Kung Fu Panda

November 26, 2008 1:53pm CST
Is it worth $35 for the DVD?
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14 responses
@3cardmonte (5098)
26 Nov 08
hell no,its good,but its not $35 good!
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• Canada
27 Nov 08
not even with all the special features?
@amitavroy (4819)
• India
26 Nov 08
I would like to know what is & the DVD case apart from the movie because although the movie is very good but $35 for the DVD is something which is outrageously costly. generally I have seen such high prices for movies which have more than one part. Like I still remember the Lord of the rings box back cost me around 2000 Indian currency but then I got something which is very special. The whole box had 12 discs with everything right from the movie to the making of the movie. There was the director cut and the commentary which was something which I always like to have and that is the reason I spend that much amount on the 12 dvds. but I had to check what is there inside the box apart from the disk that they have prized it is too high.obviously when they are making a disk they want it to be sold in the market. but if you were priced at by such a huge amount then who is going to buy it.
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@cryw0lf (1302)
• United Kingdom
26 Nov 08
Probably not. You're probably better off just renting it from a video store- Most films arent worth buying- because you generally only watch it once. - And if you do decide you want to watch it more times after renting, then you should buy... By i'd always advise renting fist.
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@egdcltd (12059)
26 Nov 08
You can get it for less than half that in the UK, so no.
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@sisco100 (2338)
• United States
26 Nov 08
are you crazy, thats way to much to be paying for a dvd, even for the blue-ray version.
2 people like this
• India
26 Nov 08
hmm do u have kids in teh house?? then tis worth it or look online
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@arcidy (5005)
• United States
27 Nov 08
Whoa this movie is 35 dollars why that is way to expensive for any movie. Not even blu ray dvds cost that much do I would say it isnt worth that price and just wait to get the movie at a better price which im sure you can find somewhere else I wouldnt pay that price for any dvd.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
13 Dec 08
This is a pretty good discussion and I am sure there are a lot of people out there who have seen the movie Kung Fu Panda and really liked it because they like Jack Black or because they thought it was a really good movie with a lot of laughs and a lot of hilarious scenes,and then I am sure there are a lot of people who probably did not like the movie either because they do not like Jack Black or because they did not think the movie was funny,or because they did not like the story behind it,and I can understand why someone would or would not like the movie since I know everyone has different tastes,and not everyone likes every type of movie and no two people are the same,and I am not sure if the movie is worth thirty five dollars or not but I guess it depends on how much they like the movie,because I know there are some movies I would pay any price for because I like them that much,and I love watching them,I remember when Kung Fu Panda first came out I did not want to see it because I can not stand Jack Black because he is not funny,and he seems so annoying especially in commercials on television,and I said I would never watch it because of him,and then my brother bought it and he watched it and he said it was a really good movie and very funny,and he said that I should watch it,and at first I refused to watch it because I am stubborn and set on my ways,and my fiance also said we should watch it to see what it was like,and then I finally broke down and agreed to watch it to see if it was any good,and it was better than I imagined it would be,it was actually funny,and I like movies about Kung Fu and I did not know Jackie Chan was in the movie which made up for the fact it had Jack Black in it,and I also liked the fact that Po which was Jack Blacks character got beaten up which was part of the reason it was funny,and part of the reason I liked it,and it was way better than I thought it would be,and I would gladly watch it again in the future,and I definitely learned that you can not judge a movie by the way it looks or the actors because sometimes a movie will turn around and surprise you,just as Kung Fu Panda surprised me.
@greyy21 (181)
• Ireland
26 Nov 08
Uhhh.. no, just no.. It's funny and all but it's not worth THAT much~
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Nov 08
Hey just to follow up with you. I checked out some prices for you. Wal-Mart = $14.96 Target = $19.99 Amazon = $15.99 if you want to check it out this is the cheaper route other then just renting it. Have a great day and enjoy the movie.
• United States
26 Nov 08
That depends, I'm sure you could find it for a much cheaper cost then $35 for the dvd, but I did see the movie and it was great. I didn't see it at the theater and I'm glad I didn't. Pretty sure that I would have gotten yelled at by the others in the theater for laughing my *ss off. If you haven't see it then you have to. It was a great movie and not just for kids that is for sure.
@afdinki (83)
• United States
27 Nov 08
If you want the satisfaction of knowing that you've got the DVD first legally and no one else has it, then maybe $35 is worth that satisfaction. Who can put a price tag on one's satisfaction? IMHO, I would not buy Kung fu Panda on DVD, especially when I can watch it on the Internet for free, practically any time I want.
@paan454 (61)
• Malaysia
26 Nov 08
oh man..if the movie got a good quality you should buy it.I prefer download it in internet..if u want that movie,PM me..
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Nov 08
No, you will able to get it on sale at Best Buy for much less on Black Friday.