I got fired and i have not been paid for 2months!

@jessieBee (1046)
Trinidad And Tobago
November 18, 2008 12:55pm CST
Yes you have read right. I got fired and i don't care, all i want is my two months pay and I'll be happy. I worked in that private school for 3years! All i asked for was some time off on two afternoon so i can attend some classes to further my studies. For the first two months i was given the time off on Tuesday & Thursday. So i could get to class on time. Then all of a sudden it became a problem. My boss started talking about me not furthering myself when it comes to teaching. when he was the same person who told me he is totally supportive of the idea. So what if it had nothing to do with teaching,its my life. i went to work each day and performed my teaching to the fullest. i think it had to do with the fact that he still had to pay me for the hours that i wasn't there, and lossing that money was getting to him. And guess what he fired me, but has two months salary for me! He has been going through some finicial difficulties so he has been unable to pay me for 2months now. i only put up with it because I've been working there a long time and I know he would not rob me.But he has done it before, not pay me on time. But i still got my money. he told me he would be able to pay me all of my money at the end of this month. But due to the fact that I'm not working there anymore I'm not sure i want to wait so long. I'm really pissed about the whole situation.. so what do you think i shold do.. wait for my money like my mom recommened or should I not wait....
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27 responses
@keir3000 (296)
• Philippines
18 Nov 08
I think the best way you will do is report that private school. Its their duty to give salaries.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Nov 08
i will take your advice into consideration if push comesd to shove. But i don't really have any beef with the school.
@keir3000 (296)
• Philippines
19 Nov 08
Your case is real hard. You worked for two months there then they didn't give your salary so they must be subjected into serious actions.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
19 Nov 08
I've been working there for 3years and it's not the first time my boss has gone through money problems. But on all ocassions i was paid my money no matter how late i got it. i continued working there because i loved my job and the children i was helping. But i didn't even see it coming, I mean I was shoked! I never anticipated it.
@rsa101 (38008)
• Philippines
19 Nov 08
Well I am sorry to hear that you have to lose your work over this. Well for now I guess if the person cannot afford to really pay you then its rather good that you got out of that school who cannot afford to pay you anymore. If I were you I wouldn't focus on getting the last two month's pay but rather I would focus now in getting a new job. It is more important right now to really concentrate on that aspect since that will bring you the money. Waiting is a waste of time so while there is nothing you can do about it then its better to find an alternative its a much more better cause for one.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
20 Nov 08
I agree with you all the way and i have all ready gone on a few interviews. i can't just sit down and wait for him to call me to receive my money,I need to start a fresh page. but I really don't think i even want to start back teaching again. he has just soured the taste in my mouth.
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@rsa101 (38008)
• Philippines
21 Nov 08
It's really up to you if you are not up to teaching again. But I think you should not be discourage about teaching as it is a very noble career to have. It is a career that molds younger minds and they have a very noble job. Although it is not a very high paying job, it helps a lot of people because of that job.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Nov 08
I understand clearly what your saying. I did really like making a difference in childrens lives. I just liked the fact that i was helping mold the mind of a child. But if I do change my mind I wont work at a private school, I'll try the public system.
@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
21 Nov 08
Well, what's the reason for your boss to fire you? It seems like he has no valid reason to fire you. As for the 2 month pay, I think you shouldn't wait for it too. If he really doesn't pay you the money, perhaps you can go through the labor office and ask for it. Employees always have the rights to get their pay on time. Good luck to you.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Nov 08
thank you for your comment, it is so ture as to what you said. But before I take that step to go to the labour board i will wait and see if he honors his word.
• United States
21 Nov 08
I agree with many of the previous posts. If he promised he would have the money by the end of the month and you agreed with that, then give him his allotted time. I know it's hard, especially when money is tight, but he may come through. You never know, he could be frantically working to try and get the money to you. Sometimes I think we underestimate people. We automatically think that they're trying to get over on us. I say if he's always come through with your money, then he probably will this time too. On the other hand, if he does not fulfill his end of the agreement, you may have to consult a lawyer. It seems to me like you really don't want to do that though. When you've been at a job for a couple of years, you kind of feel bad because you developed relationships there. It must be hard for you.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Nov 08
Yes it is hard for me because not only was he my boss i saw him as a friend too. I used to ask him for advice on many things. But I can't let that hold me back if push comes to shove. It is hard for me knowing that i have to wait to be paid, as the days pass by I just feel mlike I'm not going to get it. I'm trying not to depress myself over it. But it is impacting. Knowing that i was working all those years and now I'm not. But thank you ever so much for your advice.
@result7 (136)
• Malaysia
19 Nov 08
pityfull.. I'm also fired myself from the job. then didn't get any salary.
@fishcb (17)
• China
19 Nov 08
maybe you have got your salary before.unfortunately,in this international background,many company are cutting down the number of persons employed.it is very hard to find a good job.so you should make use of this period to learn what your futher job need.then find a good job.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
20 Nov 08
hi result, sorry to hear of what happened to you, but i do trust that my boss will pay me and if he doesn't i will see to it that he does.
@geetnx (51)
• Kuwait
22 Nov 08
i know its your hard earned money but rather than go mad and be stressed, it would be better for you to find a new job. its no use wasting your energy on that. if you're stressed, it will affect your health. remember wealth is health. if you're healthy you will be able to find a better job that will compensate you better. and that money you lost will somehow be replaced more. if you believe in karma, then god things will happen. i know it will not be immediate but it will come. so forget about it go on with your life and be happy. being happy attracts more good vibration. god bless you.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Nov 08
Well I'm trying not to be stressed about it but it's like the days are draging. i'm trying to find a new job by the mean time. And yes i do believe in karma and i'm really hopeing that something good can come out of all this. I just want to be working again so my life can go back to normal. but thank you ever so much for your advice.
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Sounds like a very bad deal. Make sure you have proof that he owes you the money and it would probably cost you more to try to get the money than what he actually owes you. I would be very upset as well but I think I would give him a set amount of time that I am willing to wait for the money. If he doesn't meet that deadline then take legal action against him.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Nov 08
Yes I will give him some time first to come up with the money. Thank you for your advice.
• China
19 Nov 08
I'm sorry to hear that,on this situation, why don't you to ask for legal help?
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Nov 08
I will and thank you for your advice.
@jakesun (100)
• China
19 Nov 08
i am sorry to hear that,i think you should ask a lawyer to get your money back,now i will have a long off ---maybe it't endless,the factory i 've worked for will stop at recent ,in our country it's hard to find a job,but i think i don't lose my heart all the time in my life,so i tell you not to give up .good luck ,friend,
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Nov 08
Thank you, i wont give up. To get a lawyer and all that will cost me a lot of money. so lets just hope he pays me.
@glattman (21)
19 Nov 08
The best thing to do would be to wait until the end of the month, and if possible, get confirmation from him in writing that it will be the end of the month. IF you don't then get your money it might be worth looking into legal action (but not if it'll cost the bulk of your wages anyway).
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Nov 08
thank you for your advice. I will see to it if i can get it in writing. i Believe however legally it will cost me alot of money.
@stiener (735)
• Singapore
19 Nov 08
Since you have already left your post...I believe there is no reason for the employer to hold your pay for so long. I suggest that you bring this matter up to the relevant authorities that includes the ministry in charge of labor and education. As an institution, they should ahear to rules and regulations so as to set a good example for students of the school. Don't be soft hearted since they do not deserve your pity.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
20 Nov 08
I can report him to the Ministry of labour but that will take months before anything is done. I'm not feeling sorry for him if that's what you think. But i just want to get the money that i worked hard for, that's all.
@nadooa247 (1096)
• United States
19 Nov 08
well you are unemployed so you do need the cash especially since you are taking classes... tell him that you need your pay ASAP and will wait as long as you can which isn't long. He might draw it out since you ARE NOT there on a day to day bases. Wait 2 weeks and go back. Show that "no i am not going to forget about it"... yes he WAS supportive but then became rude about it and booted you because he couldn't keep his word. So, there is nothing to really ensure you that he will keep his word this time either.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Nov 08
When i was working there, there were times that i was paid a month or two after. But now that i am no longer there, there is no granty that he will pay me. You are right that he can go back on his word. But i will wait and if I'm not given my money I will report him. I won't let him get away like that. But for now i will have to wait and see if he stands by his word.
• India
19 Nov 08
That's not good of him,first of all he should have not fired you,people should be supportive of such decisions more over even if he fired you he should have paid you on time,if he didn't pay you in time he is not professional and you should not keep relationships with such institutes.My recommendation would be to wait for your salary and just hope that he sticks to his words.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Nov 08
Thank you for your advice. I do also hope that he keeps his word, for he has done so in the past.
@luminouz (32)
• United States
19 Nov 08
First of all, I'm sorry to hear that you're decision to further your education would pose as a problem within an educational insititute. They should have supported you! I mean, how would that influence children? It's like them saying "pursue your education UNTIL you secure a job, then don't bother furthering yourself from there". Pretty ironic, isn't it? Anyway, I went thru a similiar situation with my last job. PRIOR to my resignation, I was unpaid for my 30+ hours of overtime from a previous pay period. My immediate supervisor kept saying "next paycheck, next paycheck", and when the next 2 paychecks came and went, without OT payment, I went up further, to the director, and when he didn't do anything, then the VP, in addition to confirming my conversation with him to our Human Resources department. Also, I was owed a quaterly commission that they had explained would be paid out on my last paycheck, which it wasn't. It took them almost two months AFTER my resignation to pay out my overtime, that was about 4 months past due, and another month and a half to pay out my commission. I wish I could tell you constant calling would work, but can I recommend you go to a "higher up". If there's someone in a higher position that your previous boss, maybe they are unaware of you not being paid your EARNED salary. If not, I would say report them to your local labor department. Best of luck, and I really hope you get your money soon. Take care.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Nov 08
Well there is no one higher than him he owns the school. I really hope i don't have to go thruogh what happened to you. that's not a good situation to be in, i really feel it for you. I will give him until the end of the month and then take action if needed after that.
@fishcb (17)
• China
19 Nov 08
Yes you are right,you must go to get what you own money ,it is your fruit of work,it is your deserved money.why do you let someone get money from you ?
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Nov 08
thank you for you comment.
• Singapore
19 Nov 08
I'm sorry to here your predicament. If I were you, I'm sure glad to be out of that workplace. If I were you, I would wait till the end of the month. It's only a few days away anyway. If he does not pay, then you give him a call to remind him about and ask about his promise. Be polite. But do inform him as well that you would report him if he really does not pay by a certain date (you give him). I think it would be fair to give him a chance to show his integrity. Afterall, I don't think he would want to shut down the school just because he does not pay a teacher's salary. It would definitely get him in more trouble if he doesn't. I would say give him a chance to prove himself. All the best. Tell us how it went.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
20 Nov 08
Yes i will let you guys know as to how it went by the end of the month. And sydney i do think that you have given me one of the best advice. thank you for your comment.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Oh my sorry to read that, but I think you should wait for a little while like your mom recommended and see if they will pay you before you take any further action I definitely think they should pay you for the time you worked.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
20 Nov 08
Thank you apples. I am going to wait but each new day it feels longer and i haven't even found a new job yet, so that's just addind to it.
@smiley83 (1534)
• Malaysia
19 Nov 08
hey, i'm really so sorry to hear that...but, to answer your point; try to wait for sometime since your boss is facing some financial problems. but, that doesn't mean neglecting the situation at all! in which, be a bit far away, and yet, keep your ears close to any updates, by contacting your ex mates regularly to update yourself with anything related to the matter... Smiley,
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
20 Nov 08
well I have been doing so but they don't really know anything.I do however understand his situation, but i do need my money too, i got thigs to do with it. And I guess what's making it even harder is the fact that I haven't found a new job yet.
• Malaysia
19 Nov 08
I agree with most of the people here. Tell him that you are giving him until end of this month before you go to the labor department (cheaper option) or lawyer. 2 months of pay can mean quite a lot during financial crisis such as the one we're having. If he really cannot pay you and you want to be nice, maybe you tell him to pay you the first month and the second month can come later.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
20 Nov 08
you see the thing is I do need my money but I'm just trying to hang in there. I will however try to wait until the end of the month but it sound like that's so far away from now, i'm counting down the days. But if I'm not paid i'll have to report him.
@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
19 Nov 08
when you were still in his employment, he hasnt paid you your salary on time...so, it would be hard for you to get your salary now that you're not working for him... unless he really commits for whatever promises he made... or he could pay you in terms... or you can sue him to pay you, but that would be another cost, the advantage is that he would learn his lesson... or will he?
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
20 Nov 08
i think he would learn his lesson but as you said it nwill cost me. There once was a teacher he paid off in terms after he sent her home and that wasn't even as much money that he has for me now.