one of mylot idscussion deleted??

@yadav8797 (1211)
September 21, 2008 8:11am CST
friends, i am in trouble i think.yesterday i have created a discussion which is against the rule of mylot TOS.i think this will lead to a problem for me. my earnings is not updated today.i create that discussion by silly mistake.i want that mylot forgive me for that. tell me what are the adverse effect come over me after deleting that discussion?? can my account will be delted?? can they does not update my earnings??tell me in detail about the effects.
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19 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
21 Sep 08
I think all you have to do is be careful you go by the guidelines, it is good to read the don'ts of them to make sure you don't break them, you will be ok many discussions get deleted just make sure you don't do it again...I think the earnings will be updated in a couple of hours maybe, usually late at night Australian time...
@yadav8797 (1211)
• India
21 Sep 08
hi lilaclady, happy to see your response on my ar the first people who will responding on my discussion.if you will not reply may be other can ignore that are the first people providing helping hand to me.hats off you friend.helping in this troublesome are nice friend of mine.and i will assure you that i will not break the guidelines i future.and i am happy to see you working in such a old age hats off to happy. happy mylotting.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
21 Sep 08
We all need help when we start and we all make mistakes, many in here will always help you..
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
21 Sep 08
I have not seen your discussion but don't worry they will not axe you for that. I have had my discussions deleted several times but am still around mylotting. They will deduct your earnings and those that responded to your discussion..unfortunately.
@yadav8797 (1211)
• India
21 Sep 08
thanks zandi,for reply on my will boost my self-confidence an i happy to know that i will not be deleted.but it will create sadness for me that they will take some fine from me.its bad to much the fine they take. good news,comes at the moment is that my earning will be updated, i am very happy to see that.thanks for responding. keep mylotting
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
I think that what will happen is that the money and the points gotten during that discussion will be deducted so that means that your star point might go down. If it happens once it would be all right. If you did tell myLot to delete it because you violated their TOS by error, then that would be in your favor but they still would deduct the points and money made during that discussion. If you can remember what it is about, and give myLot the url, they will tell you and if you ask, they will delete it for you.
21 Sep 08
Hi yadav8797, Mylot would not delet your account but you just be a few points less but don't worry it happens to us all, your earnings will be up date soon or thomorrow. Tamara
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@pkraj111 (2458)
• India
21 Sep 08
No they wont. So dont worry. I too had two or three disussions deleted which I posted initially without bothering about terms. They let me stay and I am here learning.
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@yadav8797 (1211)
• India
21 Sep 08
hi pkraj, thanks for responding on my discussion and helping me to come out from my worries.your reply give me a confidence that i can be there for long.this is the first time my discussion got deleted??from where i can know that my discussion get deleted??why they does not update my earning??or deletion will lead to not updation of my earning. happy mylotting
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@Humbug25 (12540)
21 Sep 08
Hi there yadav8797 I doubt if you will get your account deleted. You should have found out by now so let me know how much your earnings went down and if you had your discussion deleted. I hope not!
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
22 Sep 08
uh-oh, you started it on purpose againts the rules? Were you just seeing what you would come up with or were you checking to see if Mylot would delete it?
@lily3753 (388)
• China
22 Sep 08
Don't worry , and I think mylot is only warnning you . You just watch out ,and don't do that again , mylot will welcome you again, and your earnings will rise .
• Lubbock, Texas
21 Sep 08
If your discussion got deleted your earnings will be reduced by the amount they had paid you for that discussion. It would have to be a very very bad mistake for them to delete your account or ban you. Just be sure to read the tos, faq, and guidelines and try not to post anything against the rules. You'll be alright. Just keep posting and the more legitimate posts you get to your name, the more valuable you will become to the myLot community. Everybody makes mistakes. Just learn from them and move on!
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
22 Sep 08
A deleted discussion will not cause your account to be deleted. I have had 2 deleted discussions so far and I saw some points deducted from me. I really don't know how the deduction is computed. My advice is that you read the guidelines very carefully. Do give it enough time so that you won't be wasting time with topics that are not allowed and will be deleted later.
• India
21 Sep 08
yes i also got that my earning are reduced due to against the rule of mylot all the myloters are said that only so i will be take care to now break the rules of mylot you also.
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@walkthetalk (1307)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I'm sure you will be okay. What is the worst they can do. We already know there not gonna delete you. So what now, You think they may spank you for it. I think you will be fine. No worries. Right.
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@Chevee (5905)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I don't think they will cancel your account because of a deleted discussions you will just see a decrease in you earnings and a decrease in your discussions posts (points) near your username. I have requested for one of mines to be deleted and I have not had any problems.
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@pimagro24 (1046)
• Thailand
22 Sep 08
I think if you don't do it again will be no problem you will go to FAQs to read and careful good luck
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
21 Sep 08
don,t worry mine was not undated yesterday i did not panic it was updated this morning.don,t read somthing in it thats not there try to say away from breaking the policy they are seriuos about this posting wesite and such can get you in a lot of trouble stay very clear from doing this.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Sep 08
yadav8797 the only thing that will happen to you is to have some point lost for yourself and anyone who responded to your discussion.your earnings will be updated in the evening and your account will be fine. read' the rules so you dont get your discussion deleted and lose points that way.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I feel that if they have wanted to delete your account it would have been done by now. I read of discussions being deleted before and it has to do with the responses than the discussion itself. So good luck
@icegermany (2524)
• India
21 Sep 08
its so sad but i really dont know the effects of it but tell me how did you know that your discussion is deleted? but be carefull next time and good luck and dont worry everything will be allright but i dont think there should be any major effect of deleting the discussion but you can have a look if anything mentioned at tos about it.
@shamzy18 (2316)
21 Sep 08
wow i am always hearing about discussions getting deleted now!! Lets just be careful now