Are you addicted to caffeine?

September 22, 2008 11:48pm CST
What is it pop, coffee, tea, chocolate that has the cafeenine in it. I am addcited to the pop and I watn to stop , how do you stop wanting this all the time? Can you quit drinking it?
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15 responses
• Canada
24 Sep 08
Yes I drink coffee and love chocolate and drink pop. I never treid to give it up and I dont' want to either so many I am addicted to it. But it has not hurt me so far and I like the taste of it so I am going to keep having it. When you like something don't give it up cause if you give up what you like then you won't have any fun in life:P
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
24 Sep 08
I seem to be addicted to all of them. I really do not know of a gentle way of quiting other than to stop and endure the headaches.
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• Canada
24 Sep 08
I am addicted to Pepsi and have tried to quit drinking it as much because it is ruining all my teeth because I now have little pin holes in my teeth that really hurt and was told this was from the pop . Supposedly black pop is the worst pop you can drink . I have been drinking it for years and so far have not been able to stop .
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• Philippines
24 Sep 08
i am really not that too attached to cofee. i do drink, but not that much...
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@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
23 Sep 08
My addiction is coffee; and seriously, I wouldn't consider quitting. My hubby has been nagging me - I compromised by cutting down to 3 cups a day! I need the caffeine to wake me up, keep me going, and help me sleep at night!
@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
24 Sep 08
Yes, I am addicted with caffeine and I cannot stop or quit on drinking those stuff it is already a part of my daily routine..... and coffee is one of my drink in the morning, tea which is black and after eating I always have a green tea and then laxative before I will sleep in the night...
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@katkat (2378)
• Philippines
29 Sep 08
I do drink pop, coffee and tea but I’m not addicted to these drinks. I didn’t know that tea has caffeine in it. Is it tea is good to our health, especially the green tea? There’s lots of commercial about drinking tea is good for the health. Anyway, the only food I’m addicted that has caffeine in it is chocolate. I always eat chocolate, like when I start eating I can’t stop it. I read an article that eating dark chocolates help you burn fat, maybe that’s the reason why I’m not getting fat eating chocolates. I only eat dark chocolates. To stop the addiction, try to set a number of how you will drink for a day. Don’t rush yourself. Do it step by step and gradually, just what I’m doing to stop by addiction in chocolate. I limit my self to eat just 3 bars a day, when I’m used to it; I make it two and then just one and now I only eat every other day. I supposed you can not tell it an addiction anymore. It is hard at first but if you really want to, you can do it.
@dodo19 (47211)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
20 Oct 08
I am somewhat addicted to caffeine. Like many university students, I would imagine. Nowadays, I mainly drink pop, hot chocolate, or simply chocolate. I used to drink mainly coffee to get my caffeine. But last summer, I got terribly sick and my habits changed a lot. And for some reason, I can't really drink coffee anymore. But yeah, nowadays, I basically get my caffeine from pop, hot chocolate, or chocolate.
• United States
23 Sep 08
yes, i guess i am. i drink coffee in the morning but drink ice tea all day long.i also smoke so i have all kinds of bad habits.
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@mymelodake (1338)
• Philippines
23 Sep 08
i think the only way to do it is to slowly wean yourself off of it, and find some other drinks to substitute. stopping cold turkey would have bad effects like headaches. my dad is really addicted to cola and before we found out he had diabetes he would drink more than 2 glasses a day. he only recently stopped buying cola after my mom introduced him to a citrus-flavored vegetable juice, and now he only drinks cola when we go out to eat. as for me, i'm not addicted to caffeine. i don't drink coffee, and i only drink tea when we go to chinese/japanese restaurants. we have tea at home but i don't take it. i also really love dark chocolate and cola, but when i don't get to eat/drink them, i don't go crazy. while i dieted, i would only limit myself to 2-3 sips of cola because we always had cola at home. when my dad stopped buying cola, i stopped drinking it too.
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@nizhama2 (295)
• Malaysia
24 Sep 08
I'm addict to the coffee. My day will not be perfect without it. I was worry about my habit before, but then I had read an article that say it will help us reduce the risk from Alzheimer. I don't drink too much, just a cup in the morning and another cup in the evening. I don't drink another sweet drink a lot, just some time I drink fruit juice...
@rkotaker (60)
29 Sep 08
Only tend to have about four cups of tea and coffee in a day. I tend to try and drink two litres of water during the day which help stop the urge to drink beverages.
@seeths (413)
29 Sep 08
Not that really but then I take caffeine twice daily and I think there is no harm in taking twice. Regards
@dookie03 (578)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Ya know i think i'm kind of addicted to caffeine because i have at least 2 mugs of coffee every morning and if i don't have it, i feel groggy. But i drink water in the afternoon and don't really need any other caffeinated drinks. Just got to have those 2 mugs in the morning or else. Not sure how you could quit drinking soda though? Maybe try just drinking water or buy those little juice packs you can pour into a water bottle, those help sometimes and at least give you a different flavor.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
25 Sep 08
Yes I am addicted to tea unfortunately. I am addicted to it and I cannot do without four or five cups of tea. I am trying to balance by drinking water but I still manage to drink at least three cups daily.