The Obama Election and Race Crime

@lvaldean (1612)
United States
November 16, 2008 6:41pm CST
It seems that one outcome of the election of Barack Obama has been an increase of racially motivated criminal activity. Most of it appears to be fairly harmless at this point - vandalism and other rather nasty things. But what does this really say about us as a country? The following is an Associated Press article, I just happened to pick it up on MSNBC
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4 responses
• United States
17 Nov 08
Nothing can change the fact that a majority of Americans did vote for a black man. That there still are a few sore losers is to be expected. These people will be ignored and even shunned by the vast majority of Americans.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Oh I agree with you. I just think it is an intersting side affect that this brings out the worst in the minority, that is the increase in the vocal and visual. One would think it might have the reverse action. That those people might sit back and scratch their heads and think to themselves, hmmmmmmm, maybe I have been wrong. But I guess not.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I think most of us expected some sort of increased racially motivated criminal activity no matter who won. The race was very racially charged towards the end. I can fully see how people with white supremacist believes could start to act out. Similarly I would have expected something from minority extremists, if McCain would have won. Hurt pride plays into it. In these cases, they can't reach Obama but want to do something to express their disgust and instigate others to follow suit. It was to be expected and security has been tighter around Obama then around any other presidential candidate or President-elect. I'm sure this will also be true when he is President. There is always a bunch of crazies out there who want to carry out their political agenda through violence. They just see the need now more than ever. Besides the tension of the Presidential race, people also act up because of the rising economic crisis and the effect it has on them. They just needed an extra excuse to be violent, some sort of legitimization in their mind. This was expected to happen and has been expected by those in charge of keeping the nation and us save. They are more vigilant than ever. Personally I think, no matter how people feel about Obama and race differences, violence and vandalism is not the answer. I just hope that it will stop with these minor incidents (minor in terms of severity) and not grow into something worse. I also hope that it will stop and that we can grow as a nation and embrace our differences. We might have our different opinions about our soon to be President. We don't have to be at each others throats because of that.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Very well said. I hope eventually people will remember that President Elect Obama is bi-racial. Or as he put it in his first press conference, he is a mutt; as are most Americans today.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I think it says a lot about some people in our country but not about our country as a whole, if that makes any sense. It shows that while we've come a long way and have a lot to be proud of, we still have a ways to go. Most disturbing to me are the stories of the kids shouting racial taunts and making racial comments because I truly believe that in general the younger generation is closer to being color blind that any other. Annie
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Agreed, I think it does say a great deal about a small minority. I am particularly bothered by the young people as well. What bothers me more is that this goes on and is somewhat of a sidenote. I can't imagine why many people think this is "funny". I was watching CNN the other day and they were showing church signs with really stupid messages, usually referencing the "fact" that the President Elect was Muslim and it was a sin to have elected him. I again just have to say, what is wrong with people?
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
17 Nov 08
Race crime hasn't increased, only the news reporting it. there is a purpose to this, it's not an accident. It's a well orchestrated manipulation of public perception. YOur going to see a lot of this in the comming months, this social engineering, I'll call it. I made the point even further in another similar thread so I won't go in to it all here again, but suffice it to say, it's not an increase in race crime, just an increase in race crime media coverage.
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I will have to disagree with you on this one. I don't think this is social engineering at all. In fact this isn't receiving a great deal of attention, it was a side note. It isn't violent crime. It is small time stuff. It is petty stuff. But please feel free to show your statistics to prove that there hasn't been an increase.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
17 Nov 08
Let ,me clarify further. The level of race crime has not increased becuse of Obama's election, better? reported on-black-race crimes to the FBI showed roughly 1000 more black racialy motivated crime in 2007 than in 2006: 2006: 2007: At the end of the year, when the stats come out, Obama wasn't even in the spotlight. They are trying to create the perception that Omam's critics are racist, they do this by continualy reporting race crimes, saturating the public with the news untill it is ingrained in to the public psyche. Yes, there have been crimes targeting Obama supprters and some are in fact racialy motivated, I find it disgusting, sick and shamefull that this still happens in society. However, my greater fear, and it is not unfounded, that these crimes willeventualy shadow the movement out there that has legitimate constitutional concerns with Obama's presidency, casting them, including my movement, as white right wing extremist nut jobs.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
17 Nov 08
typo fix: "Omam's" should be "Obama" I just want to make sure that people realize there is a vast number of people who are genuinely concerned with Obama's constitutional ideology. I fear those concerns being shadowed and marginalized by stupid people doing stupid hatefull things.