If you got a smile or wink on a singles site .......

@braided (698)
December 3, 2008 6:07pm CST
If you got a smile, wink, or message from someone on a singles site would you not think that that person was single???? If you read his profile and it said separated/divorce would you not think that he or she was unattached? .... Yea me too and I did ... and this is the 5th time I found out that they were not really separated or divorced ... 2 of them were geographically separated which means he was working in another country while his wife and kids where in his home country but because he was away from home he thought he could go on a single site and find someone else to talk to .... Would you not be p***ed / angry about this??? Let me know how you would feel when you found out the truth. I'm outraged ... I'm so disappointed with these men that would do this ......
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2 responses
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
4 Dec 08
People play games for a reason and mostly the reason is to take advantage of someone who falls for their tricks. I would not trust anyone from the net, not even myself. Cheers!!
@braided (698)
• Canada
4 Dec 08
hey underdogtoo .... you made me laugh .. thanks so much for the response ... have a great day .. peace
@capirani (2791)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I happens all the time on dating and singles sites. People go on there and do a totally fake profile so they can cheat on their partners. It is a dangerous game to do the dating sites because you can never know for sure who is lying and who is telling the truth, and worse yet, who is telling only half truths. Be careful. And there are those out there who don't care if the other one is married. They just want to have some fun and don't care who gets hurt in the process.
@braided (698)
• Canada
4 Dec 08
i guess i always thought people were like me ... telling the truth and i'm always surprised when someone isnt as honest as me .... sigh ... but i must say it sure is disappointing to say the least ... no worries i dont ever meet these people until i find out all i need to know or i get the right feeling about it ... when i get that red flag i know something is up or wrong ... i'm always really careful .. but am shocked a lot about how they lie ... smilin ..