Obama FTW!!

Obama FTW! - punkin we came across while trick or treating
@tessah (6617)
United States
November 5, 2008 8:29am CST
im not a political person. fact i avoid it pretty much like the plague.. along with the news and current events. but for the first time ever, i had my television set to the election last night to watch those results roll in, and our new president completely humilate his oppostion with a very happy hopeful heart for the future of this nation. the united states has elected its first ever minority candidate into the office of Power. this change is welcome as far as i am concerned.. and i can say it most likely sparked a warm and fuzzy feeling for anyone else who has spent any time being ashamed of actions of ancestors towards others due to the color of their skin. this country has come a long way since Reverend King`s time to be sure, and im looking forward to the next four years of more change to come without sig heil in the oval office. be on yer toes Mister President.. whether right or wrong.. not only are you representing this entire country to the world.. you are THE representation of yer race to the people within this nation. you phuck this opportunity up.. every future generation is gonna pay for yer mistakes. how was yer reaction to this monumentally historic election? are you pleased with the results?
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12 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
5 Nov 08
Hi Tessa, I am not a political person either nor from the States but I see this as an opportunity for some good changes to be implemented although I think he is made getting a puppy for his daughter in the White House LOL, but then I guess as president he won't necessarily be having the sleepless nights and trying to do the training. I really hope this guy Obama achieves great things for everyones benfefit as it also affects the res of the world too. Huggles. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
5 Nov 08
Hi Scoop, they now have the change already so what you found at the side of the sofa must of course go to Pudesy bear. Huggles. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
5 Nov 08
I can feel a song coming on now LOL. Ellie :D
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Why do you even bring race into it? If he is to be president, that stuff needs to be pushed aside. I'm tired of people saying 'it's time a man of color gets into the white house'. I want someone that's qualified, I don't care if he's purple.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
5 Nov 08
because it is a simple matter of fact.
@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
6 Nov 08
I'm quite surprised with the results, and even though I saw the turnouts, the enormous people at the polls locally and on the news, just waiting to take a turn at history. It reminded me of the time when South Africa opened the elections to all of the people and those people came out en masse and voted for Nelson Mandela. That was an awesome sight.I think what was witnessed Tuesday was about the same as that and some compared it to that as well. Am I pleased? yes, I am but I'm concerned. It's not an easy job or journey. That I feel on him about.
@twallace (2675)
• United States
7 Nov 08
I don't like politic that much either and I have not really cared that much about who got elected. But this election was different, there were people from every state happy and over joyed that Obama was the new president. So for me that was enough to see someone different this time in office. I can only hope that he does a good job in office. It will not be easy the chips are staked against him just like it was through the election. So everyone will be looking to see if he is going to do what he said that he would. The good thing, I think that he will and that will keep him in good favor with the people and the rest of the world.
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
6 Nov 08
I am a political person. I am also happy with the outcome. But I want to say that President Elect Barack Obama is Bi-Racial, not just Black. While indeed in America throughout our history we have always identified anyone with one drop of African blood as being Black, in truth he is also White, his mother was White and he was raised primarily by his grandparents. Culturally speaking his influences were very much a blend of many things. I am hopeful that he will bring this understanding, this mix of cultural understanding and clarity. I am hoping that he will begin to hold us all to a higher standard and a higher accountability for ourselves and for our communities. It is long past time that we begin to heal our nation and the rifts between us. He represents all of us, not just the Black community or the Black race. All of us. He will be I hope what is best and brightest in our nation. He will guide us back to national prosperity. He will lead as a centerist and one who reaches across the asile to find the middle ground that we can live with. I think we are all tired of the extremes.
• China
6 Nov 08
I don't care who win this election.
• United States
6 Nov 08
I am very happy with the results of this election. This was wonderful. A lot of people voted, many people made their voices heard, it was great. I think that if Martin Luther King Jr. were alive today he would have crying tears of joy with all just about everyone in America last night.
@rsa101 (38008)
• Philippines
6 Nov 08
The whole world is happy knowing a different kind of president is having him to lead the country. A fresh new start from the dwindling popularity that the present US administration is facing with the world. We all are waiting for him to start a new direction for US to lead us where he wants us to be. I don't think that he will do anything stupid to lost the popularity he has gained not only in your country but the whole world admired him also.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
6 Nov 08
obama represent all of us he half black and half white so he is for the american people. and last night he made history for all of us for a new change in america.
• United States
5 Nov 08
I am quite contented with the outcome of the Presidential election. Yes, he has made history by being the first person elected President of the USA that is a member of a minority, and I hope that this begins a change in America where a person will be judged on character, talents and skills they have, not based on the color of their skin. I'm sure Mr. Obama will do fine, just as I was sure that Mr. McCain would have done a fine job also. Let's hope that the political parties have seen that the Nixon/Rove style of campaign tactics (mud slinging, character assassination, spreading falsehood rumors) no longer work in their favor, and future campaigns focus on explanation of the candidate's position on the issues.
• United States
6 Nov 08
I am ready for some Very needed change in this counrty .. First off I have to say .. I would not want the job as President. And I am proud of the people who have been there and who are willing to walk in their shoes in the future. As Long as some improvments are made, they are at least trying to work on the promises made,who is trustworthy and willing to do what it takes to make our counrty even better... The Best man won,the people of america have spoken and made our choice .. then so be it .. Bless you on your new journry Mr. Pres. elect. May you be kept safe and keep our country safe. May your true leadership shine threw and may Gods blessing guide you and keep you on your new journey. Just My two cents me
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Hey tess! I too am not usually a political person but I must say that I did take this election rather personally! I felt quite strong when I went into that voting booth to pull that lever knowing full well that I was voting for the next President of the United States and it was going to be a historical event! And I was right! I watched everything! I watched the concession speech, which I actually found to be rather decent considering all the mud slung over the last however long. And then I watched our new President-elect give an incredibly humble but moving speech! I was quite pleased to know that I had lived to see this historic moment in my lifetime.