Do you clean your surroundings by yourselves or by hired labourers?

January 12, 2009 11:03am CST
My backyard has turned into a mini forest and became home to hundreds of rats,frogs,insects,a few cats,tree dogs and a few snakes.So I decided to clean up the place.While I was standing before my gate a casual labourer went by and I called him to shaw the back yard.He said he will charge $10 for the job.I was taken by surprise at the huge labour cost and sent him away.Then I decided to do it by myself.I started the cleaning tday earlt morning and by evenig it is cleaned up.I saved my precious $10 though I had to confront with some of the members of the animal kingdom.Some ran away.Some ran amok without knowing where to go.Some sent out a hissing sound,I think you know who is it.LOL.Atlast I made it.In the evening I had a bath in luke warm water and had a sumptous dinner.It felt really tasty after a tiresome job.What about you.Do you enjoy the work in your own home and surroundings or get it done by hired labourers?
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4 responses
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
He would have cleaned your whole yard for $10 and you thought that was too much! How much do you think he should have cleaned for? I wouldn't have done it for $100 never mind $10. It sounds to me like a big job. But since you liked doing it yourself then it is good that you saved some money. I clean houses for a living and I charge $30 an hour so for me $10 for the whole day cleaning the yard, I couldn't do it. I am a little surprised by this discussion. Where do you live that you think that was too much money? How cheap is the labour where you live and would you clean some one's yard for only $10. I would sooner walk the ditches for bottle returns. In an hour a person could pick up $10 worth of bottles.
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• India
29 Apr 09
Hi Chrizlots, I think you are from canada and I am from India.Here the rate of labour is not cheap as you think.But the difference is that of the inflation and currency value.The normal wage rate is 250 INR which when converted is approximately $5.You said that you charge $30 for cleaning purposes.So I assume that is the normal charge.But what if someone comes and charge $60.Isn't that gross?.That's what happened here too.He charged the double of the normal rate.You should not compare the labour charges on the basis of your currency.What you get for $10 dollars there we get it here for 50 INR i.e, just $1.I hope it helped you a bit.
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• United States
12 Jan 09
I end up doing it myself or with the help of hubby. I enjoy it while I am doing it, I just don't like the getting started part. I love how it looks and feels after I am done and know that I have really accomplished something. Sometimes, for the outside work, I wish I could hire someone to tend to all the yard stuff (we have a good sized yard).
• India
12 Jan 09
oh I too have the same feeling,the difficult part is to get started.Greater still is the satisfaction I get when it is over,thanks for the response
• United States
12 Jan 09
I prefer doing this kind of work on my own (well, with the help of everyone in the household that is) because I know how I want things, I know where I want to remove plants, I know how I want to organize, and so on. I can very well tell people what to do, but I feel it's far more gratifying accomplishing these tasks.
@opikoji (154)
• Indonesia
12 Jan 09
I clean it on my own since I was a kid... never used a maid or such thing like that... I have many too many little things that have to handle very delicately... like action figures and comics... LOL...