Do you drink sodas?

@JenInTN (27514)
United States
January 28, 2009 6:37pm CST
I do drink soda. I like a strange kind's called Mello Yellow and made by Coca Cola company. When I went west,they had never even heard of I drink a 20 oz bottle a day. I know it's terrible for me but sometimes I can't resist it. Do you drink soda? What's your favorite? If you don't drink soda..what do you like to drink?
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26 responses
@balasri (26537)
• India
29 Jan 09
Yes I do .But only when I go to the restaurants.Mainly with Chinese food and Pizza.My favorite is Coke.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
30 Jan 09
My pleasure.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hi balasri! I like it when I go out too. It is really good with pizza or chinese food. Thanks for responding
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• Trinidad And Tobago
29 Jan 09
As f last year when I tasted Orange Juice at Rituals, I completely stopped drinking all soda for a while. It was GOOD. Most people seem to be drinking juice these days in the Caribbean esp. Tampico though I doubt you may have heard of it.
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• United States
29 Jan 09
Tampico is pretty good and taste a lot like Sunny D.. We have it in TN, but it isn't as poplular as Sunny D, a lot better deal but still not as popular..
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I have heard of Tampico! We do have that here as Donna stated. I keep a huge jug of orange juice in the fridge all the time because I like it too. I'll have to try it the next time I'm at the store. Thanks for the response.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
29 Jan 09
Hi dear i do drink sodsa but not that much and try to avoid it where i can. Hmmm well i have not heard of Mello Yellow too, though my younger broker work in Coca Cola plant and i have seen it tooo. and hey control ur intake, exvcessice soda is not good Take care
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
30 Jan 09
Its Ok Dear Friend should take care of each other Wish u all the best Take care
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
31 Jan 09
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Thank you cupid..your always looking out for me. I do try and control it and drink a lot of things that are good for me too.
• United States
29 Jan 09
i very seldom drink them. i am famaliar w/mellow yellow tho.when i do drink them i drink diet coke. my main drink is sweet iced tea, bet u have heard of that to. lol.
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• United States
29 Jan 09
i drink it the year around. i even drink it for breakfast. i drink coffee when i get up but tea when i eat. prouud to be a hillbilly!! lol
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
YeeeHawww! You said it jo! lol
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
LOL...yes I have heard of that sweet tea. I like tea when it's hot outside. I tried this blueberry tea a few days ago and fell in love. It may become my new favorite.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
29 Jan 09
yes, I do but I won't say that I am a fond of it. If someone offers me then I can go and drink it but just for the sake of drinking, I don't think I would do that.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hi sanuanu! What is it you like to drink instead? Thanks for your response.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
29 Jan 09
You are always welcome. I use to drink soft drinks only. I have had hard drinks too but I don't like the taste and that's why I don't go for them. I drink only for taste. My favorite soft drink is Fanta from Coca cola company!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Fanta is good! Do you like the grape or orange? My kids like the grape.
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@K46620 (1986)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I enjoy lemon lime sodas, orange soda, and Mountain Dew, but I hate cola. I only drink one 12oz. can a week at most. I can't imagine the health hazards of drinking 20 oz. or so everyday. After that would probably cause your teeth will rot, unless you brush and floss them every day.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
LOL..hi k46620. I do drink a 20 oz a day but so far so good on my health and teeth. I visit the dentist regularly. I'm in pretty good health as far as I know and my weight is ok . That's not to say I won't pay for it in the future though. I am trying to cut back but sometimes it's hard. Thanks for your response!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
30 Jan 09
Wow..that is alot! Good she slowed down.
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
30 Jan 09
Yeah, 20 oz. is some what bad, but I have heard of much worse. My great aunt once had the habit of drinking about a dozen 12 oz. cans a day, fortunately she's stopped that.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
30 Jan 09
Actually I do not drink of lot of soda, or aerated drinks generally although on the odd hot day when I am driving the truck, I might feel like a can providing that it is really chilled that is. It would be a rare thing though and is often just a change from water or sometimes cordial that I drink. At one stage my one of my daughters used to drink Mello Yellow but I have no idea who made it or even if it is still available here in Australia. I will have to ask her next time we talk on the phone as she might have some idea. There is no guarantee of that as from memory it was about 8-10 years ago when it was alls he would drink. Now given a choice, I will drink a brown brew, made with hops and pure nectar. Just cannot drink it when I am going to be driving though.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
30 Jan 09
Heyya oldboy! I like mine chilled too. I don't like it warm at all. That daughter of yours must have hood too...that brew sounds pretty tasty while at home to stay for a for responding!
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Yes, even though I know I shouldn't because I have bad kidneys. My weakness is for ABC rootbeer in the glass bottles. However, I only buy that about once a month usually when I'm having my period because I'm kind of angry.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
LOL..does it help when you buy it? If it does I'll get it for my daughter when she's having hers...LOL...j/k...It is hard the kidneys. Thanks for the response!
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
29 Jan 09
I enjoy plain soda with lots and lots of crushed ice and some lemon juice and salt in it. I mainly enjoy it in summers. Now a days winters are going cannot think of taking a chilled soda.......LOL!
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@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
29 Jan 09
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Sounds good. I agree that it's better in the heat of summer for responding.
• United States
29 Jan 09
I remember when Mello Yello furst came out and I used to drink it. I wasn't aware that it was still made. I usually drink Gatorade these days, especially when I've been working out or practing my dance skills and I get all sweaty.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I think it's only available in mine and a few surrounding states now. With you doing all that working out and dancing it is probably better that you don't drink it anymore. Gatorade is a better choice for you. Thanks for the response.
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
29 Jan 09
yes very rarely I drink soft drinks that contains soda , I drink it less since it is not considered as good for health ,please check it for yourself
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hi Ganesh! I do realize it's not healthy. I try not to drink them in excess. I do love my Mellow Yellow'm trying to be better though. Thanks for your response.
• India
29 Jan 09
ya ,i like soda...i like cokecola ....i drink at least once in a day...i have about 2 petcan in my home...mainly i drink soda after eating my lunch for digestion...i like the taste..happy myloting and have nice day..
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hello my friend. I like the taste too. I am picky and want what I like. Thanks for responding.
• Philippines
29 Jan 09
I don't drink sodas, though I drink milk for breakfast, water before class starts, coffee during class and iced tea during meals. Sodas are too acidic they make me sick, and apart from that they're bad for my voice. My voice is part o' my asset because I use it to sing in church every sunday.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Some people are sensitive to things. You may even have an allergy to something in sodas. It's nice that you sing in church. Keep that voice in good shape. Thanks for responding!
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I used to love Mello Yellow, but I can't find it anymore. I didn't think they made it anymore. I drink more soda than anything else. I drink it in the morning instead of coffee. My co-workers tease me for it, but really they have their coffee...I have my soda. Diet Pepsi is my favorite. I used to drink Coke classic all the time until I switched to diet. I really don't like Diet Coke so I have since become hooked on Diet Pepsi.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hi ucibear! Just come a few miles south and you'll find could maybe send you some or something. I know alot of people that drink it all the time. It does give you a nice boost if you drink it in the morning. Thanks for the response and take care.
• United States
29 Jan 09
I do drink soda. I drink a few glasses of it a day. I used to be an avid Pepsi drinker but I've been converted to a Coke drinker because it's all my school serves and it's all I have access too that is free so I don't have to spend anything to drink it.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I can see why you have's not that much for responding.
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
29 Jan 09
oh i love soda. name it i will drink it. thats the reason why my wife insist me on drinking fruit shakes and juices for i am a sodaholic har har har. i am starting to like those juices and shakes and i am doing this for my child. i gont want him to be a sodaholic. i also am starting to drink tea.... not my personality but i am trying to be healthy
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I love soda it is important to be healthy. I don't give my girls soda everyday. It's a treat for them when we eat out or something. I leep alot of fruit juice in the house though. Thanks for responding!
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I drink colas and it doesn't have to be any particular brand, as long as it is diet and caffeine free.. I drink a glass a day, more or less.. I love Mello Yello also but I had never thought of it as being a local drink, I had never thought of it one way or the other but if asked, i would figure everyone knew about Mello Yello.. When my son was growing up, this was his favorite drink and when he would get his work, school or home, finished, we would take a walk to a little corner store and get a Mello Yello and a Star Crunch bar, they are made by Little Debbie and taste about like the Girl Scout Samoa's.. But I do still have to have my glass of coke every day..
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Heyya Donna! I love star crunches! It is not so much a local drink as a southeastern drink. Anywhere above Kentucky..none..below Georgia..none...west of Arkansas..none. I was shocked when I left the state and asked for it and everyone looked at me like I was I like a glass of coke with ice every now and again too. Thanks for responding.
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@dodo19 (47211)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
29 Jan 09
Yes, I do drink sodas. Not every day, but often enough. The soda I drink the most is either Pepsi or Coke. I'm really not picky about that, though my fiance is. He drinks pepsi. But for me, it doesn't make much difference. Put one or the other in front of me and I'm happy.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I'm picky like that like my Mellow Yellow but will have Dr.Pepper if I can't have it. Thanks for responding.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hey jen! I do drink soda and lots of it! I drink diet coke. I usually drink the store brand because I drink so much of it and it is cheaper to buy the big 3 liter bottles. It takes getting used to the taste, but it's ok. I can drink soda 24/7! I do drink green tea in the winter to warm up, but I still have my diet coke most of the day when I'm not drinking my tea or an occasional hot cocoa!
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I have tried some really good store brands before of soda. I do drink coffee on the weekends and try to drink water as much as I can but my soda...mmmm...Thanks for responding opal!
• India
29 Jan 09
I use to drink lemon water instead of SODA . Because its natural drink for health . SODA some times , I use with masala drink .
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hi amitsh8888! Water with lemon is better for you..that's for sure. I guess I've gotten use to the sweet taste and crave it. Thanks for responding.