Should I transfer money from Paypal into my bank account?

September 25, 2008 1:15am CST
I have earned some money from a few online activities. Most of the earnings are in US dollars. With the recent crisis in US economy, the US dollar is unstable. My question is should I transfer the money from my Paypal account, convert it into my local currency (Singapore dollars) and put it in my bank account. Or should I leave the money in my Paypal account? Which is more worthwhile? If I transfer the money, there is a currency conversion issue I have to take note of. But I will benefit from interest in the banks, which is not much really. So, how does Paypal base its conversion of foreign currency into local currency? If I leave it in Paypal, I can use the money to shop online, which I seldom do, actually. So, what do you think? Which is better? Please tell me your experience with conversion of currency with Paypal you may have or what you do with your Paypal earnings. Thanks in advance for responding!
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56 responses
@lovenluck (1068)
• India
25 Sep 08
I think it would be better to convert it an keep it safe in your bank account since you seldom go for online shopping what's the point in keeping it in your paypal account. Though negligible the bank do pay some interest. I too have some money but it is too small to even think of coverting it. when i make good money i will think of converting it as soon as possible
2 people like this
• Singapore
25 Sep 08
Actually, I still do not have enough to convert without fees yet. But I know that in the few months to come, I will have to think about this. Mu hubby has another suggestion. He never does try to make money online and does not have a Paypal account. He suggested that I use the money to buy something for him and he will pay me accordingly. In that way, I think I can charge a higher conversion rate
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@rainmark (4302)
25 Sep 08
I like the idea of transferring your money to bank account from paypal atleast you've got your money with interest and it's in the safe place. what's the point to put it in paypal when you never use it for online shopping so better to vae it. happy posting.
1 person likes this
• China
25 Sep 08
You shoud absolutely convert it to you bank account,becasue it is safer in back than in Paypal.
@myliezl0903 (2726)
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
well, i've seen no problem with regards to conversion for dollars to our country currency but i guess you do have the right option to stay your money in your paypal and have it to shop online., best of luck!
• Singapore
25 Sep 08
I don't really shop online. So I think it may be best to transfer to my bank after all. Was the onversion rate lower than the standard bank rates?
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@Shunyo (244)
• India
25 Sep 08
its not bad to keep it in paypal also , you can use it for investing or using it in other online activities like buying referrals for the sites you might be already using, it depends n how much money it is and how would you divide it and use it.
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@Shunyo (244)
• India
26 Sep 08
I was talking about investing in buying more referrals or investing in an online investment program or hyip schemes, i haven't invested in any now but plan to wheni collect a considerable amount. cheers. .
• Singapore
27 Sep 08
I have not thought about investment online, but might consider in the near future!
@youless (112223)
• Guangzhou, China
26 Sep 08
I think it's better to transfer money from your Paypal account and convert it into your local currency and then put it in your bank account, if there is no more charge of it. This is safe to keep your money in your own bank account. However, I am unable to do so as Paypal will charge me USD35. So I have to keep my money to my Paypal account. I love China
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@youless (112223)
• Guangzhou, China
26 Sep 08
That's because I am not an American. Paypal won't charge Americans, perhaps Paypal is an American company so that they have such kind of rule.
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• Singapore
26 Sep 08
Why is Paypal charging you such a hefty sum of $35? I'm puzzled. Please explain so I can understand.
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• China
27 Sep 08
You should not to be sent to the bank card,Paypal account fees needs,I think it was 25 dollar
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• Singapore
28 Sep 08
I have seen another response here which mentions that the fees to transfer the money to the bank is $25 and most of them are from China. Why do they charge you so much? For me, the fees is S$1 if the amount is less than S$200, free if more. I'm just concerned about the exchange rate.
@johnkhoo (30)
• Malaysia
26 Sep 08
I would say let it remain in your paypal account. The reason is because there will be a fee involved if you transfer the money from paypal to you bank account. Currency wise, it won't make much different because almost all currencies are weakening now. So, leave your money in paypal temporary for around 6 months. After that, US dollar may start to recover. At that time, you may do the transfer from paypal to your bank account and earn some bank interest.
• Singapore
26 Sep 08
Six months.. I wonder what would have happened to the US economy by then. With Bush making such statements worldwide, it may cause such panic. Would it make any difference if I leave it in Paypal compared to having it in my bank account?
• Singapore
27 Sep 08
YOu seem to be very positive about the US economy. What makes you think that way when many others think otherwise? Just curious!
• Malaysia
26 Sep 08
The world market and US currency are undergoing a rebound lately in the long-term down trend market situation. Analysts are predicting the market situation may start to become positive after 6 months from now. Therefore, US dollar will start to pick up and getting some strength at that time. So as your paypal account's money which is in US dollar. Of course you can withdraw to your local bank account ( with your local currency) and earn earn some interest, for six months? You may need to calculate how much will you earn on the interest. For six months, if US dollar start to pick up and getting stronger, US dollar might appreciate more than 5%. Will you earn 5% interest from your bank for this 6 month?
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
25 Sep 08
Well, I do not do much shopping online usually, but at the same time since I live in the US, I have chosen Paypals Debit Card option and use that when I want to spend my earnings from online. But for you since you live in another country, I think paypal does convert the $$ for you, so you could then deposit the amount back into your Bank account there with no problem. But at the same time, if you have any questions, you could also consider contacting your bank and go from there as well.
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• Singapore
25 Sep 08
I have never tried transferring the money. Do they tell you the currency exchange rate when you withdraw the money? I tried asking the bank, but the staff don't have much knowledge about paypal.
@praveenjena (1304)
• India
25 Sep 08
hello SydneyHazelton, it would be very fine if you convert your pay pal money and get that deposited in your private bank account and keep that that way at least you will get some amount of interest and after that you can spend that at your will. also it is better to have something than to have nothing. of course you have to get some substantial amount or else there will be lot of deduction as your conversion charges. have a good day.
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• Singapore
26 Sep 08
I'm aware of the amount of fees I need to pay if I don't have a certain amount. I'm very close to that amount now. That's why I'm considering to cash out. But starting this discussion has made me all confused and I hope I would be able to make the right decision soon.
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• India
26 Sep 08
It is a tricky situation isn't it? You could leave it there till the crisis clears up, but what if it doesn't and get deeper. Then it would be better if you transfer it to your bank account and use the cash. :) Cheers and happy mylotting
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• Singapore
26 Sep 08
A very tricky situation indeed! I'm just wondering when it will all clear up or will it ever. I have so many responses in this discussion and learning so much about Paypal I never knew about, and needless to say, getting more and more confused. Thank you for your response!
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@MH4444 (2161)
• United States
25 Sep 08
I would want mine out of the Paypal account. I know of a conversion widget that shows the daily conversion rates. I believe Paypal would follow that. Let me know if you need that widget. (I have it on my blog.) You may make more than US dollars in the exchange. Keep me posted.
• Singapore
26 Sep 08
BUt how do you know which conversion rates they follow? The other day when I looked, the conversion was about 4 points less than the current exchange rate.
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
26 Sep 08
I feel the answers to your questions really depend on a few factors such as how regularly you will have earnings coming into Paypal, are the amounts significant and whether you have use for the e-currency to do other transactions like making purchases or paying monthly fees for some schemes, etc. You have to remember that each time you do a TT transfer back to Singapore, charges are incurred plus you will lose a little on the exchange rate. Charges also depend on the amount transferred, and for small amounts, it may not be worth it. On the other hand, Paypal is not a bank, so leaving money there doesn't earn you any interest. If you are moving a significant amount back to a local bank, you can then invest the money to grow it. If not at least it will stay within your savings account earning some interest. If you have plans to use some of the money in Paypal to buy other stuff, then it may be more prudent to keep some of your earnings there because many merchants and sellers accept Paypal payment and since you deal in USD usually, you don't lose from any conversion. Another aspect for consideration is security. Paypal, like most other pay processors, can be hacked. So if you have quite a bit of money coming into Paypal regularly, it may be wise to transfer it back because the banks are very much safer, and it is nothing like knowing that you have the money in hand safely kept in your own bank account. There's one more thought that crossed my mind. If you have significant earnings coming into Paypal regularly, you might want to open some kind of US-denominated account with a Singapore bank, and electronically transfer the money to such an account without currency conversion. You save in two ways here: from not converting, and usually you can leave the money in such foreign accounts and earn higher interest if you don't need to take the money out.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
27 Sep 08
The Paypal image somehow didn't appear. I am posting it again.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
27 Sep 08
Withdrawing funds fr Paypal - Charges imposed by Paypal for withdrawal of funds to banks electronically.
Mmm...not sure why didn't appear again. One more try. If it doesn't appear, then you can log into yr Paypal and look at the details in the Withdraw Fund link.
• Singapore
26 Sep 08
My brain has been all muddled after starting this dicussion in the hope that I will be enlightened. But have explained and laid out all the considerations in such a clear and succinct manner that I have to award you for best response. I have not thought about opening a US-denominated account here in Singapore. Maybe it is worthwhile that way. Thank you so much!
@shamzy18 (2316)
26 Sep 08
i was going to put money in my bank account then i saw the fees lol i got pissed off with that because when you get small payment they take away because of fees so i thought leave it, and wait till i get a bigger amount .. you can shop whether you have money in your paypal or not it will just take from bank account anyway!!
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• Singapore
26 Sep 08
Thanks! I saw the fees too, and I have accumulated quite a bit to avoid those fees. There was once I made an online purchase and they did not have enough money in my Paypal, they deducted my credit card. Thanks for the response!
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• China
26 Sep 08
funny pictures - funny pictures for mobilephone,
first, the bank account you use must be referred to your paypal account. i think you can transfer your money from your paypal into your bank account the bank can convert USD into singapore dollars automatically.
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• Singapore
26 Sep 08
Thanks! I'm aware that I can do that, but wondering whether the exchange rate will be favourable. Would you know?
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@chaska (170)
• United States
25 Sep 08
I get paypal payments from multiple sources and I wait until my paypal account reaches around 10 dollars then send it to my bank. I think paypal is a good site but I like to eliminate the middle man as much as possible.
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• Singapore
26 Sep 08
Just 10 dollars? I have accummulated much much more than that. Doesn't Paypal charge you a fee if you convert less than a particular amount? How much deduction for 10 dollars?
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@asahibza (388)
• Canada
26 Sep 08
I think, you should transfer money into your account without delay. Us $ is low these days and so you may not get best rate. But I feel never keep money with hese companies. Always take away whatever you can. This is because you never know when any of these companies can go bust tomorrow. PayPal may become bankrupt or they may close your account without reason. This happens all the time. We are always at the risk of loosing money with these companies. So be in the habit of taking away even the smallest amount. I just lost more than $1000 today with Washington Mutual. What a shame.
@asahibza (388)
• Canada
28 Sep 08
That was one of the biggest thrift banks in US. Now it has been closed down and it is history. One of the biggest failures in US banking history.
• Singapore
26 Sep 08
I'm sorry to hear you lost $1000. I know how you feel now and why you would suggest I take the money out of Paypal. I'm considering the two options very carefully to make the best decision. Thank you for your response.
• Singapore
27 Sep 08
OMG! I just read about Washington Mutual in the papers and saw it all over the news. I didn't realize how big that bank is in the US. What's happening?
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
26 Sep 08
I am facing the problem as you. I've never withdrawn money from PayPal to Singapore bank but am thinking of doing so. The previous few times, I spent it on online shopping before I could transfer it. With USD depreciating, I am thinking of spending it online again. There are actually a few things now I want to buy online now.. so I think I'll spend it again. By the way, it's more worthwhile to transfer USD 200 or above as there wouldn't be any fees.
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
26 Sep 08
If you have reached USD 200, you should just withdraw out. No matter what, banks are safer than any online money processor. In Singapore, we are covered by the Singapore deposit insurance. If the bank goes bust, we get covered up to $20k per bank. But if paypal goes bust, there's no insurance for that.
• Singapore
28 Sep 08
Is it really just $20K! I thought it was more than that. I have to start several bank accounts if that's the case. I must check with my financial adviser soon about that and what is the best move! Thanks you so much for alerting me on that, poohgal! I don't think many people are aware of that.
• Singapore
26 Sep 08
If you have things to get online, it would be better to leave the money in Paypal. But I don;t shop online much, so the next option would be to withdraw or leave it there. SIgh! I don;t know what to do.
@paid2write (5201)
25 Sep 08
I get paid in both US dollars and in British pounds, which is my own currency. I convert all my dollar earnings at PayPal into pounds and then withdraw it to my bank account. I usually do it once a month, as soon as I have received a large payment. I am not going to spend any of my earnings online, I need to have the money at my bank. The US dollar has been weak against the pound ever since I started earning dollars online. I have no choice but to exchange them at whatever the rate is, and PayPal makes it very easy to change currencies.
25 Sep 08
If I transfer US dollars to my bank account, the bank will charge me a fee for conversion. PayPal allows me to choose a primary currency and I can convert any other currency into it before I withdraw. There is no extra charge for this, and the rate seems to be more or less the same as I would get from a bank. I don't know if this applies in all parts of the world, as my account is with the UK website for PayPal.
• Singapore
25 Sep 08
Thanks paid2write, I did not think about the bank charging for the conversion. I must check that out. If it is possible I shall convert to my local currency with Paypal and then make the transfer. That's a good idea.
• Singapore
25 Sep 08
You mean you can convert the US dollar into a different currency at Paypal itself? How do you do it? Will they ask whether we would want to accept a given exchange rate? I know that if I want to bank in the money, it will be converted to my currency automatically.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I have the debit card (that gives cash-back rewards) so I use that when purchasing gas, food, etc. I only transfer it if I need to write a check. Have you gotten the debit card.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
26 Sep 08
Is paypal credit card available for Malta?
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• Singapore
26 Sep 08
You mean debit card issued by Paypal? I have not gotten it. I wonder if it is applicable here in my country.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Yes, it's a debit card to use with their funds. They pay a cash back each time I charge something with it. I would check into it, to see if you have it in your country, as it's nice getting the cash back for each charge and I charge thousands with it. I live in the USA.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Probably the best thing to do is put it in your bank account. At least you can make some kind of interest on it. Even though it won't be much but every little bit helps.
• Singapore
26 Sep 08
That is an option I'm considering, but with all the conversion rates calculation and all, I wonder if that is the best decision to make. I'm also checking out the money market fund at Paypal. I can also earn interest there.
• Singapore
27 Sep 08
I never knew about it too, but I think it may be restricted to certain countries. I checked the help section about this and they gave me a set of instructions to activate it. But it's not available when I logged on. Sigh!
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Sounds like a good idea with the Paypal market fund. I never knew they had that.
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
25 Sep 08
hi there,i my case i earned dollar but since my bank account is in germany its automatic i get in Euro thats all i can say.
• Singapore
25 Sep 08
I will automatically get it in my local currency if I transfer. Do you have any problems with the exchange rate? Is it usually lower than the standard rates?
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@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
25 Sep 08
It depends how much you have. If its in the order of $100 or more, then what you lose or gain may begin to be significant. If it's less than that, it's barely worth worrying about. A cent or two is not going to make a big difference (or is not too high a price to pay) if you need the money now.
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
25 Sep 08
yes i have problems of it its up and down at the moment.
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