How much do you make a day at myLot?

@Ainokea (162)
United States
November 17, 2008 12:27am CST
I'm just curious to see how much people make a day at mylot... I make
7 responses
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
20 Nov 08
I have just recently become active. I was mostly a lurker. The last three days here is my post earning. 25 cents for one hour of replies. 40 cent yesterday with mixed replies and starting new discussions. Today don't know yet.
@Ainokea (162)
• United States
20 Nov 08
Yeah mylotting is more about havving fun than earning money. If your here to earn money I don't think its very enjoyable as the earnings are very very low. Just get a regular part time job and bam way more money. I just enjoy mylotting and chatting sharring opinions, etc... Happy mylotting thanks for responding to my discussion Still has anyone ever earned $2 in one day?
• United States
20 Nov 08
I'm a new kid on the block so I am making
• China
18 Nov 08
i also make about 10 cents a day at mylot ,because my english is poor and i am a collage student now ,so i have no enough time to spent in mylot ,i only can post discussions or write reviews in my spare time .i feel my earning is less than others ,i even was told by a mylot friend that he can earn almost one dollare in a day ,it is so happy if i also can earn like him .good luck my friend .
@Ainokea (162)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Your english seems fine, and being college student I'd asume it would be better than a lot of people. I'm a high school student that takes college courses, I sort of have some time to post discussions and write reviews. But I do it for the fun of it. I think spending too much time on mylot isn't too healthy though. I can understand on weekends or something, but doing more sociable things. Not saying mylot isn't social because it is, but I dont think it beats a real social situation. Whats the most anyone has ever made in one day myLot? any one got to $2?
• India
17 Nov 08
I too make only 10 cents a day not more than this i am unable to devote much time here or else i could have had made more money.
• Philippines
17 Nov 08
It depends because I only come here when I have the time. I'm not really here for the money since I have other sites which pays a lot than compared here. I only come here to enjoy chatting with other mylot members.
@syfarisk (378)
• Malaysia
17 Nov 08
I make around 50 cents per day, spending about an hour per day on myLot.
@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
17 Nov 08
It really depends on how much time and efforts you put into your work (like everywhere else, too ;-) ). My range is now between 9 cents and little bit above 30 cents. As i got only 9 cents today, i was really lazy and didn't respond to my discussion. This is one of the things you should focus, when you want to earn more money. Start the discussion with a little bit more information, comment the response and give your own discussion a life. With this method you will also gain points and a higher ranking because you're more trusted by the person who respond to your discussion. Have a happy myLotting day!
@Ainokea (162)
• United States
18 Nov 08
sounds like most people dont make too much here and they typically just enjoy the company and chatting... I woulddn't say this is a great place to make money but its a great place to have fun. cornyman thanks for the advice on discussions.. Maybe I should start another one on this? hehe.... Well anyone else got any other comments or how much they make?
@jamesgrub (673)
• United States
17 Nov 08
for me it all depends on how much time i spend here on how much i make. sometimes ill make 30 cents a day and the next i may make a dollar. it all depends on how much you post and how much you respond to post. sometimes i only get on and post a few and i may only get 30 cent but sometimes if i stay on forever i can make a dollar, all depends.