If you can choose, which country would you like to reside in

October 27, 2008 11:58am CST
if i can choose, i would like to reside in Australia and tasmania in particular. I had been there once and i really enjoy the carefree and fantastic scenery. It is a fantastic place to be in and i feel really close to nature. I like the people too as they are very friendly and i enjoy their company. It is really fun to be able to spend your life in an environment that is away from the hectic, fast urban life and concrete landscape. What about you? where would you like to be in?
3 responses
@arkramesh (129)
27 Oct 08
definetly i like to reside in my home country. Because here we have a lot of independence and it is a democratic country. Here we have people belongs to different religions and nations. It helps a lot to know about other religions and also about nations. Here all religion people live with unity. So i like to reside in my country. The climate of the country is also very good. My home country is INDIA. Jai Hind.
27 Oct 08
Ya i like enjoying my country. Thanks for the discussion started. Apart from my home country i want to reside in Australia. Other than my country i like australia. I dont know why. But i am trying to get job in australia to work for sometime( For few years only) After that i want to spend my life in my country. Happy mylotting
• China
27 Oct 08
great for you. looks like u enjoy your country. but anywhere else u like to reside in apart from your country
@dodo19 (47188)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
27 Oct 08
I think I would always love to live in Canada. It's where I was born, it's where I grew, where I fell in love with my fiance, it's where my family and friends are. However, if I were to chose somewhere else, I'd love to live in Ireland, mainly because my paternal grandfather was born in Ireland and I've always been proud of that fact. So that would influence my decision. Or I might consider London, England, or Edinburgh, Scotland. I've visited both cities and absolutely love both.
@dodo19 (47188)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
27 Oct 08
Well, it happens that we make decisions that we later regret. I know I have. I hope you get the opportunity to come to Canada, at some point.
• China
27 Oct 08
great. i think any part of united kingdom is wonderful too. i love canada too. i had the chance to go there 3-4 years ago but i did not take it so i am regretting that poor decision of mine
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 08
I would definitely choose Cyprus because it has such a relaxed way of living, the Euro is the currency, the climate is comfortable and warm and varies from what part of Cyprus you go to, everywhere is easily accessible, they drive on the same side of the road as us. Plenty to see and do, English is widely spoken. There is something for everyone there even out of the tourist season, it would be soooo relaxing and such a slow pace of life, idyllic and I would be really comfortable and happy there. No risk from terrorism either and the crime rate is low, my kind of heaven!
• China
27 Oct 08
sound great. are u from cyprus? if not where are you from?
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 08
No I am from the UK!