Cold pizza or warm?

@bamakelly (5191)
United States
January 27, 2009 8:56am CST
I am a person that doesn't mind some foods cold especially when it comes to pizza. Do you absolutely have to heat it up if you want to eat more the next day or can you munch on a piece that is cold?
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12 responses
@aweins (4199)
• India
5 Feb 09
hi bamakelly, my dear friend, i love pizza and my hubby too. us to make it at home but now after pregnancy, w people dont have much time left for many things and because now i ave gained weight, i dont eat pizza. but then too, we people like warm pizzas, we re not the oone who owil love to eat cold onoes, if it is cld aso, before eating, we wll warm it u once again and then going to eat. alllmy family members love t hot or arm, nobody likes cold,next day nobody even wanna see it. tey will eat it just that day, no carrying forward.
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@aweins (4199)
• India
6 Feb 09
thanks my dear friend, for selecting my response as the best. happy mylotting.
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• United States
27 Jan 09
There are just some foods that I prefer cold, cooked in the beginning but cold to eat. Pizza is one of them. French fries work that way for me too. I cook them then let them sit out til their room temp or I stick them in the fridge till they're the right temp.
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• Canada
27 Jan 09
Fries are another food I prefer hot! To me cold or room temp fries or pizza just seems wrong to me!
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• United States
28 Jan 09
I can eat it cold,rite out of the fridgie.I am a or cold I like it.especially the next day.I wake up at nite and grab a slice out of the fridgie.then have another in the morning.just can't get enough. Crazy huh.must be the Italian in me.
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@Toony182 (256)
• United States
30 Jan 09
I really hate eating pizza (and most foods) straight out of the fridge. I suppose I would eat it cold if I had to thanks.
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@tooincome (345)
• United States
28 Jan 09
i prefer to have my pizza warm because its more tasty that way. however, i can still eat pizza cold (cooked of course) from the fridge. it does taste good but id rather have a warm one. sometimes i'm lazy to warm it up in the microwave and i'll just munch away at it
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• United States
5 Feb 09
I like cold pizza warmed a little bit. Cold if it wasn't in the fridge, warm if it was.
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• Dallas, Texas
27 Jan 09
I would rather for my pizza to be hot but if I am to lazy to put it in the microwave I will eat it cold and love it. Sometimes I will put one in the microwave and then eat one cold while I wait.
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
27 Jan 09
I can eat it cold but I prefer my pizza hot, I like it better this way.
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• Canada
27 Jan 09
I wouldn't say that I absolutely HAVE to have pizza hot, but I prefer it that way. Something about cold pizza just doesn't do it for me anymore. I used to love eating it cold, but not anymore for some reason.
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• Finland
27 Jan 09
Absolutely no cold pizza for me
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@May2k8 (18156)
• Indonesia
27 Jan 09
I prefer eat warm pizza, i don't like eat cold pizza it make my teeth hurt when i eat cold pizza.
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@djemba (767)
• India
27 Jan 09
I am a big foodie. And my fav. food is Pizza. Whenever I hear pizza my mouth starts watering. I prefer eating them hot.Really hot with lots of origano and no ketchup. Cold pizza lose the taste. A warm pizza can be relished moree than a cold one.