do not spend much time on reading ,ok?

@rowe0525 (677)
December 14, 2008 3:14am CST
hey yo you know what,,now i sort-sighted,so i have to wear glass ,bu ti hate it ,i do not like glass,,people said that i look more ugly when i wearing glass so man ,,if u do not want to wear glass ,,,,do not spend much time on reading in a day
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7 responses
• India
14 Dec 08
well it wont affect me coz i read at most 2 hours a day byt the way use glasses which have no borders you may look good
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@rowe0525 (677)
• China
14 Dec 08
but i do not like glass i can not take it any more what should i do ?
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• China
15 Dec 08
I'm the kind of person who don't like to wear glass too,because when I wear it I feel so strange and wired . I think it makes me looks so urgly .However, I like to surf the internet all day ,so I have to wear glass all day long !It is really a disaster for me !
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@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
14 Dec 08
Others before me have stressed that short-sightedness should not be blamed on reading alone. Other factors should be taken into consideration. I am an avid reader. I spend a lot of my time in front of the monitor. According to what you said I should be wearing thick glasses or contact lenses because I shall be 50 in February. The reality is I can still read without wearing glasses. all the best, rosdimy[b][/b]
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14 Dec 08
Hi rowe0525, Hey1 wearing glasses for reading is not so bad you know, if people tell you, you look ugly, they are jealous of you because you look smart and clever in them, so the more you read the smarter you get and thy they like you being smart, so keep reading and keep wearing your glasses, you look good. Tamara
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14 Dec 08
Reading doesn't affect your vision to that extent, unless you do it for extended periods (we're talking hours and hours without looking at anything else, here) or do something silly like trying to read in bad light. Monitors do more damage, but again it's mostly down to how long you spend focussed on one thing. Try contact lenses if you hate glasses. :)
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• China
14 Dec 08
I guess is the way you reading cause your short sight and not reading itself. If you take some break during reading a book for a long time, you will be ok and will not suffer the short sight. Anyway, that's only my opinion and I love reading.
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• United States
6 Jan 09
I love to read and I have to wear reading glasses or the words or blurry. Since I do love to read I do wear the glasses rather than not to be able to read at all. I have a pair sitting by my recliner, a pair by my computer and I keep a pair in my purse. It does not bother me to wear glasses.