hey! where's my change?

@kayedanda (1850)
October 27, 2008 11:48pm CST
i am betting this has happened to you at least once in your commuting life, with the driver of the jeepney/fx/bus unintentionally or conveniently (most of the times it's the latter) forgetting to give you your change back. what do you do when you encounter those drivers? do you yell at them to "give me my damn change back!" (or something to that effect) or do you ask politely to "manong, where's my change?" (with matching beautiful eyes)?
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27 responses
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
I always ask them into a nice way. I also bare with them for drivers also get confuse sometimes.. but a bad experience happened to me one time when I am asking for my change. someone got mine without me noticing it. so when I am about to go down, I ask the driver for my change. at first, he pretended that he doesn't hear me. I got pissed off so I ask again for my change in a high tone of my voice. then he shouted at me saying.. "mukha ka pa namang edukada, hindi ka naman marunong magbayad. tapos nanghihingi ka pa ng sukli!".. (you look like an educated person, but you don't know how to pay, and you're still asking for some change!).. that's the exact words he said to me. and it badly hurts!.. what I don't like is that someone is accusing me bad when it comes to money. so I really cried at that time.. good thing someone defended me that he saw me handing my fare. but he still insist.. so in return what I said is that.. "manong, yung sukli ko, pambili mo na lang ng meryenda mo.".. (just don't give back my change.. just buy yourself something to eat.) anyway, all in all.. let's ask it nicely.. and if they're being rude, then that's the time you'll be rude also.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
Some drivers do intentionally forget to give the change... i would just politely remind them about it... no use in getting angry since they would just deny that they did it intentionally... So... just to avoid any arguments... "manong, where's my change?" with matching smile and beautiful eyes will do... and that would certainly make them feel guilty about forgetting...
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
i have an experience with this driver that "manong, where's my change?" with matching beautiful eyes did not work. he just looked at me with knitted eyebrows and said, "ni hindi ka pa nga nagbabayad" (you haven't even paid your fare yet), at which point my blood boiled, i switched to bella flores mode and said in my most kontrabida voice, "kapal naman ng mukha nyo. nagbayad na kaya ako!" (okay, feel free to translate that ) fortunately, the other passengers backed me up and said, "oo nga manong. ngbayad na sya. pero wla pa nga syang sukli." (she's already paid. and you haven't given her her change.) i think the driver pretty much took the point and immediately handed me my change
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
The nerve of that driver... good thing there were a lot of witnesses that told him you are right... some drivers would do anything just to get away from giving back the change...
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
i know. but i also had an experience when the driver accused me of not paying but nobody backed me up. but that's a whole other discussion altogether (i actually started a discussion about that one ) so many bad experiences with drivers. tsk. sometimes i think maybe i look like the type who does not pay for her fare
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@munhozmib (3837)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
29 Oct 08
Hello! Things like that happens, and not only with drivers. Sometimes you go to a store, or a bakery, and the clerk just seems to forget about how much you gave him. He gives you the product and it is like if you were supposed to walk out of the store. Then you say: "Hey, isn't there any change?". Then he seems to "come back" from his world and say: "Oh, yeah, really... I am sorry, it was my bad" and he gives you the change. It has happened to me already. What I said above was a real fact. I only think it is strange on how he already knew how much was the change. I mean, if he didn't know I had to receive a change, he wouldn't know the ammount either. Respectfully, Munhozmib.
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
oh. how unfortunate. anyways, i hope you didn't come across this guy anymore. or if you did, i hope he does not intentionally forget to give you your change anymore. thanks for the input!
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
I don't commute so I haven't experienced this. But sometimes when I go to a restaurant, I'll pay close to the full bill and the waiter wouldn't return with my change! Sometimes it's only like P20 but I still want my change. I want to be able to decide how much to leave for tip. So I just ask politely haha
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
i never know how much tip to leave either but i guess if the bill shows that they have service charge, then it's okay not to leave a tip. otherwise, we have to. now there's our problem. knowing exactly how much to give waiters. if you give them too little, they might think you're cheap. if you give them too much, they will expect that high amount every time. oh well. the decisions you have to make when you're an adult
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
This happens a lot with taxi drivers as well. I'm OK with them not giving me change if my change is just 5 or 10 pesos. Sometimes though, taxi drivers don't return your change even if it's 20 pesos or more. That's when I or my girlfriend asks the taxi driver in a sarcastic tone, "Where's my change?"
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
i have experiences like that, too. i think they're always expecting a tip of some kind.
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
There's a sticker inside of taxis that say that whatever the meter is, you have to add +10 pesos. I didn't read it fully but there is an LTO seal which makes I think makes it legit. Maybe that's why they don't give back change when you still have 10 pesos change.
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
yeah. taxis do have stickers, actually, and it's perfectly legit. so that's why they don't give you your change back. because you don't have any
@chiaeugene (2225)
• China
29 Oct 08
no. this has not happen to me yet. in singapore, we do not have this problem as we use a electronic card for public transport so there is no need for us to pay direct to the driver. IN china where i am residing now. the cab driver would automatically return u your change. even when i tip them, they are not happy and i understand from my wife that they feel offended with a tip..something i find it strange cos many would welcome one.
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
good thing most drivers are very disciplined there. i wish there are more drivers like that here
@alena824 (376)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
If my change is quite substantial, I will keep on reminding the driver that he has yet to give it to me. This usually happens when several passengers hand over their fare at the same time and the driver can't keep track who has given change to. I will let him take care of the others first, before I badger him about mine. If the change is just 50 centavos or less than a peso, I let it pass (when I am in a really good and generous mood) because I do understand how hard they work and the cost of diesel makes it difficult for them to make ends meet.
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
which is why it's good to pay your fare when all the others have paid theirs. to make sure that the driver remembers you particularly. but even if that's what i always do, some drivers just don't hand over my change unless i ask for it.
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
Although it's kind of irritating to ask for it I would definitely ask for it as politely as possible. I really do not like it when they ask for my money they would be there waiting for you to pay them but when it's time for them to give you your change they would leave and would try their best that you forget about it at all.
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@chengbeb (285)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
I'd always ask politely to generate a polite response too. We'd have to give them the benefit of the doubt. There are times that they really do forget but there are instances though that they just don't have exact or enough change. With the P8.50 fare that we have some jeepney drivers don't have enough 0.25 cents to give out so some of them would just ask if you have 0.50 cents or ask if it's okey if they can't give you your change. Some would just not get 0.50 cents from you, if you're catching my drift. Anyway, it really is hard if you don't have the exact change most especially nowadays a 0.25 cents can add to what you have.
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• Philippines
29 Oct 08
I have encountered the same experience several times already. And I would ask for my change. But I see to it that I ask for it in a nice way. I don't know if the driver did it intentionally or maybe he forgot about it because being a driver and collecting for payments at the same time is not an easy job. Secondly, I don't want to raise an argument about it.
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@kg_gurl (220)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Oh yes, this has happened before. But hey what can you do, even when I'm already in a bad mood I just remind them nicely the first time. What really gets is that I came from the province and when we rode cabs especially when I was with friends in high school we compute the fare evenly between us. But when I got here in Manila years ago, taxi drivers are very choosy! I had a culture shock that taxi drivers won't give you back the exact change. They always rounds it off like example your fare if 47.50 pesos and you give them 50 pesos it's like it's a given that they won't give any change back because they'll just say they don't have change. I was also shoked that taxi drivers can say no! I also hate it when they as for additional payment because of the traffic or because it's raining. ~
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
you should take down their plate numbers and report them for abuse. right now i dunno who to report them to but take them down just the same.
@pehpot (4762)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
well it has been long since I last rode a public vehicle since I am a stay at home and don't go out often, I remember thought hat there were times when fare rates is not exact (7.50, 7.25 and so on) now if the driver did not give a change (or the conductor[?]) and it was just cents, I don't bother myself with it. and since most jeepney driver "conveniently" forgets, well i always bring centavos with me. but I experienced once that a driver intentionally did not give my change, my money then was like 50 or 20 and the fare is only 10. well he did that on purpose because the one sitting next to me is a pick pocket, it happens that when I hand out my fare, this guy sitting beside me was busy with my pockets and the driver did not give my change so that I would not bother inspect my pocket, he only give my change when the guy was out.
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
ohh..so they're partners in crime huh? SOBs!
@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
a lot of times i do encounter this with jeepney drivers, they would not give the change unless the person would ask for it. and they actually do this intentionally. in my case, since im teaching my kids to be alert on things around them, i do ask for my change at once.
@SeishiroX (1093)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
Nah, I always make it a point to say it nicely no matter how fuming in anger I already am. This is to avoid wasting time in useless arguments with the driver, to whom the maxim "customer is always right" does not exist.
@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
"the driver is always right", that's their belief in life no offense to drivers, but some of them are just plain scumbags.
• Singapore
28 Oct 08
Well, taxi drivers here are rather decent. If they deliberately forget to give change or do somethign unethical, they risk being sacked by the cab company, especially if someone were to complain. So far, my experience has been positive. Some even give me a discount of 10 cents and 20 cents from teh total cab fare. Well, I think the should, cab fare has risen over the past few months!
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• Singapore
28 Oct 08
I usually ask nicely about it. The taxi drivers here are pretty decent. Someone even offer a ten cent or twenty cent discount. Well I think they should since the cab fare has increased dramatically over the years.
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@jessej9 (394)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
Hi, in my case, I politely ask them where is my change. Most of the times that this happens to me is that when there are so many people passing their fare to the driver so of course I think that sometimes those drivers tend to forget one's change. But for most of the time that I encounter this, they quickly apologize for not returning my change quickly.
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• Philippines
28 Oct 08
I always ask for it in a nice matter. Cause since they are too busy attending to the wheel, they surely sometime forget about it, but not all, cause i have encountered some who are really fond of doing that. Most filipino are shy of asking for the P0.50 change. So they will just keep it.
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
Honestly, I do the yelling most of the times in a situation like that (",). Some drivers really have the talent to get on people's nerves and this is one of them. We commuters rely on buses, jeepneys, taxis as our affordable means of transportation. It's perfectly understandable for fare hikes these days because of unstable oil prices. I'd also find it forgivable if the driver really has no lose change left so I'd let him keep the change. As for my case, I usually wind up riding along with drivers who take advantage of hapless commuters and so my temper just flares up when this happens (but it's a good thing I haven't gotten into trouble yet).
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@Shar1979 (2722)
• United States
28 Oct 08
oh yeah it dis happen to me too. especially if you have like 50 or 100 pesos. they think that you may have forgotten it as well. unless you remind them....they wont give you your change yet
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