Are you a mac or pc user?

United States
January 21, 2009 12:10am CST
Like everyone else I was a pc (windows) user for the first 22 years of my life and was bearing all the nuisances of frequent crashes, unwanted virus attacks and really horrible operating system. Then I was loaned a macbook at the place of my work. That is when I started to get to know what I had been missing all this while. The operating system was a breeze took no time for me to get used to it. The whole interface was exhilarating and I knew then and there that there was no turning back from there. After 6 months I got a macbook pro and from then on till now (almost 2 years after) my love affair with my computer continues! If you can believe it I was an Apple hater before and now I just realize how stupid I had been. I have never had any serious problems with crashes or anything of that sort. And I have never had any sort of virus attack or anything for the past two years. My guess is that the resistance to change is so much that we dont even explore a different operating system other than monopolized windows. So my suggestion to everyone of you there is to atleast try the MAc operating system before rejecting it!
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5 responses
@felicas83 (311)
• Ecuador
21 Jan 09
i love MAC, its great.. You got to recognize that it has some flaws like every opertavie system, but in general the experiencie has been awesome, not like windows that you got a lot of problems to face like vcrahses, viruses, drivers compatibility problems and all things like that!!!!
• Ecuador
21 Jan 09
and the new unibody macs are awesome!! The new macbook and macbook pro lloks amazing!!! i have a MAC G4 Cube and a Macbook (the second generation, the white one) for about 3 years and got no problem with any of theme computers!!!!
• United States
21 Jan 09
Yeah I actually felt the new unibody macbooks in the apple store recently and they felt so solid and lighter compared to my older macbook pro. It definitely is a breakthrough!
@saralp (224)
• India
22 Jan 09
Way to go!!! Got my iMac 24 inch just a month back and I m already moving my mouse to the top left corner of my window instead top right while working on MS Windows XP :), I totally agree its time for us to go the Mac-Way. Leopard Mac OS is an absolutely cool OS that might just wipe ur memory of words like "crashes", "freezes", and importantly "slow". . It has all sorts of in-built applications u will be making use of. The only problem is that, it has just started to attract a lot of attention so We need to wait for some applications that have cool features on windows to be put on Mac too. For Example : Yahoo messenger for Mac OS still hasn't got the Photo sharing feature as it does on Windows(correct me if I m wrong, coz they might have put that feature on the nxt release by the time some one is reading this). Another cool thing is its Applescript,which is very easy to learn. U can totally automate applications once u get the hang of it. I am not blaming windows for its flaws in Windows OS series, which still continues to earn all negative reviews. Its just not competent enough for Mac OS
• United States
22 Jan 09
You are correct about the yahoo messenger. And yes Apple script and the Automator make scripting look like a piece of cake and like a lot easier. The problem with windows was that the lack of competition (due to monopolization by microsoft) made it really lack innovation and hence windows vista. Now however if you have taken a sneak peek at the new microsoft OS windows 7 you will find a lot of innovation and thought being put into it. This is what competition is all about. Competing against one another makes both more effective and better!
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@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
21 Jan 09
^_^ Howdy!.... kdeepak1984!.... Actually, my first computer was an Apple IIe back then late of 80's. When the hype, the hoo-hoo and haa-haa of MS Windows on the 90's I was lost from Apple and Mac and I know Apple has hard struggle to live in the limelight of computer worlds. After a long time using MS Windows just like you have felt kdeepak1984 I want to get back again on Mac or Apple. But just like on 90's before PC price with MS Windows installed, was averaging on 1,000 to 2,000 dollars or more to feel its graciousness then. And now latest Apple Mac computers are just like then on a PC. Because of my frustrations on having an Apple Mac because of its not a cheaper price, I'm using the Linux Ubuntu on my PC for a year now. And my desktop appearances and effects feels like almost an Apple Mac desktop.... lol.... ^_^ But soon I will able to go back again or use the latest Apple Mac computers. ^_^ Enjoy!....
• United States
21 Jan 09
I know they are kind of expensive but the value for the money you et with them is the highest. They have made it clear that they dont compete in the lower cost market and i hope they do so in the future.
@jtr115 (722)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I currently have one of each: an iMac desktop computer in my bedroom and a Dell laptop PC in my living room. My family's first computer was an Apple II Plus with 64k of RAM (a huge amount at the time!) We later upgraded to the II-GS and bought a Macintosh sometime in the early '90s. I got my own iMac a few years later and still use it.
• United States
22 Jan 09
So you must clearly know the advantages and disadvatanges of both the systems. I am sure the Mac is more hassle free and easy to use!
@masata (408)
• Indonesia
28 Jan 09
Currently, I uses both windows and linux (still waiting for my first MAC though :(( ). I explore both because I want to know as much as possible the difference between these two. So far, I am convenient in using windows in terms of application, gaming, etc. But in terms of networking capability I will prefer linux (especially ubuntu and openSUSE). Sometimes I prefer to work more in linux because I want to use the open-source software alternatives so that in the end I don't depend on windows too much.