Will your dog welcome you when you go home?

@kaka135 (14932)
November 25, 2008 9:03am CST
Well, my dog always waits at the gate in the evening, waiting for my husband to come back from work. Sometimes, if my husband comes home late, then she'll just lie down there and wait. It's so cute to see her waiting. When we come back from outside, she always come to the gate and welcome us too. It's so nice to go home and see the lovely dog. Today, my husband didn't go to work, and it seems like my dog knew about it, and she didn't wait at the gate in the evening. Dogs are really smart, aren't they?^_^ How about your dogs? Do they welcome you when you go home? Feeling good having someone waiting for you at home?
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25 responses
@dodo19 (47278)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
25 Nov 08
Every time I come home, my dog often runs to the front door to greet me, with her tail wagging. However, there times when she is very sleepy and she doesn't get up, but as soon as she sees me, her tail starts wagging and starts kissing me.
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@kaka135 (14932)
• Malaysia
26 Nov 08
Yeah, my dog keeps wagging her tail when she sees us too. It's so cute.
@dodo19 (47278)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
26 Nov 08
I think so too. It's always fun to come home and have a dog, who is happy to see you.
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@Llonorra22 (1150)
• Philippines
1 Dec 08
She's not only welcoming me she even sits on my lap and look me in the eye as if she was saying something. My dog really adores me... I love her so much...
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@kaka135 (14932)
• Malaysia
1 Dec 08
Yeah, dogs are really cute, especially if you treat them well, they will treat you really well. ^_^
@Anne18 (11029)
25 Nov 08
We don't have a dog but when I was a child the dog came to meet us when we got home. We have two cats and they are always very pleased to see us when we get home and like to greet us
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@kaka135 (14932)
• Malaysia
26 Nov 08
Cats do the same too? I always thought cats are more elegant and they don't usually play with people. I guess I'm wrong in this.
@moonight (249)
• United States
26 Nov 08
aww haha my dog does that too, he is about 5yr old. he comes out of his bed and when he knows iam close to teh house, he barks and wiggles his tail
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@kaka135 (14932)
• Malaysia
1 Dec 08
Dogs are always so cute and smart! ^_^
• United States
26 Nov 08
I get home late at night. So when I get home all the dogs are out of their crate watching tv with my boyfriend. So I get bummed rush at the dog by five dogs and two cats when I get home. It takes me about ten minutes just to get out of the doorway. LOL It is nice but annoying at the same time.
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@kaka135 (14932)
• Malaysia
1 Dec 08
Yeah, I understand that. My dog always blocks my way when I want to go out.
• India
25 Nov 08
Hello kakka 135 Ji, Dog is treated like smallest member in any family, when any member comes to door, Dog wants to greet everybody, so dog will greet you as well. Dog will come and lie down infront of you. Have a great time.
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@kaka135 (14932)
• Malaysia
1 Dec 08
Yeah, they are just like little kids. My dog does that so. ^_^
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@moondancer (7433)
• United States
26 Nov 08
Yes, my dear little ones wait at the gate or inside at a window for my return. They won't eat or drink while I am gone. They worry for me until I return. Likewise when my husband coomes home from his trips away, they bombard him with love and hugs as they give them. They stick to him for a few days being his shaddow. It is really nice to be missed and loved so completely.
• Philippines
26 Nov 08
My dog doesn't see me after school.I show myself to him especially during mornings to feed him.I'm the only one he greets in our family.
@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
26 Nov 08
Hi friends, You know our big old dumb dog. We can go outside for two minutes and when we come in, he jumps around and acts like we've been gone for days. He loves us so much and I don't know what I would do without him. His name is Tazz. He is part pit bull part bull mastiff. However, he's got the characteristics of a big silly lab. The house would be so lonely without him and our cat Clark Griswald. Cheers, Cheryl
@kaka135 (14932)
• Malaysia
1 Dec 08
Yeah, exactly! I always miss my dog when she's not around. She used to stay with the vet for a few days when she did the spay surgery, we missed her so much. Sometimes, even we brought her for washing, and have to leave her there for an afternoon, I feel lonely without her in our house too. ^_^
@iamfine (740)
• China
26 Nov 08
Hi, my younger sister has a cute dog, male dog. He can reganize me, and whenever I go to my yonger sisters house, which is very near to mine, the dog would run to me, and jump, and try to embrace my leg. he is very small, and sometimes he even stretch his front leg to reach me. and his tail would shaking all the time. It is really cute.
@kkthom3 (279)
• United States
25 Nov 08
I have two dogs and one of them almost never welcomes me home. Not because she doesn't like me but because she is about seventeen years old and completely deaf. She usually spends about 20 to 22 hours a day sleeping. My other dog is only 2 and he loves to welcome me home. He always runs to the front door and wags his tail. Although sometimes if the blinds are down in the front of the house and he doesn't know that it is me, then he'll bark. He's a pretty good guard dog.
@kaka135 (14932)
• Malaysia
26 Nov 08
Perhaps the dog is too old to welcome you. Usually younger dogs are more active, right?
• Italy
25 Nov 08
I work with the dogs , and I am filled with satisfaction, not to mention,my oliver,including my cats! I come home 3 to expect hairy baby!!
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@kaka135 (14932)
• Malaysia
26 Nov 08
It's so nice to work with dogs, as they are so cute and lovely.
• United States
25 Nov 08
Well now in the place i live we dont have a dog but in my house yeah 2 and yes my dogs come for me, but here :D i got a little nephew and when someone comes to the house sh runs to go to the door and tell you hola, she looks so cute :D. Have a nice day and a good week :)
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@kaka135 (14932)
• Malaysia
26 Nov 08
Sometimes I really think dogs are like kids, they are both very cute and lovely. You'll always feel happy to see them. ^_^ You too, have a nice week!
@up9nine (38)
• China
26 Nov 08
sounds great!it's can easy to image how cute the dog is!i also like pets too,particularly dogs,,,but my parents do not allow me to have one,due to it's dirty and may be howl at night,,,but i think,,the dog is smart,,if we teach its,,its may be clever enough,,
@hoong143 (1397)
• Malaysia
26 Nov 08
My dog is always very happy when she sees me, because I always play with her. Every time when I come home, she will come to welcome me, also wag her tails rapidly. It's so cute to see her wagging her tail and welcome me home.
@kunking (1118)
• China
26 Nov 08
Hi,kaka135!~ your dog seems really smart and cute...i wanna have my own dog too but it's a pity that its not allowed for having a dog in my dormitory... how i envy u having such a baby....
@katkat (2378)
• Philippines
26 Nov 08
Dogs are smart and sweet too. One thing I love about my dog is he is always happy when I got home and always come to me when I enter the house. He knows when I'm near in the house and would bark as if welcoming me. He's really sweet and caring that I've love him more than just a pet but part of the family as well.It's feels good that someone would wait for your return.
@wrangel15 (1443)
• Philippines
26 Nov 08
We have dogs at home but I don't have a pet at my apartment. They say that pets can relieve stress especially when we just came from work. Maybe the feeling of being liked by the pet helps.
• China
26 Nov 08
dear kaka,i am so strongly same feeling as you,i have also one cute dog,no more one year old,her name is "big bear“,everybody love this dog in my home,previously i never believe dog can understand human mind,but since i have this pet dog,i am really really believe dog is the clever animal,she can understand human mind,she can understand my heart.so i understand why so many people like dog not cat.if you have time,pls check my photo area,there have my pet dog "big bear" picture.
@rishu007 (13)
• India
26 Nov 08
h aha u r right kaka they are too smart when u knw they also reduce our depression whenever i feel depressed i play with my dogs they shake hands when i came from coleg