Have you think of commit suicide before????

@snpyvin (1518)
October 13, 2008 8:58pm CST
I never think of commit suicide before but i ever came across to experience those people who thinking of commit suicide. I was rather scared by the situation like this. I think life is great we shouldn't have put an end to it and just thinking of giving up life due to some problem. Many things happens is beyond our expectation and control sometimes things doesn't work out as we wants but we have no choice but to move on our life and appreciate other things. I don't understand why some people would commit suicide when they fail in their relationship, maybe they have their thought about it i don't know. My question is have you ever think of commit suicide before??
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3 responses
@littleowl (7157)
24 Oct 08
I have tried to commit sucide many a time up til my late thirtys mainly cos of bad things happening in my life but have always had it hard...there is no justification for it but it is also a mental illness...fortunatley I have grown out of that know and would never even think of it...littleowl
@snpyvin (1518)
• Malaysia
24 Oct 08
Its good that you have come to realize. do appreciate your life and don't think of easy way to end your life as it would hurt people that still love you.
14 Oct 08
Hi snpyvin, Life is so full of ups and down, sometimes the things theat life throws ar us its unbearable and feels we can't go on, cant take the pain anymore and feel like you want to end your life, but from the darkest moment of darkness there always light and you have to look towards that light ande somehow you will be ok and soon the pain will go and you can start again and carry on with life, its lessons learned but we have to help people who are at the lowest ebb and pull them back. I am so please that you won't even dream about taken your own life but try to understand that some people are weak and cannot cope, but they want your help. Tamara
@snpyvin (1518)
• Malaysia
17 Oct 08
I will help them if i can. Thanks for your wonderful thoughts here.
• United States
14 Oct 08
Nope, even when life is at its worst, you must overcome it and move on. Eventually all things will get better. Obstacles are tests in life. If you're strong you will prove it.
@snpyvin (1518)
• Malaysia
14 Oct 08
Ya those who meets life obstacles will prove it.