What do you need to know before starting a home business?

@Nireths (149)
United States
December 15, 2008 11:38am CST
Yes, I've been thinking about it for a long time. I'll either want to make a card/letter business or something to do with art. Haven't decided exactly what yet. But I want some opinions on what people think it's important to know. All help is appreciated!
1 response
15 Dec 08
If you're thinking of making handcrafted greetings cards, then my advice would be to go for something a bit unique. There are so many people making cards (I tried selling mine but it's really difficult to get into), so you need something that's different. There isn't a lot of mark-up with card either - for some reason people will still pay a fortune for a mass produced handmade card from a card shop, rather than buy a truly handcrafted card for a crafter. Sorry - hope I haven't put a dampner on things. Wish you all the best with whatever you decide to do. Babs x
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