
November 4, 2008 7:51am CST
Do you ever go barefoot? Where do you go? DO you know anyone who doesn't wear shoes often? Do you think this is dirty? What are your thoughts?
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46 responses
@Ravenladyj (22904)
• United States
4 Nov 08
I actually go barefoot most of the time both inside and out (except in the cold months of course)...I can't stand shoes and I really really hate to wear socks....Do I htink its dirty? No assuming one isnt walking in filthy vile places ya know..
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• Australia
5 Nov 08
I totally understand. As long as you're not in the supermarket barefoot!
@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
4 Nov 08
I just don't like to have dirty feet. Even when I'm in my house I have slippers on or socks. However, I read on a medical site the other day that it is actually good for us to go barefoot at times. Apparently it improves circulation in our feet. That is all well and good, but I'm keeping something on my feet. My dad wears shoes unless he is in the house. Sometimes he'll walk outside barefoot, but he has always been the only one to do that. I think because when he was a kid, they weren't allowed to wear shoes except at church and school. They were so poor, and they had to make sure their shoes lasted for a long time. So he is kind of used to going barefoot.
@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
4 Nov 08
Boy have I tried! He won't wear shoes my mom bought him, so I'm thinking about baby booties, and puting rubber bands around them to keep them on his feet. This time of the year I don't want the ice to effect them. It's not icy yet, but...Boy do I sound like a pet owner who has gone way to far!
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• Australia
5 Nov 08
It's interesting how things like that stay with us for the rest of our life, as in your father's case. I'm guessing Sherlock is your dog? I wouldn't worry too much about putting booties on his feet, if he hates them that much it's probably not worth the stress!
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@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
5 Nov 08
I am barefoot most of the time coffeeshot - I hate wearing shoes! I never wear them in the house, only putting them on when I am driving or going into town, etc. Living in a hot climate as we do, it's quite common to go barefoot - and it's healthy for our feet anyway. Sure, they get dirty but a quick shower remedies that!
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Go to the Islands and you're bound to find many people walking around barefoot. Many families couldn't afford shoes, even sandals and many children went without. My son hated wearing shoes when we were living in Samoa and would often take them off when I wasn't looking. I think because his friends next door went barefoot, so did he. I did manage to get him to wear sandals however as soon as we moved to the US, he didn't mind wearing shoes because everyone wore them. Even though it did toughen up the soles of his feet, I didn't like it when he didn't wear shoes and had to force him most of the time.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Nov 08
I used to walk around the house barefoot, but I stepped on some glass once and a couple of drawing pins and broke my little toe so I decided that maybe it was for the best if I wore slippers! So I have worn slippers ever since, I do not think it is dirty to go barefoot but it can be dangerous.
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• Australia
5 Nov 08
You broke your toe from standing on a drawing pin? That's harsh.
@lou_66 (909)
4 Nov 08
i go out without my shoes on as much as possible. i really like going barefoot. i dont get to do it that often though as there is a lot of glass and sharp stones near where i live. als it rains quite a bit and my feet would get wet and cold. what about you. happy mylotting
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
4 Nov 08
I love going barefoot, both Summer and Winter, I hate wearing socks indoors and I do have slippers but it's so much nicer being able to walk around barefoot. My ex used to go crazy when I walked around barefoot and would always nag at me not to do it! Said it trod muck in the carpets, but my feet were always clean, I mean it's not as if I walk barefoot outside then come in is it, and my socks and shoes are on when I am outside, so I couldn't see the problem, they certainly didn't smell either! I love the freedom of being barefooted.
• Malaysia
4 Nov 08
I never go anywhere with barefoot. However I am always barefoot when I am inside my house. Here in my country we always take off our shoes when we walk inside the house. We only wear shoes when we are outside the house because it is important for us to take care of the inner cleanliness. All race in my country does the same thing. We all take off our shoes inside the house. The only people whom I know walking outside the house with barefoot are the Buddhist sami. I don't know what do they call this in English but sami is the word we use in Malay Language to refer to a person who dedicate his whole life to the religion of Buddha. He even walks with barefoot and wears orange clothings at all time. However nowadays I can see some sami who no longer walk around barefoot. I have seen a woman sami who wore a pair of orange sneakers when she entered the same bus I was in. She also carried with her an orange bag and her orange clothes are sewn.
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• United States
4 Nov 08
i love to go barefotted, can't as much as i use to have arithis & gout in my feet & am afraid i'll fall. i use t go outsie & anywhere barefoot but i just stick to doing it in the house sometime. if it's dirty all u gotta' do is wasy your feet. lol
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
4 Nov 08
If people think that their feet are germ-free because they are in shoes, forget it!! LOL I like to be bare foot as much as I can. If I cannot, I prefer sandals and wear them unless my toes freeze, LOL. Dirt is also a great creation and gives life to everything!! Why not feel it under your feet? HUGS!
@NonaSaile (924)
• Philippines
4 Nov 08
Hi! I like going barefoot inside the house and out in the yard. Yeah, my feet do get kind of dirty, but I don't mind at all. Easy enough to wash up or take a bath. The best place to go barefoot, of course, would be at the beach. They say walking on the sand barefoot is good massage for the feet.
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@rkrish (3003)
• India
4 Nov 08
I could say dirty as levels and varies from person to it depends on the standard and levels..i have seen my uncle who uses shoes only for official purpose and in other cases he used to walk with barefoot wherever he goes and other thing is that he is assisstant to a doctor in a reputed hospital as i can say it depend on individual capacity to accept germs if you can, you can
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• India
4 Nov 08
Going barefoot is not dirty. It can be unhygenic if you touch your foot with your hands and then do not wach yur hands before a meal. Anyone who walks around in shoes, can not walk around barefoot as the feet become soft and delicate. Military men have the softest feet as they are never without their shoes. In Hindu temples you have to go barefoot and can not enter with your shoes on.
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• Philippines
4 Nov 08
I walk around the house barefoot. I like the ease of movement when I dont wear shoes inside the house. Shoes are meant to be protection of the feet. I really want to be barefoot in a safe place like home. I wish I can go to my office without shoes too. (sigh)
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
4 Nov 08
All the time. I'll walk barefoot in the city (putting on shoes when I go inside places, of course). Sure, your feet are bound to attract dirt -- what do you think, your shoes are spotless? A little dirt never hurt anyone. I like to walk barefoot, to work up pads/callouses on my feet so that if I'm ever caught in a bad situation without shoes, it'll be no big deal.
• United States
4 Nov 08
*lives rural, where there are spiny plants verywhere, rocks...etc* It's kinda unpleasant to step on all these, but do it enough (rarely ever do I break the skin of my feet, building up callouses) and it'll become less and less of a deal. Tougher your feet, the less you feel walking on anything that'd otherwise normally hurt.
• United States
9 Nov 08
heh..that'd be me.i can't stand wearing shoes,i take them off and go barefoot every chance i get.the skin on my feet has gotten pretty callused on the bottom from doing that-so i really get anything stuck in them.
• United States
7 Nov 08
When at home I have my shoes off most of the time. I have a pool and in the summer I am in and out of the pool all day. Now in the winter I tend to wear socks or slippers before I will put my shoes on. I do not go out in public barefooted. I it is unsanitary, but if you think about it if you wear your shoes in the house and go barefooted then you have the germs from your shoes on your feet. I think as long as a person is not diabetic or has an autoimmune disorder then I feel there is nothing wrong with going barefooted in ones home or around the home. Some germs are good for us, we need germs to keep us immune to different diseases.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
8 Nov 08
I go barefoot at home all the time until it gets chilly enough that I need to at least put on socks. Out here in the desert, the bottoms of feet get really really dirty. I don't know why - is it because it never rains and the dirt accumulates on the ground? Shoes get dirty, when you wear sandals, your feet still get dirty, when you go barefoot, yuck. So I still go barefoot, but wash the feet. I don't think barefoot is any worse than wearing shoes around.
@littleowl (7157)
9 Nov 08
Hi coffeeshot..I love to walk bare-footed on the grass and feel Mother Nature below my feet, it gives me a wondrous sensation..and no I don't think it is dirty, I also like to do it in the woods but that again is another sensation as it can be quite prickly as you know..the beach as long as it is sandy here in the UK cos there aren't many sandy beaches here..but definitley wouldn't walk on the pavements bare-footed as you never know who might tread on them or what there is on the pavement although they maybe fairly rubbish free...littleowl
@Timothy31 (649)
• United States
9 Nov 08
I don't wear shoes unless i absolutely have to. I always wear socks but if i am at home i never have any shoes on.