
@lilybug (21107)
United States
November 19, 2008 9:08am CST
My father was told recently by his doctor that he has Gout. Have you ever had Gout or know someone who has had it? Here is a little bit about Gout for those who do not know what it is. Gout (metabolic arthritis) is a disease created by a buildup of uric acid. In this condition, crystals of monosodium urate or uric acid are deposited on the articular cartilage of joints, tendons and surrounding tissues. These crystals cause inflammation and pain, both severe. If unchecked, the crystals form tophi, which can cause significant tissue damage. Gout results from a combination of elevated concentrations of uric acid and overall acidity in the bloodstream. In isolation, neither elevated uric acid (hyperuricemia) nor acidity is normally sufficient to cause gout.
4 responses
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
19 Nov 08
My father had gout and he said that the pain was terrible. This was many years ago. In those days they thought it was because he was a heavy drinker! I don't remember much but I do remeber that as children, my sisters and I had to play quietly when Daddy was in pain. I hope that they have better pain medication and that your father will soon get better. Of coursde, in retrospect, it may be that the hangover was worse than the pain from gout but he said that he pain was from gout!
@cianoy (513)
• Philippines
12 Dec 09
To give you an idea how painful it is, I was once out of town. I was in a hotel room. It was intense pain. Now, to help relieve the pain, you have to drink lots of water. So I did. Naturally, I had to go to the toilet 6-7 times a night. It took me about 5-10 minutes to get to the restroom considering it was around 20-30 foot steps away. You'd think if there was no movement, you'd be ok? No....I had to reposition my leg constantly because I pain was biting. Name it. I put a blanket, I elevated my leg, I put it over my other leg. There was no relief. Now think about that experience and stretch it to 5-7 days. I'm glad that attack is in the past.
@cvrmom (181)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Wow. I wonder if that is what has happened to me. I was exposed to pesticides mixed wrongly about 10 years ago. I have joint pain and hurt all over all the time. I was told it was fibromyalgia, but, that was just to give it a lable. Is there a test the doctors do to diagnose Gout? And what do you do to help it?
@cianoy (513)
• Philippines
12 Dec 09
Just get a blood test. If your uric acid level is elevated, chances are, gout is responsible for your joint pain. To rule out physical injuries, my doctors also ask that I have the painful joint x-rayed.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
19 Nov 08
I have never had gout. And I don't know anyone who has it. I know someone with rheumatoid arthritis. That one damages joints and can be deforming. Neither sounds very good. I hope he gets the treatment he needs.
20 Nov 08
I was diagnosed with it and belive me its painful. So yeah i knew what it was but im glad u told me more.