We need the Pitt Bull with Lipstick

United States
October 8, 2008 9:20am CST
TO ALL MY FRIENDS....LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE...FYI only. George Bush has been in office for 7 1/2 years. The first six the economy was fine. Just over one year ago: 1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high; 2) Regular gasoline sold for under $2.50 a gallon; 3) The unemployment rate was 4.5%. 4) The DOW JONES hit a record high--14,000 + 5) American's were buying new cars, taking cruises, vacations overseas, living large!... But American's wanted 'CHANGE'! So, in 2006 they voted in a Democratic Congress and yes--we got 'CHANGE' all right. In the PAST YEAR: 1) Consumer confidence has plummeted; 2) Gasoline has been over $4 a gallon & climbing!; 3) Unemployment is over to 5.5% (a 10% increase); 4) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 TRILLION DOLLARS and prices still dropping; 5) large% of American homes are in foreclosure. 6) as I write, THE DOW is probing another low~~ TRILLIONS DOLLARS HAS EVAPORATED FROM THEIR STOCKS, BONDS & MUTUAL FUNDS INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS! YES, IN 2006 AMERICA VOTED FOR CHANGE...AND WE SURE GOT IT! .... REMEMBER THE PRESIDENT HAS NO CONTROL OVER ANY OF THESE ISSUES, ONLY CONGRESS. AND WHAT HAS CONGRESS DONE IN THE LAST TWO YEARS? EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO BRING DOWN THE ECONOMY AND WEAKEN AMERICA IN IRAQ.ALL TO BENEFIT THEMSELVES IN THE 2008 ELECTION. During that time Senator Obama received more money from FNMA than the rest of the Senate combined. Hmmm. NOW THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT CLAIMS HE IS GOING TO REALLY GIVE US CHANGE ALONG WITH A DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS!!!! JUST HOW MUCH DEMOCRAT 'CHANGE' DO YOU THINK YOU CAN STAND? HELLO.....
1 response
@kyodao (36)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Ummm, I also remember when Clinton was in office everyone I know was doing pretty darn well. We all had good jobs and pay, life was good. And then it happened....Bush got into office and that was it. S@%& hit the fan and now we (Americans) are paying for it. Don't try to put this all on congress - Bush is a dumba@%.
• United States
8 Oct 08
Well, Try again....When Clinton was in office, he also signed the NFTA bill...I lost my job to Mexico. And so did many other American workers. Plants started closing down, and moving overseas
• United States
9 Oct 08
When Clinton was in Office there was a Republican controlled Congress that FORCED him to balance the budget. He veto'd it three times. Even though the Republicans controlled Congress during the first part of Bush's term, the Democrats have still used dirty tricks to obstruct pretty much everything he has tried to do. In fact Right NOW, there are 38 Federal Judges that the Demmies have refused to even vote on. They are hoping that Obama wins so that they NEVER have to vote on them. That isn't just dirty, It's VILE.