaking about ghosts, even if it exists they won't harm us I guess. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
actually the anxiety that scares you have a scientific explanation.. but before that, im actually afraid in darkness and necessary the ghost. you are right that we sometimes have the feeling that someone at our back.. but its all in our head. the explanation here is the carbon monoxide present in that place. if the carbon monoxide is higher, the psychological effect to us is that feeling of anxiety of ghosts. this fear is just in our head. to all skeptics out there that believes the existence of the ghost, i cant blame them, not all things have an explanation.. is this useful?
• India
21 Sep 08
Ya you are right. I do agree with the point that everything cannot be explained. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
Yeah now that I am adult I think I mostly would fear the dark than the ghost. I strongly believe that beyond that darkness there might be a person that might have a bad intention over me taking advantage of the darkness there is. It is less likely that i would fear darkness because there might be a ghost behind that darkness. I think the fear emanates from the unknown. Darkness represents the unknown that is why it is much fearful than a ghost perhaps.
• India
19 Sep 08
Ya you are right. I do agree with you. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
• United States
18 Sep 08
Actually, I don't really care much for ghosts. I haven't ran into one, and I highly doubt that they exist anyway, and even if they did, it wouldn't be a shock to me. It'd be interesting though, but other than that, I just don't care at all. Besides, ghosts live in old, abandoned or condemned places, and when the buildings go, so do the ghosts, so i'm not concerned at all. I try not to react anymore and try to use my head a lot, to think my way out of certain things. It'd be like "meh" if I ran into one. I'm just almost desensitized and indifferent of certain things after all. Also, i'm not afraid of darkness. If I were to ever enter a dark place in the middle of the night, i'd bring my flashlights and extra batteries just in case. The only thing I fear is falling down on something and losing one of my senses because of no light in the dark.
• India
19 Sep 08
Thats great to see person like you. Anyway I have a doubt. Have you ever had a walk in the midnight alone?? If you have not had it, you can't say that you don't have fear for darkness. If you have had it, what did you feel?? When I walk alone, I will just have a fear that if someone sees me alone, I will be in trouble. Thats the fear I get. Not ghosts or anything. Don't you have that feel also???
• India
18 Sep 08
Neither hheheheh i mean that...id rather lik to take some challenges to prove it!!!
• India
19 Sep 08
Ya you can prove that you don't fear about darkness. Its difficult to prove that you don't fear for ghost. Because we can't bring it to you. Lol. But darkness can be proved. Just try to have a walk in the midnight and test yourselves. Lol. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
@ashar123 (2357)
• India
18 Sep 08
In my opinion, ghosts are there in this world and I am not afraid of darkness.
• India
19 Sep 08
Are you afraid of ghosts then??? Do you think that ghosts will harm us????
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
18 Sep 08
Hi Vidhya, I don't think both of it scares me. I have scares but I can't explain it now when I felt it. I don't believe in ghost. If it is true, in case it comes infront of me, I may get scared. Let us wait what will happen. Regarding darkness, yes it scared me when I was a kid. I was in my native place and there are lot of trees around our house so in night I thought that somebody was standing there and it might be a thief. Now I am not scares of darkness.
• India
19 Sep 08
Agreed with your opinion with ghosts. But not about darkness. Lol. You said that you used to fear if there is any thief there. There are possibilities for a thief to stand now also. Thats not an imagination of ours. It can be true also. When we talk about ghosts, its just our imagination and not true. Lol.
@seeths (413)
18 Sep 08
Hi, This is an interesting question?I am always scared of darkness and I make sure that IF I AM ALSONE AT HOME i makre sue that lock all the doors and recheck them twice.If someone is also standing back of me and if i get a sudden suprise from them I GET SHOCK......I remember once my hubby did this to me and I was extremely shocked and it took some time for me to get back to normal. Regards
• India
19 Sep 08
Ya you are right. If something like that happens in darkness we will definitely be shocked. I never try to do that for anyone. That will make them feel upset also. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
Darkness scares me more because i'm yet to see an actual ghost roaming around. I hate to walk in the dark especially at home because the image of Linda Blair in The Exorcist keeps haunting me.
• India
19 Sep 08
Ya you are right. Darkness is the main thing that scares us. Only because of this darkness everyone gets the fear of ghosts. No one will have fear for ghosts in the day time. Lol. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
• India
18 Sep 08
I scare with darkness. gost live in darkness.
• India
19 Sep 08
Seems like you are scared of both. Lol. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
@smilyn (2967)
• United States
18 Sep 08
Actually I don't believe in ghosts. So I'm never afriad of them. Even darkness, I would not be that afraid. But if I get a thought like yours, it would disturb me a lot..Though I would not be afraid, I would not be comfortable too.
• India
18 Sep 08
Thats great. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
@gemini_rose (16264)
17 Sep 08
I think with me it is just the darkness that bothers me, if I hear a strange unexplainable noise in the day time it does not bother me one little bit. In fact I will often try and track the noise down, but if the same noise was to happen in the dark then it is a different story and I would just melt into a puddle on the floor.
• India
18 Sep 08
Haha. Lol. If I hear any noise, I will just run a few miles away from that place. Lol. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
• Singapore
18 Sep 08
there is darkness but are there ghosts around? no one is sure...
• India
18 Sep 08
Some have felt the existence of ghosts also. Its all in their mind. If one believes that there is ghost then it is. Otherwise its not. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
• India
18 Sep 08
I am neither scared of ghosts nor of darkness. Infact, once when a rumour arose that there is a ghost in one of locked apartments in our building, I went alone and saw through the window, but couldn't find any. I have a doubt that ghosts exist but not scared of them but pity them for being a ghost:D. If I get a chance I would like to meet a ghost and ask its past story:D. Ghosts might exist but we humans are more powerful than the ghosts. In movies and fictions, the stories about ghosts are exaggerated just to attract more people towards it. If there are ghosts why aren't we seeing it often? In what way are they harming our lives? So, just ignore and be bold.
• India
19 Sep 08
Ya you are right. There are no such ghosts. Even if its there, they are not gonna harm us for no reasons. Then why should we be scared. But being afraid of darkness is a different issue. Lol. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
• United States
18 Sep 08
i know i'm scared of the dark especailly in the world we live in today! i mean if your outside and it's dark god knows who could be out there just preying on people!
• India
18 Sep 08
Ya you are right. When we are in dark anything can happen. Lol. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
@Saiyan25 (86)
• Canada
17 Sep 08
I'm not usually scared of things like darkness or ghosts, though I think ghosts do in fact exist. I read somewhere that it has been proven that spirits or something exist. Though ghosts exist, I don't think they can really interact with the human world. Apparently, at my college there were sightings of ghosts (that looked like nuns because my college used to be church before) late at night when there was no one at school except security. Most security guards quit their job because of this. I don't know if the ghosts are still there though.
• India
18 Sep 08
Ya many still have the belief that ghosts are there. Others who don't believe will never believe until they feel that or see that. Hehe. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.