om gosh - my son walks out... he will not be indoctrinated!!

@redkathy (3374)
United States
October 30, 2008 9:03pm CST
My son called me the other night right after walking out on his humanities substitute professor. He was LIVID!!! He went on a rant about how he had to rush from work to school in order to be on time only to find the professor was late. Strike one. After some cracks about the president and conservatives this man proceeded to give his personal views on God. Yet the ten commandments can not be posted in the school. Strike two As he was teaching he began to speak on the reformation of the church and Martin Luther. You have to know that my son was educated from age four to fourteen in a Lutheran School and is a member of the Lutheran Church. Well this so called professor stated that Martin Luther was against religion, and misstated some other facts as well. STRIKE THREE, HE'S OUTTA THERE! "Mom, If we can't have the Ten Commandments, we can't speak of our faith, our political affiliation, then he can't either! I WILL NOT BE INDOCTRINATED!!! It was yell at him, hit him or leave! I didn't pay 50K to have him tell me his personal political and religious beliefs! I'm filing a complaint!" He told me that his regular professor is great. Very respectable guy. He never singles anyone out, political, religious, or otherwise. I have to support my son on this. Academia has gone way overboard! Personal agendas have no place in education. Especially not when the price tag is nearly fifty thousand. What do you think? Fair or Not? Was my son right to leave? Would you support his decision?
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8 responses
@pkraj111 (2458)
• India
31 Oct 08
I support your son's decision. He is right in thinking so. It is not a professor's job to tell what your personal beliefs should be. Also I think it is better if your son can have a personal chat with the professor before filing any case, may be the guy has gone overboard only this day. Better talk to him about it.
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@redkathy (3374)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I think it was this guy's nature. Most of the professors there are good. He was just a sub. I think nothing will come of it anyway unless they had many complaints.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
19 Nov 08
I am a little lost here. Your son is going to school. And you paid 50k for his fees. And he is not going to get indoctrinated because there is a substitute professor for humanities? One subject out of, erm... how many subjects he is taking?
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
19 Nov 08
I know you and your son feel strongly about this bigot that is teaching him. But your son is in a position that will likely put him in the losing end of a battle he definitely cannot win. Going against this bigot is like an egg trying to take on a rock. The egg in this case is your son. Going against the bigot now will only result in your son being marked. And when that happens, he has to work extra hard with extra effort to score for the subject. After paying so much for his education, is it worth it to throw it all away for this bigot who will still be teaching whether your son graduates or not. Rather than go against him, listen to what he has to say. Note it down. Better yet, video record the lecture. Bering in mind all the time this is not the correct way to act! Then once the exams is over, lodge a former complaint to the relevant authorities that can deal with this bigot. Once your son is out of the school, there is little the bigot can do to him. There is a chinese saying that goes "Jun Zi bao chou, Shi nian wey wan". Loosely translated, "when a man wants revenge, ten years is not too late". Dont' fight a losing battle. Pick the right time to do it.
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
21 Nov 08
That is exactly why he left, filed a complaint and talked with his regular professor about it! Maybe that way this idiot won't be called to substitute again BTW I love the saying Thanks
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@redkathy (3374)
• United States
19 Nov 08
PUSHING personal views about religion and politics, that offend students or make them feel as though they have no right to respond, which are not part of the curriculum, is unacceptable and indoctrinating. Late instructors who insist the students be on time is unacceptable. Teaching facts that are false is unacceptable. Paying so much for the education and being treated this is unacceptable! It doesn't matter how many subjects or how many times, once is too much. Instructors should be TEACHING the FACTS not using their positions to politic their personal views. My son stood up what he believed was correct.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
31 Oct 08
GO Squirel! He was taught by a few people to stand up for what/who you believe in. I totaly support his decision to leave. Knowing how he is he wouldn't just walk away innless that "professor" really hit a few buttons. Even if I didn't know him I would still agree he was right to leave. I agree with his point that if the student can't the professor can't talk religion/politics. Tell him I'm proud of him for standing up for his beliefs!
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
31 Oct 08
He was ranting on the nextel! "No one can tell ME about reformation, much less Martin Luther! I can't believe this so an so professor can't even get the facts correct" he yelled. I heard beep beep and then,"NO ON IS GOING TO INDOCTRINATE ME!!!" You know him, he takes what he was taught to heart!
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
31 Oct 08
I would definitely support your sons decision not to be subjected to anyone's beliefs, no matter who it is. I know that if I was in any place and the person in charge was speaking against God or any of my core beliefs, I would leave also. We have a right to take a stand. But sadly, this is what the world is coming to. I know that my Bible says, "Having done all to stand, stand therefore."
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
1 Nov 08
Tell your son that your friend's on Mylot are proud of him. There aren't many youngsters who are willing to stand up for what they believe these days. That is wonderful.
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Rozie he was so pissed. He said they looked at him as the only red neck conservative Christian in the room... causing him NOT to be able to speak. Since he was educated in a Lutheran school and loves history, he knows the facts surrounding the Reformation of the Church. When this guy got it wrong about Martin Luther that was too much for my son to handle! This professor is darn lucky my son has respect otherwise he might have gotten a black eye.
• United States
31 Oct 08
i certainly do support his decision. good for him. he stood up in what he believed in & that's good. i hope he gets something done about that professor. he had no buisness doing that.
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Even thought his style is a bit unorthodox, I do support this 100%. Hubby and I sacrificed for our boys to attend private Lutheran school. They got a good and strong faith based education. They can recite any fact you ask about Martin Luther. That's what pushed my son over the edge... incorrect facts being taught about the founder of his religion, and he's supposed to be ok with that... no way.
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• United States
31 Oct 08
noone has got a right to sit up & talk about alot of personal things they do. i think everyone's relegion is a personal choice & if u don't agree w/it , it's reallt none of anybody's buisness but yours.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I think your son was right in fact I have done the same thing myself a few times. Of course I was a teacher but the classroom is not a public forum for your own thoughts and beliefs. I am glad he is strong enough at his age to do this.
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I am proud of him for standing firm.
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@katsmeow1213 (28717)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I probably would have walked out too if I felt as strongly as your son did. I am always very annoyed when people try to push their beliefs on others. Some religions think their duty here on earth is to educate others on "the truth" and I can't stand that. If the whole world was meant to believe one thing, there wouldn't be so many seperate religions. There'd be 1 clear cut religion that everyone was supposed to follow. If we weren't allowed to have seperate political beliefs we wouldn't have more than 1 political party. I hope this doesn't mess up your son's education and future by skipping out on this class. And I hope they do something about this professor.
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
31 Oct 08
He did file a complain with student services. He believes as you do and it just pushed him over the edge!
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• United States
31 Oct 08
i support it!! i think that religion needs to not be an issue that can be brought up with work or education because it has no place there!! (unless it was a religious job or something) that would be like talking about rap music or something.. it doesnt affect the end result and will only piss or confuse people in the mean time.. religion should be avoided at all costs with stuff like this i think
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
31 Oct 08
He feels as facts should be taught as such. Religion and political affiliations are personal choices and unless ALL are permitted to share their own views, it should not be discussed, including the PROFESSORS!
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