the meaning of life

January 7, 2009 10:34am CST
What sense given to these words: dreams to live and not live to dream you...what is the difference and do what is right?
1 response
@Alvin09 (33)
• Philippines
7 Jan 09
I'm not that cleared about your post, but lets try to understand that. Lets illustrate it for 2 kinds of people. The 1st person states to be the one who makes to dream and other goes to the 2nd person. The person who makes dream to live is like, planning its future. He plans through set of dreams like goals. He elaborates every instances that could be done by the future. For me this should our life be focus. Next is the 2nd person that we assume to live for dreams. I think this aspect categorizes the idea of being day dreamer. This kind of life doesn't correspond any decisions and just take actions without giving concern in its future. Usually this kind of life had been experienced by most people. Especially when they were jailed to problems. Day dreamer persons only relies with the flow of their dreams. I think I make it complicated. Haha. But I hope I give you a bit help. Take care always...