I have not experience any Prejutice but~~~~

@marciascott (25529)
United States
October 8, 2008 6:08pm CST
I found this opening for a Job on the Internet, I called them up yesterday, they gave me directions. So I went to put in application, instead of during it online, like I was going to do. well, I talked to someone in H.R. and the lady told me it was only one open, so I talked to her. I told her that I had just moved to this town. And she looked over my application, I told her It took me a while to get there and could I have an interview with someone. so she tells me wait I have to go to another office for a min, if yo have time and can wait for me I will be back I told her ok. so she came back I sat down while she looked at my Appl. She was really nice. then this one lady comes in from another office, and tell her Oh, is she waiting for somebody, the Lady I gave my Appl. said no she is putting in an app. for the one Postion. The other lady goes oh, that potion has been filled, I just had a strange feeling that she was being prejutice. I could be wrong, but that was my gut feeling. I was really getting my hopes up too. Anyway the both Ladies said would I be interested in another postion, I told them yeah sure. Maybe I am wrong, I don't know?
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6 responses
@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Having been on the hire and the to be hired lists I know how fasts jobs do get filled. It could be that it was filled but the other lady just did not know. I have seen this many times. Especially if there is only one opening.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I think you are right, It was only one Job Opening and maybe the Lady at the desk didn't know it was filled. But when she told me that it was only one postion, I should of know. that it would get filled quickly. thanks for responding.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I don't know, I think it would be really hard to tell if it was truly a filled position or not. I'm thinking that if they were really operating from the point of predjudice, that they wouldn't have offered another different position at all, and not even mentioned the other one. If they were operating out of prejudice, you probably wouldn't want to work with those kinds of people anyways! I don't know, but I imagine positions anywhere go fast and quick with so many being laid off and losing jobs. It might have been filled earlier and the lady at the desk just didn't know it, or filled by the last person who came in and was qualified. Just a thought... I feel positive the right job will come up at the right time (and with the right employers). Keep the faith!!
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Thanks Joy I guess you have a point I thought about the same thing, when I left. It was in Brewster Ohio, about 1/2 from where I am. Yes I said to myself well if thwy were Prej. then she wouldn't of mention other jobs if they come up. if possible because, they only had one opening for an Senior Attendant. You didn't have to have experience but i pointed out to them that I had a lot of experience with Seniors. I use to do Private Duty Nursing working in Homes and Nursing Homes. Even sitting in Hospitals watching the patients. It is like an place where they have Assisted Living. They did promise me that if something come along they would call me. I should of went in yesterday when I call about the Job.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I just got to thinking (sheesh...not again! lol) Have you ever considered working with your counties visiting nurse association? I worked for them and it was a wonderful experience. They are ALWAYS looking for help it seems. Since you have the experience behind you, I would think you'd be a good candidate for it. They have needs for people to give seniors baths, or do their groceries for them, and stuff like that. The pay was pretty good, and although you drive, you can deduct the mileage, gas, etc, at tax time. If I wasn't having health problems I'd go back to them in a snap! There's also a place called Care Corps that does about the same thing, I think they have offices all over Ohio too. The nice thing with that, over doing it private duty, is that you get health insurance, usually dental, and other perks too.
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
13 Oct 08
seems like rivalry to me.that one was terying to put down the other.keep your fingers crossed,the right job will come along.
@jerryn (819)
• United States
9 Oct 08
No way to know for sure but it's best to listen to your inner gut feelings. I'd think twice about having any interest in any postions with that establishment. Sounds like you maybe a victim of "Hidden Racisim"
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Oct 08
It may very well be a case of lack of communication between them. Even in the large comapny that i work there seems to be communication problems. Before feeling that way give them the benefit of the doubt. The reason I say this is because if you default to that thought and you get the job you will always wonder. that will cause unwanted friction where none should have been. Giving them the benefit of the doubt eliminates that possibility. I hope this helps. Have a good day.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Yes, Thank you thart ius something to think about! have a good day!
@KYEEDAH1 (139)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Like others are saying, it is really hard to tell and you should follow your guts. It definately sounds like they were trying to discriminate against you. They asked you to come in to fill out an application and all of a sudden the position is not open, com'on! Yes, in 2008, discrimination is still a major issue. Hopefully Obama cn clear up some of that.