How do I get $15 Billion for Restructuring my Debt?

United States
December 11, 2008 11:49am CST
Maybe if I drive to Washington DC and play the poor mouth I can get it. Or maybe if I squander all of profits, lay off 1000's of employees and still pay them 90% of their salary while they are laid off, and then go to DC and say that the loss of my company will mean the end of the domestic whatchamacallit industry as we know it, they will give it to me. And then there is one surefire way...use the whatchamacallit lobbyists to force the governments hand and then write the bailout bill for them. If I had a business, and treated people and money like the Big 3 have, I would be out of business...for good! What has to happen before this government realizes that this is throwing good money after bad? The typical double standard is still alive and well.
1 response
• United States
12 Dec 08
Why limit yourself to $15 Billion. Why don't you start a bank up today, go to grandpa Hank Paulson tell him you need $100 Billion to loan money to poor Americans. Instead, use that $100 Billion to buy GM, Ford, and Chrysler, and now you can fire everyone and start all over. You are losing the entire point of all of this. If you want to mad about something look at the AIG (who year today has $120 Billion of your tax payer dollars), or Citi Group (who has $40 billion of your tax payer dollars). Now no one has any idea what these companies that are taking TARP money are doing with this money, but we know a few things these two fine companies are doing with YOUR money. AIG has repeated spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on weekend trips for the same people that destroyed our economy. Now Citi makes AIG look like angels. Citi paid their CEO over $102 million for all of his great work. They also have spend millions supporting the Rose Bowl football game. And to make matters worse, they publicly came out and said that they would honor the agreement for the naming rights to the new New York Mets park to the tune of $400 Million dollars. Shouldn't that be named UNITED STATES TAXPAYER PARK, instead of Citi Park? All of the sudden the Big 3 don't look so bad, and that $15 Billion won't go to naming rights for any stadium, or Bowl game.
• United States
12 Dec 08
You are correct in your assessments. I am only picking on the idiots in Detroit because the government has actually disclosed some info BEFORE they pull the trigger, unlike what they did with the banking bailout debacle. If I could do that over or thought that what I say here could make them go back and do a "do over", I would get upset about it. I know that the banks have duped us, and will continue as long as we need them around. I also know that they can't and won't be held accountable, because the World Bank is above the law. AIG and CITI are 2 small players in THIS game of life. Maybe one day we will actually get to have a say in what really happens in our country and with our money...or the lack thereof.