
October 4, 2008 2:40am CST
I often wonder to myself while I observe others and ask myself this, "Why do all humans look so different from each other." When I look at, say, dogs or cats, I think they somehow look the same in terms of features (let's not talk about fur). Our features (eyes, nose, mouth etc) can make us look so different. Is it because that cats and dogs are smaller in size hence the difference is small? OK, I am a little random. AND no offence to anyone, I am not trying to compare you with any cats and dogs. LOL.
5 responses
@laladida (151)
• United States
24 Nov 08
I think that God created us all differently to give us our own uniqueness(Idk how to say that word rofl).
• Singapore
24 Nov 08
HAHA. I think something like everyone is special. I agree with that point, although statistics show that there are about 6-7 people who looks like you (in general, everyone) around the globe. So we are not so special in terms of looks, but maybe if you add on the character, we are all unique individuals.
• Singapore
23 Nov 08
i'm pretty sure that when cats and dogs look at us, they think that we look the same too lol
• Singapore
24 Nov 08
HAHA. That's a good one, I didn't think of it in their perspective before.
@angelia286 (2029)
• Singapore
16 Dec 08
Lol, are you very sure that dogs and cats look exactly the same to one another? In fact, if you were to look closely at their features, they too do not look exactly like each other! Of course, the difference in looks among humans are much more noticable than cats or dogs. It could be because we grow up surrounded by humans to the very extent that we know what to look out for exactly, whereas we do not grow up in the company of cats and dogs. I am sure that if we were to grow up among cats and dogs, we will be so trained to the extent that we will be able to differentiate the differences between each individual cat and dog without even having to find for those differences. Hehe, I hope that this does answer your question! Take care and happy mylotting!!
@weiwei88 (119)
• Singapore
4 Oct 08
I heard from my friend that she say that out in the world there are like 2 or 3 people who will look like you. I dont know whether to believe or not. I also wonder why are there pets and humans. why can humans talk and pets cant. There are so many questions and answers has yet to be answered. I guess God created us like this. Like how adam and eve story is.
• Singapore
4 Oct 08
There's about 5 other person in the world who look exactly like you, I think.
• United States
4 Oct 08
Well its my belief that at one point long, long, lonnnngggg ago all people originated from the same geographical location, with the same climate, and thus looked the same. After different groups of people began to migrate to other continents with different climates, they eventually, over thousands of years, adapted to their new surroundings. Check out this link from Time: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,868182,00.html It is about human physical adaptation to surroundings. Hope this info helps to answer your question.
• Singapore
4 Oct 08
Hey, thanks. =) It did help me =D