dine in or take-out

December 18, 2008 2:39pm CST
it is very seldom that i do take-out whnever i enter fastfood or restaurant...there are poeple who do take-out if theyd int have anyone with them..peoplethat find it hard to dine alone...i have this problem before but whenever i am hungry dead hungry i will dine even alone. what about you are more of dine-in or take-out when alone?
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6 responses
@acevivx (1566)
• Philippines
20 Dec 08
I don't dine in if I'm alone nor do I take-out. I usually dine out with my friends whether for lunch or dinner but i don't eat at fastfoods or restaurant if I'm alone and i also don't go to a fast food or restaurant to take out.If I'm very hungry, I still don't dine in alone. That's why if i know I have to be out for a long period of time where I might be caught during lunchtime or dinner time outside, i see to it I bring along someone to go with me so that i have a companion when I have to dine-in or javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$cphMainContent$lbStart','')have to take out some food.
@carinio98 (2929)
• Philippines
19 Dec 08
it depends. sometime if you are in hurry going home sometimes you take it out. or if your in a date you eat it there. it depends on the situation and day.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
18 Dec 08
Normally I like to take out except for McDonalds, I just love to go to mcDonalds, on my own for this one, I like to sit down and read their newspaper they provide for the customers, I find mcDonalds a very relaxing place and yummy food..
@toddsarm (766)
• Canada
19 Dec 08
I like to take out
• Norway
18 Dec 08
If i would order a food in a fastfood chain, i would be dining in if im not in a hurry. But thats only seldom. Most of the time, you can see me walking while eating the foods that ive taken out. But that doesnt happen when im in a restaurant. I usually eat it there, no matter im alone. If I have the intention of buying in the restaurant and taking it out, I dont eat it before im in the house since its not "something" that can be eaten while walking and without a proper utensils.
• United States
19 Dec 08
I definitely enjoy both, there is no question in that. Heck, I even like dining alone. It's fine with me. Sometimes I enjoy being by myself. But never underestimate the power the takeout. You just want to get something quick, get home because you've been rushing all day. I've been there.