do you believe we came from apes,or worms?

September 19, 2008 6:00pm CST
with so many belief regarding the existence of man...what do you believe in anyway?
7 responses
@shwanks (145)
• United States
24 Sep 08
oh and did you all know that Darwin actually gave up on his nonsense monkey bbeliefs by the end of his life? he realized none of it made sense to even him! i like to throw that in the face of Darwin followers a lot. :)
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
25 Sep 08
This is an already debunked myth spread by creationists who have no better argument against evolution.Darwin never recanted - it was a rumor. See here:
@shwanks (145)
• United States
30 Sep 08
whatever. so you seen a webpage that said he didnt, i saw a page that said he did. whos right? maybe i am. you dont know that. have you personally spoke to Darwin? even if he didnt convert, whatever, i have faith in God. you can go to hell if you wish to. your choice.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
25 Sep 08
I guess I'll be the only naysayer. As I actually understand the theory of evolution, I know we evolved from apes. Every one of our earlier ancestors was part of the primate family, dating all the way back to the time of Ardipithecus ramidus, which lived roughly 4.4 million years ago. Did we evolve from worms? Well, that's an entirely different branch of the evolutionary tree, so probably not. If you have questions regarding evolution - something you may not understand about it, you're welcome to ask and I'll answer it to the best of my ability.
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• Philippines
26 Sep 08
how would you explain that living things produces its own kind in science,how will science explained evolution if science have this kind of basic principles?
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
well i think your doing your assignment well..but how come for so many thousand of years in what you call genetic mutations and these genes and chromosomes are not changing a little bit of the apes to appear like us as a human...will that take million of years to take effect or even a billion...then if that is the case what will be human then?
@shwanks (145)
• United States
19 Sep 08
haha thats ridiculous. of course not. i was never related to a monkey. just open the first page of the Bible and thats what I believe.
• Philippines
20 Sep 08
actually this theory of our origin of existence is not new to us,and they are trully ridiculous as you have mention..but mind you there are people who believe such thing you called ridiculous...ha ha ha...thanks for not accepting the monkey theory
@soulist (2985)
• United States
24 Sep 08
I totally agree with you shwanks. I open my Bible and I know how I was created: by God for the purpose of praiseing and worshipping him. I find it funny to think we came from a monkey or even a worm! That's perposterous.
@shwanks (145)
• United States
24 Sep 08
Kent Hovind is an amazing speaker! iv never been in the position where i didnt believe in God, but i think he could convert someone. seriously check him out if you havent. and hes not some preachy speaker, he actually grabs your attention and is so funny. but hes a good guy. he knows the truth and he backs up almost everything he says.
• Pakistan
22 Sep 08
non sense! science has also proved it that the difference between human jeans and apes jeans shows that it is impossible.
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• Philippines
22 Sep 08
ha ha ha...think your a funny guy..jeans man!
@Cqueens (71)
• Malaysia
23 Sep 08
And God said,' Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...' Gen 1:26 Do I believe we came from apes or worms...It's DEFINATE NO.
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• Philippines
26 Sep 08
of course that is a big no, quoting that verse in the bible...simply means your on creation side...ha ha ha...thanks friend...
@nicedude (104)
• India
19 Nov 08
hello, not at all i believe in this theory,I think many people don't know that this was only a hypothesis,it is not a established fact.
@shwanks (145)
• United States
24 Sep 08
im so happy to see all the "no" answers here and not one yes!! :D GLY&SDI (TEC [Teens Encounter Christ] talk for "God Loves You & So Do I")