Virtual trust...

@jediwa72 (204)
United States
November 12, 2008 10:57pm CST
I am the member of another blogging network. On this particular site, communication is made practical through many different ways. However, I find people trust one another very, very little. You don't have to rely on these people to catch you when you it really makes no sense not to believe them when they are giving you basic blogging information. For example, how many hits their page gets a day. Why lie about that? Does it matter if people think you are cool in the online atmosphere? I mean, at the end of the day, are you not going to shut your laptop and go to bed...without them? I'm curious. When it comes to fellow bloggers, do you feel you can trust what they tell you about their lives, etc.? I'm not referring to dating sites, etc. I mean, just friends, on a blogging network. How do you feel about it?
1 response
• United States
4 May 09
I trust some people. It takes me a little bit to trust others. I guess it partly depends on what they post about and what they say. It is very easy to create a blog that says next to nothing about your personal life. You could read that blog constantly and still never get to know that person! I think some people just like to brag. Who really cares how many hits they get on their site? So I just usually ignore those kinds of comments anyway!