Neighbor's big Butt broke my Crystal Vase!

United States
November 22, 2008 3:37pm CST
S.O.B.[i][/i][u][/u] Stupid neighbor stops by, well she's not my neighbor but a friend of my neighbor here, anyway silly nit is always coming over to "mooch" Aspirin or some of my pain patches and as she is walking through my front room her stupid big butt rubs/bumps up against one of my Christmas "fake poinsettia's", in my Crystal vase and I am in the kitchen to far away to do anything but watch it like in slow motion as it is falling/crashes on the floor here which is CONCRETE with tile on it, My beautiful Crystal Vase just shatters into shards.... AARRGGGHHHHH!!!!!! [i][/i][u][/u] She goes, I didn't do that did I??? UM were the last to come through there, why can't people be more careful huh?? I mean OPEN YOUR EYES...Yes my place is decorated for Christmas I've spent all week long on it...and in seconds one of my pieces are destroyed, you know I was expecting to have to "watch" Justus a seven year old when she comes over but not an adult for God's sake! UGH!! I am just fit to be tied here! It took me over 20 minutes to clean up all the shards of glass and I'm still not sure I got them all you know? I swept up what I could with my broom and dustpan then got my sweeper out and went over the floor again and again and just in terrible pain doing this. So after I get it cleaned up I find one shard I missed of course and that is after I took off my shoes and it now is residing in my little toe...GREAT !! TERRIFIC!!! So after I shower I will have to put some of my trusted "prid" on it and a bandage... Growl hiss and snarl!!! Janice needs a nap, and she needs her pain pills and she needs her strongest muscle relaxer and God help anyone else that might knock on my door today wanting something!
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6 responses
@jerzgirl (9234)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Whoa, sh!t, Jan! You're in one of MY moods over that one! I HATE when someone is being careless and breaks something of mine that neither of us can replace - especially if it has sentimental value. Just HATE IT!!! Or if they do something exceptionally stupid because they simply choose not to think at all and I end up having to clean up their mess while they laugh maniacally because they're so damned childish (yes, I have a specific incident in mind). Admittedly, MY big butt has careened into a thing or three, too, but in a livingroom with plenty of walking space, I can't see how that is possible!
@jerzgirl (9234)
• United States
23 Nov 08
"it was one of my better vases too" It always is, didn't you know? Klutzes are magnetically drawn to the better quality pieces in our homes, especially klutzes with an "oh well" attitude. It's like they carry their own little planetary force with them, but instead of holding satellites in place and keeping them in orbit, it draws them out of orbit into stationary objects. They need signs around their necks that say, "I am a bull - DO NOT allow me into your china shop!"
• United States
23 Nov 08
LOL! Yeah she is that for sure!!!
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
22 Nov 08
tell you want her to pay for it, either she will or she will get mad at you and that will be the end of it her big butt won't break anything else of yours because she won't come around anymore.
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• United States
23 Nov 08
Hi Rose, yeah she said she'd be back later to pay for it but like I posted up above its been about 4 hours or more now, she is a space head...I think she will but it will be DAYS probably before she does... That's the thing I just don't understand how she knocked it off, but her old butt ain't near as big as my big butt, and I never once touched it course I guess its because its my place and I know the darn thing is there but oh well...such a good conversation ain't it?? big butts and so on LOL!
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@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
23 Nov 08
Oh, it is so sad that the clumsy woman knocked into your crystal vase and it smashed into pieces. She should buy one a similar one to compensate for your loss. It must have been upsetting to have had all the bother of cleaning up all the broken pieces. You could have easily cut yourself. Good luck in the future with this lady. She is in pain and so maybe she is not sure what she is doing. It was so kind of you to give her pain killers and pain killing patches. She should appreciate your help and replace anything she brakes. One friend of mine is clumsy and annoying sometimes. My crystal fruit bowl was in my kitchen and he knocked it on the floor and it smashed. He was keeping an eye on my toddler son whilst I was walking my dogs. Later he admitted he had broken a glass bowl. Then I saw my crystal bowl in pieces in my washing up bowl. For days I kept finding tiny pieces of glass that he missed clearing up. He hasn't replaced what he broke. I make sure I hide my laptop from him. I don't want that getting broken. He saw a spider on my oil burner so he threw it out of the window. Luckily it landed on my hedge and didn't smash.
• United States
23 Nov 08
Hi Maxima: Sorry to hear of your situations too, Wow I don't know what was worse the crystal bowl or the oil burner being thrown outside..GGEEZZ!! Yeah I think if Josie comes by again Hopefully it will be with money to pay for what she broke, but I'm not holding my breath, but if she comes over again I am going to tell her to sit down on my couch and DON'T touch anything!! The place is just so small and I do have a lot of Christmas decorations out but she just needs to be more careful and not such a space cadet... Hopefully she won't break anything else of mine and I hope the person who broke yours won't be so destructive in your home too...Wow!!!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Oh my I'm so sorry to hear about your vase and poinsettia breaking like that, and then the nerve of that woman to act all innocent and say, "did I do that?" And ouch...oh, yup, I've had that happen where something made of glass breaks...I sweep it up carefully, or so I thought, and sure enough my one of my feet finds that one small sliver of glass and I have to try and get it out. Hope you feel better later dreamweaver
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Hi jan! Sorry about your vase! I know how you feel! I hate when people come in and are so careless around your stuff! It really can be so annoying! I bet she didn't even apologize! I hate when that happens! I get really upset when someone who is rather large comes into my house for the same reason. I don't want them knocking over my things. That and little children!
• United States
23 Nov 08
hi Opal; Yeah she said she was sorry and all but pffttt!! That doesn't replace my vase and I'm still waiting on some money which I will more than likely die from first and not ever see, we shall see; She just does not pay attention to her surroundings is all she is a space head; and if my big old butt can move around here without destroying things I would think others would be able to do so too, but not her...she is one of these people that flap their arms/hands around when they talk and that is probably what hit the vase or her coat as she was moving around, but if she would just OPEN HER EYES it would help so much more!!! UGH!!!
• United States
23 Nov 08
lol.... I am not laughing at the situation but at your temper. I know just how you feel. I have had similar experiences where things have happened to me in a fashion to where as I wanted to strangle them. It does get you upset when you are in a good mood and all it takes is you not wanting to be bothered, to mess things up. Maybe that's being selfish but we all deserve some me time. I do not understand why neighbors always come over and borrow things all of the time. At some point they have to realize that they are getting on your nerves. Sorry to hear bout the vase... I hope you can find a replacement.
• United States
23 Nov 08
HI Summertyme: LOL! Trust me I couldn't type out what was really rattling through my mind yesterday when I did sit down here to type it out..LOL! I have to "be good" on here and can't cuss and fuss LOL! Yeah I wanted to strangle her that's for sure and I still kinda do today too!! I know these people that live around here are always knocking on doors for one thing or another none of us have too much , but I guess they all seem to think I am some sort of one stop shop or something?? I doubt I'll look for anything to replace this vase, not sure if they even make them like this anymore?? But I'm surprised I've not broken it all these years and from all the many moves I've done in my lifetime but its history now!! thanks for stopping by!!