Searching for Hatley

United States
November 25, 2008 12:39am CST
I don't normally start discussions, just give my opinions and thought on others but I have been wondering about Hatley, is she back online yet, has anyone heard from her?? I know that she moved and was promising that she would be back online with us as soon as she could but I haven't heard anything from her as of yet.. To make this a discussion, I would like to know if there are certain people on Mylot that you have honestly became good friends with and that you really worry about when they are MIA for awhile.. There are certain ones that I worry about if I don't see their discussions in my mail box for awhile, but while going through my friends list, I noticed that Hatley wasn't back yet and started worrying about her.. So do you have friends on Mylot that are close enough to make you worry if you don't hear from them for awhile?? Do you take Mylot as a community seriously?? Do you believe that their are close knit friendships formed on a web site such as this?? I do believe there is and I do worry about someone who has had the problems such as Hatley has lately.. Does anyone have any good news about her??
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22 responses
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
25 Nov 08
gosh I haven't heard from her in such a long time either.
5 people like this
• United States
25 Nov 08
Maybe she will see this discussion and respond to it letting us know that she is ok.. I do worry about her and her moving, that is a stressful thing to have to do, especially in those circumstances..
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
25 Nov 08
According to her profile page she last logged in one day ago. Doesn't look like she did anything here, maybe she just checked for PMs. But, I do hope she returns and soon
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• United States
25 Nov 08
I went into her profile but didn't have time to do much checking as to when she logged in last.. I do wonder why she didn't start a discussion and let everyone know how things were going with her.. Maybe she will see this one and get us up to date on her situation.. Hope so anyway, I sure was worried about her, she was in too much of a stressful situation..
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Nov 08
Actually I only just realized that I hadn't seen Hatley for some time myself! I was not aware that she was moving but I am sure she will be back soon. I don't think someone like Hatley could stay inactive on mylot for long! I am sure there will be some settling news very soon and you can stop worrying Donna. You are a good friend! I too have many friends that would make me concerned if I didn't see them for some time, yes. Even though this is an online community and an absolute majority of us have never met in person, attachments ARE formed and I see these situations as no different from a relationship we would share with friends in the real world. As a matter of fact, I am probably far more open and more conversational about many more topics with my mylot friends than I am with most of my face-to-face ones! lol.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Nov 08
Lol. ME picking on Loud? Goodness gracious Donna! I received several "That is all" references from the audaciously sublime LoudnProud myself; so in the spirit of giving have taken up a parallel cause for the sake of fun! lol. Us "10 stars" are supposed to be a stuffy bunch of conformists too, so maybe there are some differing opinions now, yes? I will leave the lassie to her negative rating chasing whims now then and the ninja shall embark on other tasks as per your wish my dear.
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• United States
25 Nov 08
Besides being a stuffy bunch of conformists, we 10's are also a nice bunch of people and I am trying to protect you from Loud, she will have you for breakfast.. I know, I have seen it before, ask her, LOL
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• United States
25 Nov 08
James, she was always very active, but also had been under a lot of stress due to the forced move, so I was a bit worried.. Someone said that she had logged on but hadn't had any activity, so I guess she is ok, I really hope so anyway.. I hadn't heard from you for awhile also but I am having trouble gettin my email notifications and I haven't had time to try and straighten that out yet.. I, like you, can talk more openly and freely while on Mylot but I also pick and choose who I feel I can be more or less open with, not everyone really cares.. Now, why are you picking on loud??, she is such a great girl, play nice, or you will not get an invite when she has another of her online parties.. They are so much fun, be nice to her and she may invite you the next time she has one..
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
26 Nov 08
She's not been on for 3 days now Donna. I'm not too worried yet. She's probably settling into her new home and it's not clear whether she has an internet connection yet. She may have logged in from a library or cafe. I have a number of incredibly close friends on this site, people that I talk to almost every day either on Skype, the phone or IM/E mail. It's horrible if they go missing. For example - anybody remember Angelwhispers? I know kind of why she's off, but she's not responding to e mails.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
27 Nov 08
Seven of us in the UK were due to meet up today Donna! Unfortunately, for one reason or another that hasn't happened. Never mind there will always be next year. I am sure that Hatley will return eventually.
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• United States
27 Nov 08
pikey, I haven't heard of Angelwhispers, although I may have responded to a few of heer discussions, I am not sure.. I have been worried about Hatley because of her having to move and then get everything settled again.. I know how stressful that can be and I do know that she was a very active lady.. she may be just getting her second wind and will be back as soon as she gets things settled.. I believe that you met a few of your close friends, I saw the pictures, any more rendezvous in the future for you?? We will just have to keep an eye out for hatley, I am sure that when she gets things in order, she will be back.. I worry unnecessarily sometimes, we will hear from her when she gets back..
@GreenMoo (11834)
2 Dec 08
I haven't any news myself, but I'll be reading through the other responses to this discussion in a moment to see if anyone else has heard. I had noticed Hatley's absence, but I hadn't started to worry yet as I know from personal experience how low down the priorities list things like myLot have to come when you have no or limited net access. I do hope that the move has gone well though, and I've love to hear that all is well. In response to your question, there is another myLotter who hasn't been posting recently who I've been missing and thinking about. I hope all is well with her too, but I think that myLot is somewhere where people will come and go depending on what else is going on in their lives.
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• United States
2 Dec 08
One of the reasons that I was worried was because she had said that as soon as she got settled in she would be back.. I am not sure if her not being back is because of health problems or because she isn't getting the internet yet.. I do hope everything is going well for her.. I lost my mother when she was 90 yrs and 1 month old, Hatley is in her 80's, I think, and I do know that when my mom was in her 80's, she was still a very healthy active person and I always admired Hatley for being a "thoroughly modern millie" and mylotting at her age.. I think she is great, and I do miss her discussions..
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25 Nov 08
Hi DonnaLawson. Yes I know Hatley as well and I have been worried about her as well, I also have a few frineds that I am worried about too, I just hope they are alright. I like to think we are Mylot little community. Tamara
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• United States
25 Nov 08
There are a few persons on here for the money only, but since you and I know that it is not that much, we can realize that it is a close-knit caring community..I do enjoy doing Mylot for that reason..
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
25 Nov 08
I have not heard anything from her either. There are a few others that I wonder about alot.
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• United States
25 Nov 08
I do wonder about a few of the people who I don't see on here anymore but since Hatley was going through so much, I was worried about her.. Maybe she will check in soon..
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
25 Nov 08
it seems i missed out on hately.though i joinned long time ago,i was forced to take frequent breaks.over the period of time i have made quite a number of friends with whom i relate very well(although there are differences of opinion) and i would very much miss them.
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
26 Nov 08
i would love to get in contact with her .if you have any news,plz pass it on to me.
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• United States
25 Nov 08
Hatley was a very active elderly lady who had been having some very tough breaks.. She was in the process of moving and promised that she would be back as soon as she got everything settled from the move.. That was about a month ago and she hasn't got back yet.. I am hoping everything is ok with her..
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@moondancer (7433)
• United States
26 Nov 08
I don't know where hatley is. Haven't heard in awhile. Hatley will be back when ready. I know sometimes we all just need a break from everything and that includes the lot. We have many things going on in our lives and making the friends we have here is great. I have kept in contact with a couple of people here after they took "a break", unfortunately hatley is not one of them. I'll be glad when a return is warranted.
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• United States
27 Nov 08
I am sure that she is ok, I was just worried about her and hoping someone had heard from her.. You are right, she will be back when she is ready.. She is a go-getter when posting.. Have a great Thanksgiving..
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
25 Nov 08
Until this discussion, I hadn't realized how much time had gone by. Wow a month! I sure hope things are better. Yes I have certain friends on my list like that. One hasn't been on in 5 months. I have tried getting in contact. Still, it can be frustrating not to hear, or know.
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• United States
25 Nov 08
I have also tried to contact a few of the missing friends but with no results so far.. I think that I was more worried about Hatley due to her age and the stress that she was going through.. I do believe she is ok, might be just taking her time getting back on here..
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
25 Nov 08
Well, just this week, I ran across an discussion that she had responded to. And I was wondering about her. I have not seen her in a while too. I have noticed that she usually replies to just about all of my discussions. This is also with faith210. I have not seen an reply from her in over 3 months now. I hope that she is okay. She is normally on myLot as well. She is also a very good friend of mines too. I do often wonder about her as well. I hope that Hatley is okay. And all is well for her. I had no idea that she was moving. I hope that she will be back here very soon. I miss her too. She is a very great friend to have here at myLot. I have grown pretty close with some friends here as well, and their being absent would make me concerned too. I hope that everything is fine on Hatley's end.
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• United States
26 Nov 08
I don't think the move was voluntary on her part due to her son being out of work, she was forced to move, so I was worried about her,, This is too much stress for someone to have to go through.. I do worry about her but I will keep watching for her..
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
26 Nov 08
Yes, I will keep a look out for her to. It seems not like her to just leave and not come back without never logging back in. I am going to pray for her return soon. I do miss her too. She was a very sweet person..
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
25 Nov 08
Hatley is not my friend but I enjoyed participating in some of her discussions and she did participated in some of mine. I like her a lot although she is not in my friend's list. It's only now from you that I learned she's not been coming here at mylot for quite a while. Oh yes, I really am taking the relationship here at myLot seriously. I have had enough friends here with whom I've developed so sweet relationship so if anyone is missing I'd really do my best to find out why.
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• United States
25 Nov 08
salonga, that is so nice of you to worry about others when they are missing.. That is a sure sign that you are developing relationships on here.. We will just have to keep a watch our for hatley to get back..
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• United States
26 Nov 08
I can't honest say I have close friends here yet, but I've only been doing this for a short time. There are some responders I enjoy reading, whether I agree with them or not. As far as your friend, Hatley, I'm sorry but I don't know her. I do hope you get good news regarding her, though.
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• United States
27 Nov 08
Hatley is a wonderful elderly lady, (when you get back and read this Hatley, forgive me), who is a very avid Mylotter.. She stayed busy and posted quite regularly.. She may be having trouble getting connected again, but when she gets back, she will get hopping again.. I was hoping someone had heard from her.. Good luck to you on your Mylotting and Happy Thanksgiving..
@rvangeld (334)
• United States
26 Nov 08
I do not really have that close of friends on here yet, seeing as how I am new to this website. I take the community very seriously and like to talk with people and hear their viewpoints. Of course close knit relationships can be formed on a website like this. Friendships can be formed anywhere.
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• United States
27 Nov 08
You are so right and you will in time form close relationships.. Hatley was a very dear friend whom I enjoyed responding to.. She was in the process of moving and probably just hasn't gotten settled in yet.. Good Luck to you in your future Mylotting..
• United States
26 Nov 08
There are so many people that I have connected with on various sites. They participate for a while and poof they are gone. I think of them from time to time. Sometimes they come back and sometimes not.
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• United States
26 Nov 08
Hatley was a regular, she wouldn't just leave, this was a bit of extra income for her and she enjoyed chatting and discussing with all of her friends.. I believe she will get back but I was worried and hoping that someone had heard from her.. Thanks for the response..
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
25 Nov 08
Come to think about it I have not seen here for quite some time now. As I read the respopnses I hope to find more info about her. I miss her. I thought we were froiends as well donna. I did not, nor have gotten any notifications of discussions etc from you. I may be wrong too who knows. Thanks for the looking out for a loved friend here as well. There are a lot of friends here that I worry if I don't see them for awhile as well. This is a great community no matter whom trolls the site etc. I love it none the less. I've met two members so far face to face as well. So it is a real serious site if you wish it to be in my eyes. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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• United States
25 Nov 08
I do worry about her since she is an elderly lady, she makes me think of my mother and I would never have wanted my mother to have had to go through what Hatley was going through.. Maybe she will get back on here and start her posting again soon.. I haven't been receiving email notifications from quite a few of the people on my friends list, I emailed Mylot to tell them about it but so far no response.. I have quite a few others that I interacted with on a daily basis but I never get any notifications from them either.. I turned my notify on and them off and then back on again and that hasn't worked, so I was thinking this morning that if I delete some of the ones on my friends list and then request them as a friend again, that might help.. It might be worth a try, so if you see a friends request from me, then you will know what I am doing, ok?? I do have quite a few persons who I do consider friends and I enjoy the back and forth chit chat and I miss them when I don't hear from them.. Now that I think about it, I haven't received any notifications from Minnie either.. I am going to get to work on it right now.. Watch for my friends request.. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours..
@subha12 (18441)
• India
26 Nov 08
I have also not seen her discussions for few days. somewhere she mentioned she will be busy in shifting and then will login.I guess she must be busy there.
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• United States
26 Nov 08
Yes, she was moving but mentioned that as soon as she got settled in again, she would be back online.. I guess she hasn't gotten settled in yet, I hope that there are no other problems for her..
@AmbiePam (86296)
• United States
25 Nov 08
I have not heard from Hatley. I hope she has got settled in by now. Maybe they haven't had the money to get the internet installed again. She hasn't had it easy this year, has she. I mean she had to deal with the shingles, and then her son not having a job, and then having to move. Yes, I have worried about a couple people in the past. One of them just recently came back after a long absence. And there are a couple of mylotters who have cancer, and I have not seen them on here in what seems like ages. Because of their cancer, it makes me worry even more for them.
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• United States
25 Nov 08
She has had it rough for awhile and that is one reason that I was so worried.. If it had have been a move that she was looking forward to or a better move, that would have been ok, but it was just another stressful time for her and when she didn't get back, I started to worry.. I do hope she will get going again soon, as she was a very active member.. I also haven't heard from a few others but I think they went on to another business and haven't had time to be on the net very much.. I don't like to think of some of the troubles that others can be having while on here, and when you know that someone has cancer or something else like that, you suspect the worst when you don't hear from them.. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone..
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
26 Nov 08
It's funny that you mention this as I just thought of her today and wondered about her. I know she was going thru a trying time and all. Lets hope that all is well with her.
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• United States
26 Nov 08
I do hope all is well because she was having such a rough time of the situation.. We can keep our fingers crossed for her and I hope to see her back soon..
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Apr 10
hi my Is it too late to respond, I am taking a chance you are still here. My son is still out of work but they are lettkng him stay at the gov. sponsored apt with three other guys, this is done so the men have a place to live while they hunt for work. I have been here at G old Crest for about a year and some months now. WE lost the backer who was all gung ho on helping us by paying three months rent on an apartmeb in Northern Cal. she reneged just about the time we were figuring out how to get moved up to Antioch ca, the landlord emailed my son on my birth Nov15 2008 and then my son knowing that I am 83 with a bad foot and diabetes thought this cannot go on,mom cannot beout walking the streets and us having to move from one homeless shelter to another so he called adult protective services and I got placed here in Gold Crest a retirement center in garden Grove on Thanksgiving day 2008,then spent 2009 here, and was so sure my son would soon get a job and get me out of here, but now its almost Mothers day April 29 2010. I have now had my computer and monitor out of storage for about 6 or 7 months. I was gone from here for 11 months. I have read this several times and not known if all my old friends would be here or not. sorry to have worried so m any but for a very long time I had not way to really mylot again, and too I felt so shook up and in sort of shock, as it seemed like one moment I was an ordinary elderly woman living happily with my adult son,middle class citizen, then homeless, on the street but we did stay with friends for as long as they could safely have us as they were just renters too and could not have us there indefinitely. when you end up in Salvation Army hospital house, you feel ;like you struck bottom, and people look at you really funny y et you are the same person you were a few months before.odd.,well I am back mylotting again and hope you are still here.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
1 May 10
hi donna yes its so good to be back and at least here I have a home for now and can use my computer and monitor. stillwould love to be back in an apartment with myson working again.but hopeful it could happen this year as I am told jobs are appearing now and that is heartening. I know a lot of the older my lotters I know are on facebook but I spend so much time here I cannot see where i would have time on facebook and mylot too. must go. nite now. my bedtime.
• United States
30 Apr 10
Hi Hatley, It is so good to hear from you again.. Sounds as if life is at least livable again, even though it could be a bit better.. We do make it through the best way we can. don't we.. I will still say a prayer that things do improve in your life.. I am also so very glad that you are back on the internet again, it is so different without it.. I am not doing much on Mylot anymore but am on Facebook almost way too much of the time.. I would love to see you on Facebook, although sometimes it is frustrating trying to stay connected with my internet connection.. Almost all of My lot is on Facebook and I am sure you would remember many of them when you "see" them.. If you decide to get on Facebook or Farmville, request me as a friend, I can then send you a list of the Mylot names VS the Facebook names, you will recognize many of them.. It really is great to hear from you again and keep on Mylotting.. Have a great evening and don't forget to look me up if you ever get on Facebook.. I am just plain old Donna Lawson, but my picture is of my little baby doggy, you should recognize it and a lot of my friends are old Mylotters..
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