Do you read when you 're on the toilet??

Reading on toilet - Do you read when you're on the toilet
@TheDevil (840)
November 15, 2008 7:17am CST
Are you in the habit of reading on the toilet????If so what do you read and do you keep reading materials in the bathroom I have to say I am not in the league of reading while doing the job..... just do it and escape from there .... lets share people ...discuss
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12 responses
@zemlene (354)
• Philippines
15 Nov 08
Sometimes i do read when i am on the toilet. I just bring along with me some magazine or book that i can't leave even for a few minutes. Most of the time though i sing when im doing it, it helps me get through with it easily specially when i'm not really into it but i need to remove some waste every morning before taking a bath. So i sing while waiting...lolz. Have a nice time here in mylot! God Bless!
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15 Nov 08
Hey zemlene! What do you sing? I usually like to take at least a leak before having a shower - then all my bits are clean for a little while!!! Can't help but "LoL" while writing this. Have a good one and may your god go with you. ***
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@zemlene (354)
• Philippines
15 Nov 08
hahaha. just anything that comes in my mind dreamhealer to keep me busy with something. lolz. humming sometimes if i dont know the lyrics. hehe. You should try it sometime...its good. lol
1 person likes this
• India
15 Nov 08
No, I don't have that habit of reading the news paper in toilet.. but my uncle used to have this habit of reading the News papers/Magazines in the toilet. Infact in our house, always any of the magazines available in the toilet, between the Water tap gab. I used to read the newspapers, in the morning timings, along with having my coffee, without distrubing my sister and my uncle, because they may be busy by starting to office.. Also I used to read some of the magazines when i was in any of my friends or relatives house, because i used to study my text books when ever i was at home. I am also heard most of the people have a habit of reading the magazines at their toilets. Have a good day.
@TheDevil (840)
• India
21 Nov 08 bro too has the habit of taking in phone to the bathroom..i don't knw whats so important is talk about ...i don't even feel like touching his mobile phone....ewwww
@patgalca (18212)
• Orangeville, Ontario
16 Nov 08
Better than talking on the phone. Yes, my husband always takes the phone into the bathroom with him. Now that's gross!
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@patgalca (18212)
• Orangeville, Ontario
16 Nov 08
I have an anthology in my bathroom right now - a book of short inspirational stories. I keep it handy when I think I might be in there awhile. Since I have IBS that DOES happen. But sometimes I will grab my book on the way to the washroom when the cramps hit. More often than not, though, I don't read while I'm in there. Perhaps if I am reading before I go in there I will take what I'm reading with me so I don't have to put it down and lose my place.
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@TheDevil (840)
• India
21 Nov 08
lol...a engrossed one, i must say..... Thanx for your response...
@orevro (715)
• Philippines
15 Nov 08
yes i do!!:) we have our magazine rack inside the washroom,lol it started with my sister when she was still living with us.. she would bring with her archie comics, then magazines.. my brother and i soon followed after her..,lol and instead of being in the toilet for like 10 minutes, it would take about 20 minutes for us to go out of the washroom..
@TheDevil (840)
• India
19 Nov 08
wow ...your own little library....
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@cndn420 (2062)
• Canada
15 Nov 08
in our main bathroom we have a magazine holder and its filled with things to read so i usually grab one of them and flip through it and check out whats new and exciting in whatever subject i grab LOL...theres an array of choices in there i'll also read the backs of shampoo bottles and soap bottles and whatever is lying around...apparently thats the most popular thing that people read is the backs of the bottles and soaps and the things lying around (at least thats what i heard on the radio a few months ago) interesting!!
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@TheDevil (840)
• India
19 Nov 08
yeah its true ...most them here are reading the shampoo bottles... Thanks for your response
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@moneymaya (901)
• India
15 Nov 08
No I never Read in the tiolet ,I don't know the reason why people do that but one of my friend was do that , when I asked him what is the reason then he told me this way he become fresh smoothly LOL , various people and various acts
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@TheDevil (840)
• India
21 Nov 08
lol...sometimes people give weird reasons for their act .. One of my friend likes to drink milk on the toilet ...on his royal throne ..the reason he gives is that if he does not drink milk he does not get the pressure to release all his toxic wastes..
• India
22 Nov 08
its really a funny cause, LOL ..., but its human and nobody can define nature about the human being, every person has unqiue cause for their nature , cheers :-)
@jbb316 (1779)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I read while on the toilet. Its better than staring at the floor or reading the back of shampoo bottles. I usually read whatever book I have currently been reading. I grab the book on the way to the toilet. Sometimes after I am done I keep reading until I finish the page or the chapter. It is the one place I can escape everyone.
@TheDevil (840)
• India
21 Nov 08
I like to concentrate on one thing thing at a time....the book won't help me much i would rather end up reading the entire book and there would be ppl outside the toilet yelling ...and i am sure that i would not end up doing the job...that would make me uncomfortable the entire day.... Thanx for your response...
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I am more likely to take care of business and get on out of there. I do not leave reading materials in my bathroom. I will occassionally recognize that it might be the only alone time I get for a day and will often grab a book to take advantage of the time.
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• United States
16 Nov 08
Life is too short to be reading on the toilet. I just do my business and I'm off of the seat! Also, I tend to drop things in the toilet. You know, like my glasses, the phone...LOL good discussion topic!
@TheDevil (840)
• India
21 Nov 08
Thanx 4 ur response....
15 Nov 08
Not normally. Obviously guys don't get so much opportunity as the gals, as they don't need to sit down as much to do their thing! :~) When at work or out and about can be interesting to see the graffiti or whatever that has been written. One cubical (stall) at work has an article posted up on the toilet door about the "Bristol Stool" test - how easily your number twos come out, their formation etc, do you need to strain - LoL !"! - When I actually went to Bristol once and stayed with some people (just up the freeway from where I live) they had these "Viz!" adult comics next to their 'comfort station', this was actually a very funny, satirical comic; and very adult - definitely not for the children! That aside, studying your 'bathroom' habits is a good check on your state of health. :~) :~) :~)
@TheDevil (840)
• India
21 Nov 08
Lol ..Bristol stool test ..would be quite funny and gross too at the same time...... so ..if you do get an opportunity ..if time persist ....if there's no smooth flow of activity yo would read on the toilet right???
• Philippines
15 Nov 08
yes, i do read when i'm on the toilet. i can't release my poo when i can't read anything. eehehehe ^_^ i read anything as long that it is readable. LOLz! but, usually, i read newspaper and magazines even the back of the shampoos and soap boxes. LOLz. What can you say? i can't afford to do that if i don't read anything.
@TheDevil (840)
• India
19 Nov 08
Lol....thats a good reason well no chance for me to read the back of shampoo bottle coz most of the instructions are written in Arabic !!! Thanks for your response
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• Philippines
19 Nov 08
yah. at least i get to know their translations from different languages. LOLz.
• Philippines
17 Nov 08
Yes I do that, usually newspaper or magazine but most of the time books that I'm currently reading.
@TheDevil (840)
• India
21 Nov 08
hey thx for your comments .. Happy reading...