how to lose excess weight on certain body parts?

December 9, 2008 1:10am CST
i have a lot of mass around my arms.. have tried a lot of toning exercises.. but doesnt works.. any suggestions?
3 responses
@mymelodake (1338)
• Philippines
10 Mar 10
If toning exercises doesn't work, my suggestion is try getting a slimming wrap. You can apply a paste made of a specific mix of ingredients and then wrap the area you want to get slimmer. I read that seaweed is good for firming, and this other tyoe of clay which I forgot the name. I think you can get this done at a spa or you can actually try to make them yourself, there are a lot of articles online that teach you how. I've read that they are effective, but I haven't tried it myself, because the ingredients are not available where I live. But if the materials or service is available, I would try it in a heartbeat!
1 person likes this
• India
12 Mar 10
hey the wraps sound really interesting. we do have them in india. let me do a little research on them and then go ahead. thanks for responding.
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
10 Dec 08
You can't spot reduce. Arms are a difficult area for everyone. Are you weight training? I do 2 sets of 15 reps of bicep curls using a weight of 20 lbs. I worked up to that weight and started at 5 lbs. I also do 2 sets of 15 reps of tricep exercises using a weight of 30 lbs. Again, I worked up to that starting at a weight of 20 lbs. When these get easy, don't add more weight, add more reps. You should also watch your diet. Do you need to lose weight or do you just have problems in the arms? Women have a particularly hard time with upper body strength
• India
10 Dec 08
thanks for responding.. i dance to keep myself fit.. and arms are a major problem..
@dehong (151)
• China
12 Dec 08
that's an easy quetion.some people want to loose weight.but they always eat so much if you want to loose weight.that's easy,just eat a little or don't eat.if you do thaat you can loose weight.