Do you always use recommended amount of a ingredient?

United States
December 3, 2008 11:50am CST
When cooking from a recipe, do you always use the recommended amount of a ingredient or not, such as 1 tablespoon of such and such, or 1 cup of something else? Usually if it's a recipe I haven't made before, I use the measurements listed, but after the first time, I generally change it to my taste. I do think it's funny though on the boxes of macaroni and cheese it tells you how many cups of water to boil when you just end up pouring it out at the end anyways. So what are your thoughts?
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5 responses
@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Dec 08
I usually add more of a certain ingredient if I like the flavor or if I know it will be better with more of it.
• Netherlands
3 Dec 08
I always try to keep me to the receipe, and when I donĀ“t like the tast I add somethink to give it more ore a other flavour.
• Canada
3 Dec 08
i'm totally the same with making a recipe for the first time -- i will measure out the ingredients. then i taste the product to see if it needs more or less sugar. or if it's too heavy, i add less flour next time. or if it's too doughy, i add more flour next time. i never measure stuff like water for pasta and chocolate chips and raisins in baking though. i just throw in a bunch until it looks like the amount i want.
3 Dec 08
im the same to be honest, if i have never cooked the meal before i will follow it step by step and more i become aqquainted with it i will gradually change it to suit my interests.
@Random28 (158)
3 Dec 08
Its realy weird that whenever i make something i always need to add more of an ingrieient or have to much off another ingrient i dont know why.