Tell me how to lose weight?

December 18, 2008 1:53am CST
My height is 170 centimeters,now i has 68KG, last year still 50KG. Now many clothes pants can not wear in. It is very happy for marriage, but ignored the figure, to go too much beauty salon, but nothing better effect, you must also like me. A personal success reducing weight to the friends to tell me how I can lose weight, thanks! Don't medicaments to reduce weight!
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15 responses
@aidenw (632)
• United States
18 Dec 08
exercise is important in trying to lose weight, but you also need to drink plenty of water and eat healthy like a lot of fruits and vegetables. you also need enough sleep. people who don't sleep enough (at least 7 or 8 hours everyday) will actually gain weight. be careful about taking any medication to lose weight. many medications have bad side effects.
@Kumaresan (450)
• Malaysia
18 Dec 08
hello there... i think the basic technique is exercise, exercise and exercise... everyday morning, wake up like 6am and get yourself active by taking coffee or something else... then you warm up yourself for 10 minutes and then go out and start jogging... morning sun light is pretty good and the air atmosphere also quite cold and very nice too... don't jog until your legs start to make some pain... make sure you rest and run and rest and run... repeat this process... don't run always... this will lead to muscle tissue tear...
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@okwusman1 (2247)
• Abuja, Nigeria
18 Dec 08
To loose weight it is simple just do the followings: 1. excercise regularly, it could be a walk or bike ride 2. Don't eat heavy or weighty food before sleep 3. Stop eating fats enriched foods 4. Be scarce at fast food joints 5. Eat fruits always especially apples etc.
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@okwusman1 (2247)
• Abuja, Nigeria
18 Dec 08
To loose weight it is simple just do the followings: 1. excercise regularly, it could be a walk or bike ride 2. Don't eat heavy or weighty food before sleep 3. Stop eating fats enriched foods 4. Be scarce at fast food joints 5. Eat fruits always especially apples etc.
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@sivanj (1263)
• India
18 Dec 08
hi friend, welcome to mylot. i strongly recommend that you don't get involved in any wight reducing programs which aim at reducing money. they may work for some but with the smallest of mistakes can make a serious problem for many. i read such a thing recently. well lets look at whats happening and what should we need to do. we eat and the energy helps us do work. the excess is stored. they increase our weight. so we need to burn down the excess calories i our body. only way is to do more work by the way of exercises/walking/running. you need to work till sweat stars running out. this shows that calories are getting burnt. the next (very)important part is to control what we eat. this is important because as long as we keep eating more we will keep adding more to our weight. in one way we burn calories and in another we can't keep adding. like opening the tap and starting the pump also. the tank will never get emptied. also remember we can't just open the tap and if we don't put input the tank empties (we reach critical state). i know one person was critically ill after doing this. so reduce the food slowly - might be marginally for a month and then again for the next. if you reduce food intake, acid which used to be produced to digest will not get reduced. it will automatically get produced. as you eat less, the acid eats your intestine walls. this may end in ulcers. very important that you plan the weight reduction for a longer period.
@yhtan74 (97)
• Malaysia
18 Dec 08
The most comment cause of weight gain is related to your eating habit. Check what have you been eating lately. Take notes on all the food you eat and do a calorie count of it. It will give you some indication on how much calorie you been taking in and this is mainly the cause of weight gain. Continue to do exercise and reduce the food intake per meal but spread out to many meal. Alternatively is to get a good dieting guide. Check out my blog for info. You can find it in my profile.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
19 Dec 08
don't eat junk food, don\t drink pop, don't snack have three good nutritious meals a day, exercise
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
19 Dec 08
I guess what you need is physical exercise. Try enrolling yourself to a gym that could hellp you loss that weight. Another thing is to choose the right food you eat could one big factor why you are gaining weight. Last option is when all things fail is to have yourself check a doctor. It may be that you may be having some hormonal imbalance which could trigger this unusual weight gains. But then if the first two options worked for you then I guess the last option may be skipped already.
@nengs10 (3180)
• Philippines
19 Dec 08
To lose weight is a hard thing to do. It needs a lot of discipline and determination to do it. Anyway, exercise is the key and proper diet of course. When you say proper diet, it doesn't mean starving yourself. It just implies that you have to eat the right kinds of food; hence, those healthy food.
@ashar123 (2357)
• India
20 Jan 09
[b]The best way to reduce weight is to control your appetite and have exercise. To control your appetite, you must leave taking rice, oil and fatty foods in your diet. When you leave such items in your daily diet, then you will see the difference within one month. Other way is by having exercise on daily basis and the best exercise in which muscles of all your body work is swimming. Try swimming three to four times in a week for 1 to 2 hours. You will feel relaxed and naturally your body will loose weight.[/b]
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
19 Dec 08
Dear friend, There are many ways to reduce weight but the only thing one need most is willingness and willpower to do those weight reducing methods. Some of them are like dieting keeping in mind the health aspect too, exercise is good but sometimes it do strain and apart from all this I hope the best one is Yoga, it reduces weight and also helps to maintain a healthy body and mind and moreover it is not too difficult to if we get an expert Yoga teacher. The in home or ourself way of reducing weight is doing some exercises and dieting keeping the health fact in mind.
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
19 Dec 08
If you will watch your diet and exercise faithfully, you will lose weight.. Eveyone who does this loses weight.. It is the food that we put into our mouths that help us to gain the weight and it is also the sedentary lifestyle that we live that keeps the weight on.. There would be no need for diet pills if we were more careful about what we eat.. Good luck to you..
@durga11 (23)
• India
19 Dec 08
yes i also try to lose my xtra weight for that i joined gym with that i used to do yoga & taking food as my instructure told me & go for long walk early in the morning. so you also try it & really you feel better
• Philippines
19 Dec 08
Make a hunger strike for 1 for no reason at all. Then sleep only for one our everyday. Surely, you will lose weight.
• Philippines
19 Dec 08
In addition, always remember your problems. That will also help.
@rajeshank (253)
• India
18 Dec 08
the good way to reduce weight is diet control thats the major way to reduce weight.the other methods are exercise and warm ups...these are ways to reduce weight according to me..:)