What do you really want?

@Pose123 (21635)
September 20, 2008 3:06pm CST
The best way to get what we want from life is to first know what we want. If we haven’t taken the time to really understand and identify what would truly make us happy, we are not ready for it and we would not even be able to recognize it if it did arrive. Many people think that they know what they want, but when asked to state it in one sentence, they have real problems doing it. Do you really know what you want, what would make you happy? Can you state it clearly in one sentence right now or do you have to think about it? Is it difficult to decide?
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11 responses
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
21 Sep 08
All I really want to do in life is to know who I am and to do what it is that I am good at which will be good for the universe. It is not at all difficult to arrive at this because this is all I think about and all I strive to do. What do you want?
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
Hi underdogtoo, Thank you for your response. You appear to be on the right tract. Are you reading any books about this sort of thing? We could probably have a good conversation as our thoughts are very similar. Blessings.
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• Philippines
21 Sep 08
Today I am just living a simple life but everything seems to be happening as though I planned it. I don't understand it really but I feel the universe is responding to my thoughts and actions in ways that I never experienced before. On the surface I am planting lakatan bananas but I cultivate microorganisms to do the work of fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, etc. I do not allow commercial inputs to touch my soil and create everything I need from indigenous materials.
21 Sep 08
A peaceful and creative life in my own home surrounded by those I love (who are also happy!)
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
Hi creative_genius, Sounds pretty good to me. Thanks for responding. Blessings.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Since I'm into the Law of Attraction I know precisely what I want...I think what most people need to do is to just sit down, and write out a list of what their dreams, goals and desires in life...what they would like to see achieved in their lives. One can do this by writing out long term goals that might take a few years to manifest. But a more simplistic way to do this also is by making other lists. For instance, I always routinely plan out my overall goals for the month..what I want to get accomplish that will lead me to the overall plan/goal for my life's achievements. Then I break it down week by week what I want to do. Finally, I plan out the night before what I want to accomplish the next day. Somehow I find by writing everything down, one does indeed accomplish them. The next thing of course is to do those vision boards....cutting out images from magazines of things that are representing your goals..I have them all over the place..literally...I even invented a virtual vision board that is my screensaver. As for stating what I want in one sentence....mmmm...might be more than one...LOL But....My fervent goal in life is to be a successfully acknowledged photographer and writer to such an extent, I can live comfortably in luxury to the extent I can be financially blessed.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
Hi pyewacket, I too have read a lot about the law of attraction and I believe it can really work. I often wish I had known more about it earlier in life, but even now I can use it. I haven't gotten into it to the extent that you have, but I congratulate you on what you are doing. Never let that vision fade. Thank you for responding. Blessings.
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@Mirita (2668)
• United States
20 Sep 08
The most important thing for me is the happiness of my kids.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
Hi Mirita, A very good reply, Thank you. Blessings.
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@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
21 Sep 08
I already plan my life ever since. But I must admit, not all my wants materializes. Because the happenings in my life changes it. But I hold on my plan. And wishing someday it will come true.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
Hi izathewzia, Thank you for commenting. Blessings.
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• India
21 Sep 08
i want peace every where no killing,no crime and all friendly and happiness everywhere and here. People want more and more money but I think if criminalization is stopped world over even the less money will work and there will be no race for money. The bad things happening world over,like bomb blasts, killing of innocent people, rape,murder and other crime the reason behind all these things is the money money and money only.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
Hi sweethomecatring, Some excellent thoughts here, thank you very much. Blessings.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
20 Sep 08
I would like to live a quiet life without any hassles or daily problems. I know that what I ask is impossible. But that's what I really want, without having any worries to chase workers to finish off some odd job in the house. I would like to sit on the sofa on watch tv and relax.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
Hi ronaldinu, Thank you for your response, but do you think that it is really impossible, and would it make you truly happy? Blessings.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
21 Sep 08
I want to be married and raise a family. But, I also want was is best for me, at the time that is right for me. I do not always know what is best for me so I am learning to trust in God's timing for my life. Just this morning, I had a dream that I was pregnant.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
Hi Rozie, Thank you for responding. I hope you get what is best for you. Blessings.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Sep 08
hi pose123 oh yes i know exactly what i really want, right now a really good job for my son so we can get back to a peaceful life,and move to a place we can afford and be free from' all these huge financial problems, thats what I want for my son and me right now.I would be happy to know our present and future are okay and I can quit worrying and relax.I dont have to think about it as we are in a terrible situation sitting here with rent past due,not difficult to decide at all. really very easy, money to live on, to move with to get back to living again.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
Hi Hatley, Thank you for responding. I hope that your son finds that job and things get back to normal for you. Blessings.
@belk89 (1103)
• Philippines
21 Sep 08
What i really want is a life without financial worries. If i can have a life without worrying about money then that would be a great life. I can provide my family needs and i can spend time with them without working so hard. Quality time without worries of bills and any financial problem.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
Hi belk89, Thank you for your comments. Blessings.
• Bulgaria
21 Sep 08
I want really big house :)
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
Hi nowitzki, A very clear answer, Thank you. Blessings.