Do you plan to have kids after you marriage???

@snpyvin (1518)
December 7, 2008 12:56am CST
I do plan too. I would like to have 2 or 3 not one as if i have one my kids would be lonely lols. How about you?? some people might don't want to have kids i am ok with it.
10 responses
@lellyp (245)
• Indonesia
17 Jan 09
YES. As soon as possible. of course more than 4, cos i love kids. Kids is magic that why i want have a kids As soon as possible after am marry.
@boonkid (303)
• Malaysia
9 Dec 08
I will hope I have 2 kid. One is boy another is girl!LOL!
• United States
8 Dec 08
I have 2 boys and that was enough for me now I have 1 granddaughter and one grandson and maybe a new one on the way
@littleowl (7157)
8 Dec 08
Yes I have been married and had two and a girl and wanted more, but for medical reasons couldn't...littleowl
@Erssyl (617)
• Philippines
9 Dec 08
Having kids after marriage is always a natural event for every couple.Having children completes the process of having a family.If other people marry and don't want to have kids,it is maybe they are selfish to give love to other.When we planned to marry we also planned to have kids.
@GAUCI123 (1042)
• Malta
7 Dec 08
It is good to plan when having kids. Kids are the joy of marriage, but you have to prepare for them. Life changes a lot with kids around, you have lots of responsibilty.
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
7 Dec 08
I already have two sons and I hope one day to have a daughter. Yes, one child can be lonely or get spoiled. I think two or three children is the ideal for a family. My sister has two sons and two daughters so I think that is great. I have a couple of friends one aged 42 that never wants to have kids that has a partner and one aged 47 that hasn't got married.
@katemeow (847)
• Singapore
7 Dec 08
i definitely plan to have kids when i get married but maybe a year or 2 after :) i would like to enjoy my time with my future husband first as a couple before having the family :)
7 Dec 08
Hi snpyvin, I would have liked to have kids but I couldn't as we have been married now for 28 years and we have tow cats so they are our children, hehe. Tamara
@ifa225 (14390)
• Indonesia
7 Dec 08
It is good if you plan how much kids that you want to have at the early marriage, so you can make a good strategy to follow with.I have three kids right now, me and my husband feel great at this amout, and we do not plan to have any kids anymore. it is true that kids makes your life brigther and more colorfull, but we have to think about the loves that we have to give to them. A quality love...