being good on chats but still insulted...

September 25, 2008 9:07pm CST
Hi guys, i just thought of sharing to you what happen when i chatted the other day on yahoo( which i don't do often, im too busy anyway!). I was just being nice knowing that all the people i chatted on line were perfect strangers whom i just knew from that point of time.But i was just too disappointed and too much insulted when this american told me that " you are just here on line to collect money, you filipinas are hookers who only want money from American, after i had introduced myself that i am a filipina. Isn't it unfair and rude to say such thing to a person who is just being too nice in the conversation? What can you say about this? I am not trying to generalize all of american's impression on Filipinas are like that, but its just an aweful fact.,sad.. I only had defended our fellow Filipinas againts this discrimination. Whats your opinion with regards to this issue? thanks, Godbless!
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8 responses
@djoyce71 (2511)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
Hello jacq. I am a Filipina and would be insulted if it happened to me. It really hurts when these people look down on and discriminate Filipinos. I have seen and heard a lot of discriminations like these. Well, not all Filipinas are hookers and money hungry, I hope they realize that, too. Some people are just so arrogant, and just happy on stepping others. I think, we have to be optimistic and not dwell on this now. Let's think of the great achievements of the Filipino women! When men are most sure and arrogant they are commonly most mistaken, giving views to passion without that proper deliberation which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities. Have a nice day and MABUHAY!
• United States
27 Sep 08
omg that is HORRIBLE!! i would be sooo offended!! like americans arent online trying to make money either!! what a jerk!! that is why i dont chat online with strangers..
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
26 Sep 08
[i]HI jac, I know what you mean and how you feel..Sometimes those people are victimized also and they are expressing their anger to anyone which is absolutely wrong! If I were you, I will talked to him back and told him that he has no right to generalize everyone and he has to be smart enough online because there are many liars and spammers and users who are just online to make money and if he trusted easily before then he is a D*mb and why blame everyone! ANyway, we can't control their mind about this since this is common and not only Filipino are doing that! I hope you feel better now and I know there are a lot of good people who believes that we are not like that![/i]
• India
26 Sep 08
Well, I no longer chat. People are jolly rotten on chat. Just because they don't see your face, they think they can type as they like. I am not saying all people behave this way, but many of them DO. Moreover, chatting is a mere waste of time. Why waste precious Internet time getting insulted while you can use the same time on Mylot and earn a few cents? So, I hardly chat nowadays. But, back in the days I used to chat, I came across a variety of rudeness. And yes, if you want to see people in their true colors, watch the way they talk to strangers whom they can't see. Cheers and happy mylotting
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I would not take it to seriously. Ofcourse I Would defend myself and my culture against someone like that, but a person who says something like that are nothing be ignorant. I'm sure you will find a lot nicer people on here then you will on just casual chat like yahoo. I think once you get to know people on forums and places like this one, it's hard to be insulting to them.
@jstmarfz (1498)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I don't want you to get offended but I can't blame why that american man said that. Most of us are aware that "some" of the filipinas chatting to other foreign men through YM or other dating sites are really eager to meet foreign men. IT is because some think marrying foreign men makes their life better when it comes to financial. Not just filipina are fooling around but there are some gays too who tried and introduced themselves as female. Although its unfair to your side what that foreign guy told you. Before, foreign men wants to marry filipina because they believe that we are more caring and loving to their same raises. Now, there are few filipina who are true with their intension and same with foreign men. But, there are foreign men also are looking just for fun. They tried to offer filipinas money exchange with showing their flesh on cam, which some really do it for the sake of money.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
26 Sep 08
I wonder if that guy was scammed by a filipina in the past... if that is the case... then he partly to be blamed for that... why would someone just give money to a person they met online... i do not see any logic in that... Some people with bad experience tend to generalize... so it is futile to try to argue with them... if that happens to me... i will just leave him in his own misery...
@eiram25 (1076)
• Philippines
26 Sep 08
hi there! like you,i would also be insulted and disappointed if someone would have said that to me. i'm a filipina too and i think that we shouldn't be stereotyped,just because many filipinas nowadays are marrying foreigners for financial security reasons.sad to say,i can't also blame the american for feeling that way. but still,i don't think that it's enough justification for him to do and say those things to you. happy mylotting!