How do you get your kids to stay in

@ersmommy1 (12588)
United States
January 28, 2009 10:34am CST
bed when they are sick? My daughter has asthma. She has got this cough. It has been hanging around for almost 2 months.We go through this every winter. And she has been to the doctor several times. Well today, I just decided to keep her in bed. She has an old computer that plays movies. She is watching the "Little Mermaid" What tricks do you use?
7 responses
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Well when little sis is sick now we just let her lay and watch television even if it is on the couch. As long as she is resting. We use books,coloring books,crayons,puzzles,and games.
• United States
30 Jan 09
You mean other than duct tape? :)
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Jan 09
I dont worry about my kids staying in bed but they do need to be settled when they are sick..Usually they'll hang out in their tv room and play video games or be on the computer etc and soemtimes they like to hang out downstairs with me and we'll watch movies etc...
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
29 Jan 09
My son does not really stay in bed. He lays around on the couch all day when he is sick though. I just tell him that he needs to rest and that means staying put and not doing a whole lot. Resting and taking a nap in between tv shows is usually what he does.
@kezabelle (2974)
29 Jan 09
I dont keep them in bed! I bring their duvet downstairs and a pillow and get them to lay down on the sofa then they are near me can watch tv play with toys if they feel up to it but can still rest and get better, i find they are more likely to sta relaxing and resting if they can be where I am than if I put them in bed!
@money123 (27)
• Morocco
28 Jan 09
thanks freind
• United States
28 Jan 09
I am experiencing almost the same thing today. My daughter has a small cold, and stayed home from school. I use the movies to keep her in bed, and I do go in from time to time to lay down with her. It seems to help if she has company for a bit every now and then. We get out the coloring books and crayons, and go to work on new pictures for the refrigerator. If you have a game system, you might want to try that too.