feeling nervous when drinking too much coffee

@mayrah (1144)
United States
October 12, 2008 8:43am CST
Every time I drink more than a cup of coffee or cola, my anxiety, heart rate and alertness increases. That's why I avoid drinking too much coffee or soda a day. So when I was still a student I avoid drinking anything that contain caffeine as I have low tolerance for that. How about do you have high or low tolerance in caffeine? How does it affects your activities?
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4 responses
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
12 Oct 08
Hello,Mayrah! Too much of anything is always bad for the health.Coffee or soda or cola does not suit to your system so better it would be to avoid.If you are interested to drink coffee than add a little milk and sugar in it and drink when it mild hot with some biscuits.Drinking just two or three cups of coffee can lower the risk of heart diseases by 30% and prevent colon cancer.But avoid cola or any other carbonated drinks as it in noway helpful for the body.thanx.
@mayrah (1144)
• United States
12 Oct 08
yah, I guess I have abuse taking stimulant when I was a student just to stay awake for the whole night and finished my review. Thank for the information i really learned a lot from you. happy mylotting.
@genihanna (358)
• United States
12 Oct 08
As you probably know, coffee, tea, etc. tend to make you pee a lot, right? I got a little trick for you - for every cup of coffee, tea, coke, whatever, that you drink - drink twice as much water immediately after. That's it - one cup coffee, 2 cups water. It will flush the caffeine out and it's good for you!
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@mayrah (1144)
• United States
12 Oct 08
Ah really, ok thanks for info...happy mylotting
@parthieie (418)
• India
13 Oct 08
i so happens them try to avoid drinking them take something healthier than that. always try to avoid caffeine .
• United States
13 Oct 08
I think I have a high tolerance for coffee. I like it very strong. Up until about 4 years ago I rarely ever drank coffee and now for the life of me...I can't stop :) I don't know if it's just THAT good or if i'm addicted. The place where I work makes really potent coffee in the mornings and it wakes you up very quick. I got the shakes at first and now I can drink 2 big cups in the morning with no problems. I LOVE COFFEE!!!