Has anyone read any of Sean Costello's books?

September 17, 2008 11:11pm CST
They say that he is the next Stephen King!!! I have everyone of his books....Sean's that is!! They are awesome. There is Eden's Eyes, The Cartoonist, Captain Quad, etc. He is also an anesthesiologist and has put me under in many of my surgeries! My son underwent surgery and got his audigraph for me and he had told me the next time I come in for surgery to bring all my books and he'll sign them for me. When he was putting me to sleep he started to tell me about one of his books and just as he was about to tell me how it was gonna end....I was out for the count!!! Anyways, has anyone else here read any of his books? If not, you should get them especially if you like Stephen King.
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