People who are or want to, start a new business in 2009

@toms65 (84)
United States
January 3, 2009 3:01pm CST
I am curious how many people here on myLot are starting, are planning to start, or are considering starting their own business in 2009. What I wanted to know is this your first business? Do you have other businesses that you run or do you work for someone else? What kind of business are you starting? Will it be online, offline or both? Are you dealing in physical products or is it a service business? The main reason I'm asking is that I am now putting together a quick business plan to start a business that will start online but move to both online and offline. It is in the field for which I've worked since 1991 and now more than ever, it is something I think can be useful by helping people with credit card debt. Is your new business idea in the field you have experience in or is it a whole new direction for you?
2 responses
• United States
8 Jan 09
You should certainly have very little trouble finding clients for this venture. The credit card companies seemed to have increased the amount of mailings, where they offer cards at "low" interest rates. It will be quite some time before many people get themselves out of the holes the lending institutions helped them dig.
@toms65 (84)
• United States
10 Jan 09
No doubt that it won't be long before they are back to their old ways. It's too profitable for them to resist. It's going to be up to people to take control of their own finances more than ever before.
@btwmoney (111)
• United States
3 Jan 09
tom, you idea sounds interesting, could say more about that? Actually I am also planning to get into a new business, but my problem is that I haven't done any business before and it is my first time. So I grabbed a lot of books and keep studying these days, trying to pick up most things I need to know. I will let you know if I make any progress in my business. Happy mylotting!
@toms65 (84)
• United States
4 Jan 09
It's great that you are moving in the direction of taking better control of your finances and ultimately your life. One of things I have read from some very successful people...and mind you, I DO NOT mean the Wall Streeters and others who have nearly buried our financial system while personally enriching themselves....I mean people who understand that running a business is about treating the client like they are the most important thing and treating their employees with respect and professionalism. They emphasize 2 aspects over and over. First, focus on creating a business around what you already know how to do. Whether you've worked a job or you've been a housewife or stay-at-home mom or dad, you have skills. You are more likely to succeed in a new business doing something you already know how to do. Second is to find a need that is not being filled...and fill it! If you look at my comments to the previous poster, I explain what I plan to do. This is a variation on the kind of work I've been doing. I looked at the my skill sets looked at a need that could be served better than it currently is and that's how I came up with the ideal business opportunity for me at this time. I have others ideas as well and when you follow these suggestions you may find you have to choose one of several good ideas. I plan to pursue other options as well, most are complimentary to my original idea but 1 step at a time. I wish you tremendous success in whatever business you pursue!