The bailouts

despair - i just can't take it anymore.
United States
December 12, 2008 10:03am CST
i know i'm probably going to get a lot of flak from this, but i personnally don't care. i've had it up to here^^^^ with the bullsh1t. it started when paulson came out and told everybody "the world was going to end" if we didn't bail out the banking industry. billions later, we still aren't any better off than we were. AND, we seem to have set a precedent for companies to cry "bailout". just scare everybody and they'll get the money. the auto makers are saying that bankruptcy and restructuring is not an option. they want us to believe if they don't get the money, they will close they're doors. and every vehicle that we are now driving, and that sits on a lot not sold, will just disappear off the face of the earth. actually, it is the union that is holding up any money for the auto personal opinion, and i have been expressing this one for years, THE UNIONS SHOULD JUST GO AWAY. they will be the downfall of the American economy. i say, let the auto mfg. fail. let the banks fail. the people will pick up the slack. sure, it would take some time, but we didn't get where we are overnight. treat the economy like alcoholism. let it bottom out, see that there is no other options but to get better, and then go through the "rehab". i amm willing to bet a few trillion $$ that someone would step up and create new businesses, new jobs, and quite possibly a whole new way of life. it is time to regroup, and throwing a bunch of money into a blender of sh1t isn't going to come out tasting any sweeter. they should have sent the people the bailout money to begin with and let the economy rebuild from the bottom up. the above statements are made from my understandings of the news reports as i see and read them, and are strictly my opinion. share yours!
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2 responses
@AmbiePam (86401)
• United States
13 Dec 08
The auto unions wouldn't take a pay cut to keep them from having the government to bail them out. I don't blame the 'little' guy if their pay would be cut, but there are a bunch of head honchos who could afford to take a big cut. I am against the bailouts. I don't care what people say about it saving the economy from further harm. The people who are really suffering, the average American citizen are not getting bailed out. We make a debt, we have to pay it. I'm pretty sickened by it, and I don't understand why more people don't see the harm in it.
@AmbiePam (86401)
• United States
14 Dec 08
"little" guy being those on the assembly line/ don't think they have summer homes
@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
27 May 09
I think, bailout money is not free lunch. It is the hard money of taxpayers and should be utilised with extreme caution and great accountability. This money should be used in such a way that we should get some definite return over it, by way of lower taxes or increased social security facilities. One can't throw the money earned by whole nation to the bunch of fat peoples like bankers or some workshy unions.