HoW Much Do YOU Devote at Finding YOUR missing Pet?

September 30, 2008 10:49pm CST
I've recently joined in on an anonymous club of "Missing Pet Owners". My 2-year old guard dog, Bernard, ran out of our gates without his collar...sigh. The gates were left open and unattended for a short while. My confidence that our village security personnel would be our rescue only dwindled as days went by and my dog was not found. It's been 3 days... Every morning before driving to work, I'd do a drive around the village streets where we usually take our dog walks, but no sight of Bernard. In the early evenings, driving home, the same route would be taken in hopes of a familiar bark in response to my car's horn or his name called out. In the evenings, I'd stand outside of our gates gazing out for a familiar shadow. Alas...even our small dog, Barky, misses his playful big buddy when he goes out in the afternoons for playtime in the backyard. My son rides his bike, coming home from school, in search for Bernard around the village but comes home empty and distraught. I tell him there is always a tomorrow...God willing, Bernard will find his way home!
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4 responses
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
2 Oct 08
Ohhh! that is sad! Dogs are almost part of the family! I understand your feelings my friend. I would do the same thing if I were in your position. I just wish you find Bernard again. We have two dogs and they are very important to us. They are our trusted security guards at home and we love them. I'm just happy that they were secure inside our gate and they have no way of getting out unless somebody opens the gate and left if opened. Please give us updates once you found Barnard!
• Philippines
9 Oct 08
Hi there friend... I missed responding back as soon to your message but trying to be a supermom so I'm catching up with a number of things. I appreciate your sharing and as it seems we find out more things are common between child and two dogs...he,he,he. My dogs are fine now and happy playing with each other as well as with us. We are definitely more conscious now about the gates and also ensuring that dog tags are always worn by the dogs. Thanks and happy mylotting...
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
Oh! I'm happy you've recovered Barnard! Ha!ha!ha! Good news! And yes we really have something in common. I believe your hubby is also handsome just like mine! Something in common again!!! Ha!ha!ha!
• Philippines
21 Oct 08 doubts there. We can surely count our blessings...handsome husband, good kids (ooopss kid), loyal pets and a pretty good life. See you around...
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I would devote many hours to find my cat Richard he ever went missing. Once went he went missing, I called the animal services unit. Of course, seconds after I made the call, my cat walked into the living room. He wasn't missing after all, he was just curled up somewhere hiding from all of us "lookers."
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I'm glad you found your dog.
• China
1 Oct 08
Well, I have lost one of my cat. It's a white male cat. It happened in new year period and he sneaked out when we opened the door to send our friends away. I didn't notice it and so closed the door for the rest of the night. And he possibly did come back but find himself locked out. It was allmost spring and he is quite excited sometimes and as a result, I supposed he went away with some ladies~ Honestly, I would say I didn't look for him a lot. Because first of all, it's a cat, there's really little chance that he would hanging around like dogs. Secondly, I live on the fifth floor, he used to play outside and i don't know hi regular bases. Anyway, all the excuses I would use to explain that. But I didn't try to look for him. I just wish him the best. Have a nice day~
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
6 Oct 08
I just found your discussion and was reading and very touched by your story and Piscesmoon- and I am so glad to see that you have found Bernard. It is nice to see that there are still happy endings. I hope he is recovering nicely from his ordeal.
• Philippines
9 Oct 08
Hi minx267... Thank you for sharing. Bernard and Barky are all fine. Bernard, it would seem, has found his experience astray to be something he will not do again, at least not in the near future. There was a time a couple of days back, for just a few minutes, when I had opened the small gate at the back but he(Bernard) did not run out. He just stood there, looking at me, as if saying "no way...jose...not again!" I too have learned my lesson as I make sure the dogs are always with their tags. Thanks again...happy mylotting...