How to deal with people speeding through your neighorhood?

@chertsy (3798)
United States
October 11, 2008 10:38pm CST
Well, here's my situation, We have had a detour through our neighborhood since July, it's now October and no sign of it ever ending. Tonight, I managed to cross the road to my neighbor's home to give her some baby clothes hangers, to only being hit my some idiot that sped up as he saw me. My kids haven't rode their bikes since May/June. Just to get out my driveway is irritating to the point I wish I had a bb gun. Believe me, I'm at that point of picking up rocks and throwing at the idiots that think 30 is to slow. Police has been called countless of times, they drive through here, some times will park their cars, even has the thingy that tells you your speed. Whoever is in charge of the construction hasn't let us know anything, which I believe we should know since we live here. Well, tonight I emailed the police chief, about this, along with the best times to have cops sit and watch. Since when they do park, they do it at hours when people are still at work. I have also emailed the person in charge of the road construction. I'm really hoping to get an email back with an answer to my questions. So, to make this a discussion. How would you do, if you were in my situation? I got my kids Halloween costumes, and I honestly don't think it will be safe for them to go out this year. So I will either keep them home, or take them to a friend's neighborhood.
5 responses
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
12 Oct 08
We don't have any speeding in my neighborhood, but there are some places I know that have had problems with speeding. They had major speed humps put up along the way so that anyone speeding is either going to have to slow down or tear up their car.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I don't think the speed bumps would actually work, sad to say. People would only find away to go around them. I'm still waiting for a response from the person in charge of construction. I did get a response from the police chief. He forwarded my email to the Uniformed Division Patrol Section Commander. I'm suppose to keep them posted on how things are going around here. Believe me, if the police isn't going to patrol my neighborhood for idiots, then the police chief will hear from me again.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
13 Oct 08
It's too bad the speed humps won't work. In these neighbors, the speed humps go all the way across the road. There is no way to get around them without driving in someones yard and they're not so high as they are long. They look like they're made out of rubber or heavy plastic. Sorry I couldn't be of any help.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
26 Oct 08
If they did place the speed humps, we would have some idiot that would go in some ones yard or pull a Dukes of Hazard and jump it really fast. Good news, the detour is over. So no more speeders or heavy traffic, it actually ended a week before I was told it should. Now, another street will be getting a detour, so it would be like Karma, if one of our speeders gets speeders going through his/her neighborhood. Our neighborhood will still suffer when they close off another part of the road, because the buses will have to find another way of getting here to pick up kids. Hopefully, we will find out when this will all happen, so I can find out if my oldest has to get up earlier or get to sleep in a little longer. Thank you for responding.
@balasri (26537)
• India
26 Oct 08
Will you be able to make speed breakers and children zone sign boards with the help of the authorities.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
27 Oct 08
I am so happy that the things have changed for the good.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
27 Oct 08
There are children zone signs all through the neighborhood, along with the posted speed limit. The speeders were usually out and about before the school buses came around and at night. Basically when people were going to work and coming home from work. The detour finally ended along with the speeders and loud music playing. Our neighborhood is finally back to normal again. It's so nice again, my kids are looking forward to going door to door to ask for candy. I'm going to be going with them as usual, it's a nice way to get out and meet your neighbors.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I don't think there is much more you can do. I would have your neighbors help and send lots of complaints and maybe they will do something.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
16 Oct 08
There isn't anything I can do about the detour. I finally got a hold of the right person today. After a nice phone conversation, we should be getting rid of the detour, hopefully in two weeks. Then it becomes another neighborhoods problem, sad to say. The police, I have given up on, I hope they never call asking for donations for fallen cops, or anything of that matter. I mean honestly, why should I give them more, after my taxes pays them. Believe me if they do call, I'm going to tell them, why didn't you do more during the detour going through my neighborhood. Why wasn't more done, when I came inches of being hit. I can rant and rave all night and day, but it's not going to get them out here, to get speeders. The people working on the road, is working fast, especially now since colder weather is coming, and expected rain tomorrow. It is going to be nice to have my quiet, maybe 5-6 cars a day through my neighborhood. Last night, I counted 6 cars in the time it took my dog to go potty, which took about 5 minutes. Some neighbor's yell at them to slow down, I'm always afraid that they will slow down and come back for me. So if two weeks from now, and the detour is still here. I will be calling again to find what the hold up is. Hopefully, and believe me I pray that there won't be one.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
12 Oct 08
I don't know hon, but I know that I always took my son out on halloween myself, living in the big city I was always fearful of what could happen to him on his own.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Oh I take mine out myself as well. I did get back a response from the police chief, he's going to have more patrols through our neighborhood. I will wait until tomorrow to see if anything changes. I honestly don't think so, if all they do is drive up and down our neighborhood. I made sure I let them know if they park where no one can see them, then they will catch more speeders. If I don't get any news from the person in charge of construction, by Wednesday, I will be calling to find out whats going on. I like quiet, and I want my quiet neighborhood back.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I think I'd try to get the license numbers off the cars. I know it wouldn't be easy with them speeding through. You can be that when someone's kid gets hit then they'll be yelling about slowing down. I hope it works out for you. [b]~~IN SEARCH OF PEACE WITHIN~~ **AGAINST THE STORMS, I WILL STAND STRONG** [/b]
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Actually it's not. I already have a neighbor that does that. She's even given them to the police, sad to say, I don't know if anything has been done to those drivers. I have even witnessed the cops speeding, the speed limit is 30mph through our neighborhood. I normally do 25-30, a Sherrif was in front of me. He was clearly ahead of me, so he had to been doing 40-45 through my neighborhood. Hopefully, in 2 wks, they will stop coming through here and it will start in another neigborhood. It would be ironic, that a speeder will live in the neighborhood that will have the detour soon. I hope he/she will get irritated by the speeders and has to suffer just like everyone in my neighborhood had to. I will keep everyone updated on this, If the detour isn't gone by the 29th, I will be calling and asking for another time line. Heck, I might be bitter by then, and ask him if he want's to tell my kids they won't be going trick a treating this year. The kids that do, better have outfits fixed with reflective things, lights, blinking lights, and with their parents to protect them from morons that can't slow down when people are walking. Thank you, I hope it works out soon, even before the 2 wk deadline.